Sony's new flagship 2014 - MDR-Z7
Aug 9, 2014 at 5:44 AM Post #121 of 9,179
  Does anyone think they might be better than the MDR R10?
not too many pictures available yet, I think this is the only one that isn't obscured with photoshop.

Thats a "peek a butt" foto...:p  
Kinda minimalist...simple lines....stealthy...ok...gonna stop speculating..n come back 20pages later. :p
Aug 9, 2014 at 7:44 AM Post #122 of 9,179
Thats a "peek a butt" foto...:p  
Kinda minimalist...simple lines....stealthy...ok...gonna stop speculating..n come back 20pages later. :p

Looks like the MDR-1R which does look good. Cable is most likely detachable.
Hopefully it won't be as disappointing as many other new Sony headphones that have fat, bloated bass that obscures everything.
The pictures show two different headphones I think. I'm worried about them using metal because of the potential of ringing and likely a lack of acoustic damping material.
Aug 9, 2014 at 8:58 PM Post #124 of 9,179
Why there is nothing in about these new headphones?

The target audience of certain Sony product is different globally. It seems that they are aiming this to be big in china/hong kong and eventually release it to other regions.
The big headphone makers have a different tunning philosophy for different part of world. They believe the sound that the American market likes is different to the sound for the Asian market. 
Aug 9, 2014 at 9:25 PM Post #125 of 9,179
^I agree about the tuning, but I think the flagship headphones will be released globally. China Sony decided to leak it because it's just how unorganized Sony is. We'll probably also see two sentence product descriptions on amazon for the flagship headphones.
Aug 9, 2014 at 9:53 PM Post #126 of 9,179
  ^I agree about the tuning, but I think the flagship headphones will be released globally. China Sony decided to leak it because it's just how unorganized Sony is. We'll probably also see two sentence product descriptions on amazon for the flagship headphones.

We are not sure if this is going to be a flagship or just a entry to a new line up that is going to be eventually leading to the release of a new flagship.
Aug 17, 2014 at 10:52 PM Post #128 of 9,179
Sony did introduced three headphones but two are bass cans.
  MDR-XB450 and MDR-XB250
Aug 19, 2014 at 12:01 AM Post #129 of 9,179
    Successor to the mdr-z1000.
  mdr-z7 & z5:
    Made in Japan.
Aug 19, 2014 at 1:46 AM Post #131 of 9,179
Aug 19, 2014 at 9:27 AM Post #134 of 9,179
  And there are some confirmed info in the threads if you read it.

This one? "收到可靠信息,此次发布的动圈新旗舰,100% Made in Japan。" It says that the flagship is made in Japan according to some reliable source, but not saying both Z7 & Z5.
I would like to see the new flagship is made in Japan. However, did Sony announce the specifications and these phones are MIJ officially? If not, how can you state that it is confirmed?

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