Sony MDR EX-83, does it look like?
Jan 1, 2014 at 7:23 AM Post #3 of 3
I believe the MDR-EX83 is the earphone that comes with the newer E- and S-series Walkman. Looks a lot like a plastic (?) hybrid-tipped version of the EX085/85. Can't comment on the sound since I haven't heard them.

sorry for posting on 3 year old thread but ex083 are excellent.
i got these with walkman e474 and i can say confidently they are better than brainwavz m3 in soundstage and bass.interms of clarity and instrument seperation brainwavz m3 are better.
but i like ex083 far far better.
sony mh-1 which is very comparable to m3 in all respects(albeit slightly inferior) are also pretty mediocre compared to ex083 for me.
btw my principal reference earphone is gr07 mk2

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