Smyth Research Realiser A16
Aug 21, 2019 at 11:45 PM Post #5,851 of 16,089
@Sanctuary: looks you were right after all about the A16 having some extra head-tracking capabilities...
If look-azi is switched ON, the angular span is set to +/- 30 degrees, five look angles are selected for the PRIR measurement, and look-rear is switched ON, then head-tracking is possible for head movements of 360 degrees during playback.
Aug 22, 2019 at 12:10 AM Post #5,852 of 16,089
You know I'm thinking it might be a great idea to form a A16 Realizer Users Group with its own website with the idea that it would share knowledge regarding the A16 on a variety of topics each with its own thread"

I agree, but I think a Wiki might be a better way to organize the information than having threads with dozens of messages to sort though. Sorely missing from the manual are the how-to scenarios - quick start guide, how to do one speaker measurements, how to measure with a 2 channel analog amp, step-by-step to set up the head tracker, etc.

There are a number of free wiki sites but I don't have experience with any of them - does anyone here? Adding information to a wiki is a little more involved than posting to a forum, but it should be manageable for anyone who can use an A16!
Aug 22, 2019 at 12:26 AM Post #5,853 of 16,089
Don't know about the "food for thought" part, but you may have probably just won the award for the creepiest and most morbid sounding post of the year, so congrats to you..
Aug 22, 2019 at 12:56 AM Post #5,855 of 16,089
Has anyone noticed language in the manual related to an output mode for driving balance headphones? I've scanned through and haven't seen anything.

From Update #34 back in July 2017:
Second, we will be including a differential headphone output mode for driving balanced headphones using both User A and User B headphone output jacks together. This mode is intended for single user operation.

I assume it has not been implemented yet, I already suspected that from the update.

I was told by Gilles that the balanced option has not made it into this firmware... no word as to when it would be implemented...

And why did I buy a special balanced cable for my HD 800 to work with the A16. Oh man.
Aug 22, 2019 at 1:10 AM Post #5,856 of 16,089
You know I'm thinking it might be a great idea to form a A16 Realizer Users Group with its own website with the idea that it would share knowledge regarding the A16 on a variety of topics each with its own thread, and represent a channel to the Smyths regarding what need changing and modifying and refining on the A16.

A product as complex and promising as the Realisers cries out for a similar online support group.

That is what the exchange site is supposed to have. Didn't some one say it was going to be up soonish? Does the French guy know since he seems to know more than the Smyths?
Aug 22, 2019 at 2:40 AM Post #5,858 of 16,089
Maybe I'm missing something when going through the setup process, but best I can tell there's no setting to do a bunch of measurements of different speakers individually before finalizing. The way the process works is that before you do the gain level correction you select which speakers you're going to measure. This can be anywhere between a single speaker and 16 at a time. Once you run the sweeps for the speakers you are capturing, in this case for me it was in pairs because of my lack of analog outs, you are given two options after it completes. Press enter to save or SPK to remeasure. I'm fairly certain from testing that going back and remeasuring doesn't allow you to then select different speakers to measure to add before finalizing, I think it wipes the measurements you just took for given speakers and then redoes those same measurements. So how I've been doing it is selecting to save after every pair I did. This created three PRIRs in the end, one with the front left an right, one with the center and sub, and one with the rear left and right. The A16 allows you to create a setup with speakers picked from any PRIR on the system and then saves them together as a room. I selected to make a new 5.1 room. Once you do that you see a list of speaker positions in that virtual room. You then go through and click on each position and individually add a matching speaker from any PRIR on the system. So the speaker I added for the front left in the room was the front left from one of the two channel PRIRs I made tonight, and then repeated the process for every speaker. Upon exiting that setup process it saves them all together in a room that you can then add to a preset. If I wanted I could change it to a 7.1 room keeping the 5.1 channels I captured tonight and then adding the addition side channels from the BBC preloaded room or any other room that has a left side surround and right side surround. It's actually quite cool because if you have tons of systems measured you can literally mix and match speakers from all the setups to make various virtual rooms. I know that was long winded, hopefully I explained it well enough to kind of explain the process and why I did it how I did.

This is great and I understand it way more reading this than after reading the manual honestly. Thank you!
Aug 22, 2019 at 3:48 AM Post #5,860 of 16,089
I'll agree that it would have been better if the A16 had been feature-complete at launch but it only makes sense to be angry or disappointed about features that definitely cannot be implemented at a later date. For example, the mono guitar input was lost at an early point: that was a legitimate disappointment, albeit a small one. But even if it takes a year to implement the balanced output it will probably still be implemented during the protracted shipping phase. And - once they get through this expensive hardware phase - these are “only” software problems.
Aug 22, 2019 at 8:36 AM Post #5,861 of 16,089
Maybe I'm missing something when going through the setup process, but best I can tell there's no setting to do a bunch of measurements of different speakers individually before finalizing. The way the process works is that before you do the gain level correction you select which speakers you're going to measure. This can be anywhere between a single speaker and 16 at a time. Once you run the sweeps for the speakers you are capturing, in this case for me it was in pairs because of my lack of analog outs, you are given two options after it completes. Press enter to save or SPK to remeasure. I'm fairly certain from testing that going back and remeasuring doesn't allow you to then select different speakers to measure to add before finalizing, I think it wipes the measurements you just took for given speakers and then redoes those same measurements. So how I've been doing it is selecting to save after every pair I did. This created three PRIRs in the end, one with the front left an right, one with the center and sub, and one with the rear left and right. The A16 allows you to create a setup with speakers picked from any PRIR on the system and then saves them together as a room. I selected to make a new 5.1 room. Once you do that you see a list of speaker positions in that virtual room. You then go through and click on each position and individually add a matching speaker from any PRIR on the system. So the speaker I added for the front left in the room was the front left from one of the two channel PRIRs I made tonight, and then repeated the process for every speaker. Upon exiting that setup process it saves them all together in a room that you can then add to a preset. If I wanted I could change it to a 7.1 room keeping the 5.1 channels I captured tonight and then adding the addition side channels from the BBC preloaded room or any other room that has a left side surround and right side surround. It's actually quite cool because if you have tons of systems measured you can literally mix and match speakers from all the setups to make various virtual rooms. I know that was long winded, hopefully I explained it well enough to kind of explain the process and why I did it how I did.

There has to be an option to save when you want after a certain amount of measurements. If there isn't, then that means it's a step back from the A8, and actually limits options in a way. Unless the method you've done results in a similar, yet more convoluted way to do it (yet if it works as well, then as I previously stated could actually end up being better in some ways).

The way the A8 worked, is that it only wipes the measurements of whatever channels you are remeasuring, but all previous channels that you measured are left untouched as long as you do not measure them again. Then, when you are actually ready to make your PRIR, you would go into the SPK menu and select "YES" for save at end, take your final measurement, then after that finishes and the diagnostic screens come up, you end up with a list of currently active channels. You would then turn on all of those you had previously measured and it would save all of them as a single PRIR. This would be a lot easier for you to test if you had a receiver with at least 5.1 analog ins.

If you are not referring to the fact that he used the front speakers as rear speakers or which speakers for what in general, but only to the difference of doing 3 x 2 measurements in one PRIR or 3 x 2 measurements in 3 PRIRs:
There is absolutely no reason why that would sound different. It is just another way of grouping the individual channel to ear impulse responses (in seperate files instead of in one file). The individual impulse responses and the mathematical calculation of the end result are identical.

In theory, but with the random crap I ran into with the A8 regarding multiple measurements of the same channels, it may or may not introduce issues. It also seems like it adds another layer of steps to go through as well. If the sound comes out the same though, again I think this might be a better option, although it could be slightly more time consuming initially. The good news though is that as long as you keep using the same room, once you get a great center channel copy (and likely fronts) of speakers you do not plan on replacing any time soon, the rest of the speaker measurements basically become academic. Even the room might not matter all too much either in the end, if the A16 has enough options to alter the sound of them, or even equalize different, combined PRIRs from different rooms.
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Aug 22, 2019 at 9:26 AM Post #5,863 of 16,089
There has to be an option to save when you want after a certain amount of measurements. If there isn't, then that means it's a step back from the A8, and actually limits options in a way. Unless the method you've done results in a similar, yet more convoluted way to do it (yet if it works as well, then as I previously stated could actually end up being better in some ways).

The way the A8 worked, is that it only wipes the measurements of whatever channels you are remeasuring, but all previous channels that you measured are left untouched as long as you do not measure them again. Then, when you are actually ready to make your PRIR, you would go into the SPK menu and select "YES" for save at end, take your final measurement, then after that finishes and the diagnostic screens come up, you end up with a list of currently active channels. You would then turn on all of those you had previously measured and it would save all of them as a single PRIR. This would be a lot easier for you to test if you had a receiver with at least 5.1 analog ins.

In theory, but with the random **** I ran into with the A8 regarding multiple measurements of the same channels, it may or may not introduce issues. It also seems like it adds another layer of steps to go through as well. If the sound comes out the same though, again I think this might be a better option, although it could be slightly more time consuming initially. The good news though is that as long as you keep using the same room, once you get a great center channel copy (and likely fronts) of speakers you do not plan on replacing any time soon, the rest of the speaker measurements basically become academic. Even the room might not matter all too much either in the end, if the A16 has enough options to alter the sound of them, or even equalize different, combined PRIRs from different rooms.

I can try testing a few things, and maybe there is a way to do it like the A8, but it’s certainly not labeled that way once you’re in the menus. The one thing I didn’t do was to try backing out from the screen where it shows you the speakers you just measured to see if I can get to the toggle to switch to measuring different speakers without wiping what I just did. The reason I haven’t tried was because after the sweeps were complete I was presented with two options, “press enter to save” and “press SPK to remeasure”. It could be as simple as pressing the back button after a measurement to get back to where I can select the speakers I want to measure while not wiping the existing measurements. Then repeat that process and save them together at the end as one PRIR.

The way I did it ends up with the same results (I think), but splits it into 3 files instead of one. Either way you still need to go and create a virtual room afterwards with the speakers you measured whether that’s adding them from three PRIRs or one.
Aug 22, 2019 at 12:21 PM Post #5,864 of 16,089
Sorry if my post was too scary for some people.
But it's only a joke, son.
It's called Jaws, but it's only a movie, and it's over, so you can take a breath and relax now.

I actually thought you had a valid point, regardless of the spookiness of a few scenarios you conjured up. So don't attempt to take it all back now. Besides, there are some genies that can't be put back in the bottle once outed, and this seems to be one of those :):)

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Aug 22, 2019 at 2:49 PM Post #5,865 of 16,089
i see that KS backer #10 was sent an e-mail earlier this week asking to confirm shipping details......has anyone been contacted since then?

i am backer #11 and still have heard nothing since the last group update.

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