STAX SR-L700 MK2 + STAX SRM-D50 Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier : Mini Review
Jan 17, 2023 at 2:28 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 5, 2013
The : USA
Date : 1-17-2023.

Amplifier Box : Its outstanding. One of the best opening experiences i've every enjoyed.

Headphones Box : Good quality, but not impressive.

Headphones Comfort : Perfect

Headband : Perfect

Cups : Leather - Perfect.

First, before i dive into the SQ of this Stax Package/Set, let me admire the Amplifier.

I have to tell you that i seldom feel that expensive Headphone related gear FEELS expensive and worth the high cost. But in the case of the Stax SRM-D50....This amp just oozes "High End" quality.
Its heavy, its built like a tank, and its just impressive regarding the Eye of the Beholder, and it gets very warm as the Aluminum heat sink body deals with it.

Next. The Stax L700 Mk2, are comfy. All day comfy.

And....I am new to the world of E-Stats, and i can only speak to the sound im hearing that is the end-product of this Combination.

STAX SR-L700 MK2 + STAX SRM-D50 Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier


Years ago, i owned the Koss E-stat $500 set and liked it, tho its extremely bass light.
It reminded me of the HD600 on sonic steroids, yet devoid of any bass. So, when i purchased this STAX Set-Up, i was concerned that i'd paid a bit of cash flow for a nice package, that was going to sound thin and trebly.
Have you heard the SADE song....>"Smooth Operator", from the '80s?
Well, this perfectly defines this Impressive all STAX Combo im now evaluating for you.
This particular set of E-Stat Stax Headphones being powered by this particular Stax Amp is velvet perfection FR wise, and otherwise.

Sound Wise :

In a nutshell the review is.....>" Stuff sounds REAL". "Wow". "Can't stop listening". "Right out of the box, the sound is magical". "why can't any Planer headphone sound this amazing"....

For the extended version of the Review........(see below).

Overall, this STAX Combo is smooth like polished Glass, yet powerfully dynamic and sonically rich.
And, you will hear details in your music that you've never heard before.. not a cliche'.
You dont just hear the music, you enter into the world of STAX sound, via this inspired set up.
The High end is magically extended, yet sweet and pure.
The Mids are lush, wide, natural, and ultra revealing.
Bass is deep and detailed and so satisfying. Its not basshead land, its just wonderfully Textured, Pure , and Full.

Consider me now everlastingly converted to the sonic wonderland of E-Stats, and that happened to me in less then 45 seconds into the 2nd song.
This gear plays everything with such tonal honesty, while expressing the music as : dynamic and full and rich.

This STAX Setup's sound is lush, full, sweet, and highly resolving.
The overall Clarity is beyond Planer, yet warm and you get all this at a volume that is very comfortable. = Plays extremely well at lower volume.


Treble :

Its extended but never harsh, never etched....just crystalline purity that never offends the ear, unless the chosen sound file is harsh. (avoid).

Midrange :

Warmish, lush, hyper clear, nuanced, and very detailed. Its that most precious type of Audiophile midrange that allows for musical dissection, while at the same time producing ultra tonal warmth and richness.

Bass :

Anti-Small and goes deep.... Its Very Full. Layered. Textured... Abundant. And if you turn the Volume UP !, it will pound your skull.
So, dial it back, and keep it real.

Soundstage :

Very immersive. Its intimate yet its wide.

Instrument Separation :

Beyond Planar, beyond Dynamic. Simply Perfection.

Speed..Articulation.. Dynamics :

Beyond Planar

Timbre :

Crystal Clear + Warmth + Lush

Final Analysis :

As compared to Dynamic or Planer sound... Its a step above.
This particular E-Stat setup offers you clarion insight into a different sonic universe..

It literally paints the sound for you in a brand new Velvet Light.
Very un-clinical sound : Instead its quite warmish....full.. while also offering hyper detailed clarity. One thing to note is that their leading edge of sound is slightly round.

Who wont like this setup ?

Everyone who prefers that dry, clinical, unique Planer sound, or anyone who likes a "V" shape.
This is a decidedly FR tuned E-Stat Sound that ZMF would probably try to invent, yet STAX got there first.
Its ultra rich, warm, detailed, yet completely E-Stat sourced materials.

The Silky Smooth un-notched Volume Knob is sensitive, and very well implemented.
LOUD : is reached by 9am on the Dial.

If you are into Photography, ... the camera i used to produce the photo below is a Fuji X-T5, and the Lens is a Zeiss Touit 2.8 :12mm wide angle.

Click on it 2x to see more details.

Stax -Amp.JPG
Last edited:
Mar 26, 2023 at 8:24 PM Post #2 of 3
Well, thanks for this,
Ive got ZMF Atrium open ,and Verite closed,
Just sold my Lcd5's.
Was wanting more.
Well , ive been watching Stax since 1975.
Today i bought L700 mk2 and 400s energiser.
Thank you for this review.
Mar 27, 2023 at 12:32 PM Post #3 of 3
Well, thanks for this,
Ive got ZMF Atrium open ,and Verite closed,
Just sold my Lcd5's.
Was wanting more.
Well , ive been watching Stax since 1975.
Today i bought L700 mk2 and 400s energiser.
Thank you for this review.

You'll find the L700mk2s to be very rich and full....very musical.
Some E Stats are very airy, dry, slightly thin, and lacking bass.
The L700mk2s are not that sound.
Your energizer is a good one also.. i love mine..... Lots of power and quite neutral, which is a perfect match for the L700MK2's.

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