SoundStage! review of the Sensaphonics Soft 2-X
Feb 1, 2005 at 6:40 PM Post #3 of 39
Great review Doug
Feb 1, 2005 at 6:48 PM Post #4 of 39
Great review. Makes me want a pair and I already own them.
Feb 1, 2005 at 6:52 PM Post #5 of 39

Originally Posted by lindrone
Great review Doug

I would be remiss if I didn't give a big thanks to lindrone for hooking me up with Sensaphonics. He emailed them about having me do a review of their product, and they were more than happy to oblige. Without his help I doubt I would have gotten the review done, much less ever heard these wonderful IEMs! Thanks lindrone.
Feb 1, 2005 at 6:57 PM Post #6 of 39
Excellent review Doug, now I even know how ear molds are made
Feb 1, 2005 at 7:04 PM Post #7 of 39

Originally Posted by ServinginEcuador
I would be remiss if I didn't give a big thanks to lindrone for hooking me up with Sensaphonics. He emailed them about having me do a review of their product, and they were more than happy to oblige. Without his help I doubt I would have gotten the review done, much less ever heard these wonderful IEMs! Thanks lindrone.

Have you thought about reviewing the Ulitmate Ears UE10. I'm sure people here would like to see another comparison review since there are so few.
Feb 1, 2005 at 7:07 PM Post #8 of 39

Originally Posted by iamdone
Have you thought about reviewing the Ulitmate Ears UE10. I'm sure people here would like to see another comparison review since there are so few.

Seconded. I was about to PM Doug the same message.

Best regards,

Feb 1, 2005 at 7:21 PM Post #9 of 39
Thanks for this excellent review, it was a pleasure reading it. If I may ask one question, how would you rate the Sensaphonics against other full-sized headphones?

First lindrone's comparative review and now yours, it's getting harder and harder to resist the urge. It's also good to see that you are still using the Aural Thrills Active Palladium cables.
Feb 1, 2005 at 7:24 PM Post #10 of 39

Originally Posted by iamdone
Have you thought about reviewing the Ulitmate Ears UE10. I'm sure people here would like to see another comparison review since there are so few.

Yeah, Welly Wu tried unsuccessfully to get UE do have me do a review. They declined, and I moved onto Sensaphonics. I originally wanted to do the Ue review first, but had to do some quick thinking when that fell through. With all the hype and love about these high-end IEMs I figured there are a lot of other people who'd like to get in on the inside track to finding it.

Trust me, no one more than I wants to also try out the UE-10 to compare to the 2-X. The only problem I can see is that the UE-10 is a mere 13 ohms, making the possibility of running them off the PPX3-6SN7 impossible. I think that the 27 ohm Soft 2-X is the lower limit of what this amp can push without risking damage to the tubes or amp. If I could get impressions and a sweet solid state amp, other than the BitHead or OBH-11 I have, than I would push for a review of the UE-10. If I would have won the PreHead MkII I'd be one step closer.
Feb 1, 2005 at 7:35 PM Post #11 of 39
Hi Doug,

Nice review. I have two observations to make.

First, the price difference with the Ety, as presented, is not exact. The Sensa. are, if I understand correctly, comming with the custom mold. Something the Ety owners will have to pay as a costly option latter. (EDIT: O.K. the price difference is exact but the Sensa is already comming with the Ety optionnal upgrade)

Second, you wrote: «The Etymotics are painful -- always. I never forget they’re in my ears as they exert a constant, nagging pressure on my ear canals. Each insertion is painful, and each extraction a relief.» Maybe I'm not normal, but I never had that painfull experience with my Etys.

Again the review is well writen and it is a powerfull statement in favor of these phones. The retail price is 750$......hum.... ( Must stay with my «one phone a year Head-Fi survival strategy»....

Feb 1, 2005 at 8:01 PM Post #12 of 39

Originally Posted by ServinginEcuador
If I could get impressions and a sweet solid state amp, other than the BitHead or OBH-11 I have, than I would push for a review of the UE-10. If I would have won the PreHead MkII I'd be one step closer.

ServingInEcuador --

It is really a shame that your attempt for the UE-10 was unsuccessful.

If you do manage to get a pair or if the head amp is the limiting reagent...
I will gladly lend you my Emmeline HR-2 w/AD-797's for as long as you need.

I would like to hear a 2X-S/UE-10 review from you because I greatly respect your ears.

And, on top of that, you and I have similar sonic preferences -- I might be pushed to purchase one.

Again, the offer is out there -- if you are interested, be my guest.

Feb 1, 2005 at 8:08 PM Post #13 of 39
Nice review, I like how you covered all the bases including how you got your impressions done.
It makes me want to to buy them. This place giving me some expensive taste.
Feb 1, 2005 at 8:15 PM Post #14 of 39

It was indeed a very unfair fight between the Etys and Sensas. I only included it to show how much of a step-up it was to go from a generic fitting set of canal phones to the custom molded pair. If I could have talked Sensaphonics into doing a custom mold on the Etys for the review believe me, I would have!

I think that my daily cleaning of my ears with Q-Tips is the likely culprit of the painful Ety experience. I did try some OtoEase to lessen the pain, but it did very little. The silicon simply rubs me the wrong way, and is never more than slightly bearable. I wish it were different, but I just can't wear them it seems.
Feb 1, 2005 at 8:22 PM Post #15 of 39

Thank you for the very kind offer and words! I appreciate them both. I have been wanting to give the HR-2 a shot ever since MarkL posted his review. When I reviewed Ray Samuels' amps I made the choice to go with the Stealth since someone bought it and sent it to me for the express purpose. When I get back to the states in about a year I will try and get another amp or two from Ray to review. The Raptor, SR-71, XP-7, and other stuff he's always coming up with will give me plenty to pick from.


Don't think of this place as giving you expensive tastes, but more like a place that expands your boundaries and gives you lofty goals to aspire to. While it may take a Ramen diet for a while, the rewards once you arrive at your destination are more often than not well worth the effort and sacrifice.
Do your research, find out what it is you're looking for and looking to get out of your next headphone choice and you'll make success just that much more attainable. An upgrade is only an upgrade if it somehow improves upon what you already have. A sidestep isn't an upgrade, so be careful when moving brands of headphones!

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