Stax SR-407s Are in The House
Dec 31, 2010 at 5:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Headphoneus Supremus
Nov 15, 2008
A few weeks ago, I was going back and forth between the He-6 and SR-507. I couldn't afford both and since I already had a pair of lambda signatures, I chose the HE-6. Well since that time I've sold the sigs and now have a pair of SR-407. So I can't compare them directly to the sigs but from memory I must say that they are a nice upgrade. Out of the box, they sound similar. They both are very detailed, extremely transparant, and have a very nice soundstage. Another thing I loved about the sigs was just how cohesive the sound was. There weren't any noticeable dips or peaks in the frequecy range. Everything was just so coherent. The same is also  true about the 407s, but one thing the sigs have that the 407s doesn't have is that infamous upper midrange etch. The sigs would have been almost perfect if it wasn't for that. So I'm glad to report the the etch is gone. As a result the sound smoother and grain free. As clear sounding as the sigs were, the 407s are even more clear tha the sigs. Another improvement is the bass. There's not as much quantity, but the quality is better. The bass isn't boomy(a trait of all lambas). It isn't quiet as tight as the bass on my HE-6s, but it's close. The bass is also more refined. In short I would say that the 407 are a more refined, smoother sounding version of the sigs without the etch. This is a wonderful feat because I prefer the sigs over any dynamic can I've ever listened to. And the best part is, these are out of the box impressions. So they aren't even burned in yet. I will report back once I have some more time on these.
Jan 1, 2011 at 12:43 AM Post #2 of 12
Please, once you've had some time to sense the flavor. Thanks.
My guess, is that except for the differences attributable to the ear cushions and cable, the 507 is pretty much the same.
Jan 1, 2011 at 1:23 AM Post #4 of 12

Please, once you've had some time to sense the flavor. Thanks.
My guess, is that except for the differences attributable to the ear cushions and cable, the 507 is pretty much the same.

I meant trying to decide between the HE-6 and the 507s. I ended up with the HE-6 and eventually the 407s. I wish I had the 507s to compare. As of right now, the 407s are a little dry sounding compared to the HE-6. The HE-6 also have a little more extension at both ends of the spectrum. But the 407s haven't been burned in yet. On the other hand, the 407s have a little wider soundstage(but not as deep) and more bass impact. I would say that they aren't far behind as of right now. But I prefer the HE-6. But when you look at 600.00 vs 1000.00, the 407s are a better value. To get world class sound at this price is pretty amazing. But overall, the jury is still out. The mids are a bit warmer, but I am driving them with a SRM-T1S which IMO is a very good match for a lambdas. I much prefer it to the SRM1 MKII(C version) I used to have. Not because it's that much better, but because I prefer the lushness a tube amp brings. But as of right now, I'm very happy with the 407s, and I can see myself listening to them as much as the HE-6s and I couldn't see myself selling neither.
Jan 1, 2011 at 5:56 PM Post #6 of 12

The color scheme matches my T1S nicely. The cable is much wider than the cable on the sigs. The build quality is much better as well. But on the other hand, these are the heaviest lambdas I've ever encountered. They even weigh more than the sigmas I used to own. The clamping is tighter as well. Not really a problem  because they are still very comfortable and even more comfortable than my HE-6. After about 24 hours of burn in, the sound has smooth out. The dryness is gone, but they still aren't as organic as my HE-6s. The bass has tighten up some, and the highs have a little more sparkle. Right now the sound is more balanced than my HE-6s. But I still prefer the musicality of the HE-6s. They both however are on the same playing field. But just like you may have two teams playing on the same field, one has to be the looser and I say that the HE-6s comes out as the winner. Not like the Mississippi State(Go Bulldogs) Michigan game where it was a total blowout. But like the Florida Penn State game which went down to the end. The HE-6s just does most things a little better. But still, they need a burn in. I don't see them ever surpassing the HE-6, but they shouldn't. You're talking about 1000.00 vs 600.00. And I believe the HE-6s in their own right are an incredible value and competes with cans beyond their price range. So the fact that the 407s are as close as they are is truly amazing.
Jan 2, 2011 at 2:18 PM Post #9 of 12
Interesting comment that these are not as "organic" as the HE-6. I would gather that this would be even more so of a difference compared to the LCD-2's sound signature.
Looks as though Stax have taken a step in the right direction.An A/B to the 507 would be nice one day, but my guess, is that they will be very, very similar.
Jan 9, 2011 at 8:15 PM Post #12 of 12
^ Oops, typo. There is a SR-404 Limited Edition (which, is no longer in production) and that's the model I was referring to.
Sorry, I just realised that I hadn't answered your question. I only listened to these phones for a short time and under meet conditions. They were more similar than they were different. However, I felt that the SR-507 had more bass quantity that was tighter than the SR-407LE. 

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