Source for ATH-W2002! (if you are interested)
Jan 17, 2002 at 6:55 PM Post #46 of 55
Seriously, I have been on the cans since I brought it home today. Still trying to figure out how it sound compared to my CD3000.

Sound aside, I am impressed by the workmanship. The comfort level is very high.

My CD3000 tends to move quite alot when I turn my head. However, W2002 seem to cling nicely on my head, and it does not move much when I turn my head.

I am going to use my XLO to run-in the cans for the next 48 hours. I am quite confident that it would sound better after that.

Somehow, I can understand how other W2202 owners feel when they received the cans.

I am thrilled !!!
Jan 17, 2002 at 7:23 PM Post #47 of 55
uvak when I put the W2002's on for the first time I expected to be bowled over with warmth and sweetness and lots of bass. The first 10 seconds of listening were not in agreement with that! After a month they sound much better than those first few hours.

I also started examining my system lately, to see if it was on the same level as what I expect from the headphones. After reading lots of things I was especially struck by a comment that said digital playback is much better today than it was even just a few years ago. This was during a review of the Purpetual Technologies DAC, which along with the Dan Wright mod, is supposed to be one of those rare, rare products that sets new standards. So I'm going to demo one at home tomorrow! I'm starting to suspect that my W2002 is reflecting some of the limitations of my 10 year old CD player's DAC.

Anyway, I'll be checking for more info from you.
Jan 17, 2002 at 8:11 PM Post #48 of 55

Originally posted by M Rael

I also started examining my system lately, to see if it was on the same level as what I expect from the headphones. After reading lots of things I was especially struck by a comment that said digital playback is much better today than it was even just a few years ago. This was during a review of the Purpetual Technologies DAC, which along with the Dan Wright mod, is supposed to be one of those rare, rare products that sets new standards. So I'm going to demo one at home tomorrow! I'm starting to suspect that my W2002 is reflecting some of the limitations of my 10 year old CD player's DAC.

Anyway, I'll be checking for more info from you. [/B]

If you are thinking of buying the Perpetual after the audition, perhaps you might want to consider an used set. Someone in HK is trying to sell his for less than $2000. He has been posting in the website for quite awhile.

Let me know. Cheers.
Jan 17, 2002 at 8:13 PM Post #49 of 55
Yes, CD playback has com a LONG way over the last few years, but there's a new wrinkle to consider.

I'd like to suggest you check out either a new SACD player or DVD-A player. These devices (in general, and yes they vary so you must do research) have DACs in them whose performance will meet that of the Perpetual combo, plus play either SACDs or DVD-As. Dan Wright modified my Sony SCD-333ES SACD player and it sounds even better than stock which was excellent.

World class Redbook CD playback, plus SACD/DVD-A. Perpetual can't give you that.

There's lots of good info here on the site about the new formats and the machines that play them. If you want some extra help, pm me.

Jan 17, 2002 at 8:23 PM Post #50 of 55

Originally posted by markl
Yes, CD playback has com a LONG way over the last few years, but there's a new wrinkle to consider.

I'd like to suggest you check out either a new SACD player or DVD-A player. These devices (in general, and yes they vary so you must do research) have DACs in them whose performance will meet that of the Perpetual combo, plus play either SACDs or DVD-As. Dan Wright modified my Sony SCD-333ES SACD player and it sounds even better than stock which was excellent.

World class Redbook CD playback, plus SACD/DVD-A. Perpetual can't give you that.

There's lots of good info here on the site about the new formats and the machines that play them. If you want some extra help, pm me.


I agree. SACD is the way to go.
Jan 17, 2002 at 8:35 PM Post #51 of 55
Well I can get into the latest/greatest outboard DAC for well under a grand, while a new SACD is going to clean my clock. Plus, it kills me to think of all that bread I spent on the X707ES player just being tossed to the wind on account of SACD. What I'll wait for is an outboard SACD processor and not an entire machine. The CD player I have right now weighs almost 40lbs, so I'm thinking it will serve well as a transport. But hey, I really appreciate the feedback! I'm going to find out tomorrow just how different a new DAC sounds; and not just new, but supposedly a real winner for its price. They are discounting the Dan Wright mod to this DAC by the way. Its usually $300 all by itself. They are including it for an extra $100. They give a 30 day money back trial period, so hell, what can I lose. I'm diving in!

thanks again markl and uvak
Jan 17, 2002 at 8:41 PM Post #52 of 55
Sony SCD-555 SACD player via Oade Bros. (reliable and authorized dealer): roughly $600-$700 these days, original price $1700 when released 6 months ago. Go to Good Guys and see it for $1600 then buy from Oade. This machine is beautiful with fantastic build quality and top-notch sound, plus it has the new DAC and multi-channel playback.

Get the 555ES Modified by Dan Wright for an extra $375 and you've got an SACD player (a 5-disc changer to boot!) that costs less than the two Perpetual pieces.

Jan 17, 2002 at 9:23 PM Post #53 of 55
What a pleasure to read.....good work

The more I read the more intrested I get
Jan 17, 2002 at 10:16 PM Post #54 of 55

Originally posted by markl
Sony SCD-555 SACD player via Oade Bros. (reliable and authorized dealer): roughly $600-$700 these days, original price $1700 when released 6 months ago. Go to Good Guys and see it for $1600 then buy from Oade. This machine is beautiful with fantastic build quality and top-notch sound, plus it has the new DAC and multi-channel playback.

Get the 555ES Modified by Dan Wright for an extra $375 and you've got an SACD player (a 5-disc changer to boot!) that costs less than the two Perpetual pieces.


Jan 18, 2002 at 4:53 AM Post #55 of 55

Hughes Aircraft being Hughes Aircraft

My dad works for Hughes Aircraft (near LAX in Los Angeles) Its all mostly boeing now, but if ya need anything from hughes, I can ask him about it.

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