SIVGA P-II Planar-Magnetic Open-Back Hedphones
Jun 19, 2021 at 7:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


500+ Head-Fier
Nov 28, 2019
This is a thread dedicated to SIVGA's P-II planar-magnetic headphones.

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Jun 19, 2021 at 8:58 AM Post #3 of 27
From what I understand, these are so similar to the Sendy Aiva that you might want to discuss them in that thread.

Happy to be corrected though!
And the Monoprice M570, Blon B20, Takstar HF580, and probably some other variants I’m forgetting.

There are some minor variations between the different incarnations but it’s a very popular platform that a lot of brands out of China are using to make their ‘own’ headphones.
Jun 19, 2021 at 11:52 AM Post #5 of 27
From what I understand, these are so similar to the Sendy Aiva
And the Monoprice M570, Blon B20, Takstar HF580, and probably some other variants I’m forgetting.
As far as I know, SIVGA is the core manufacturer of all of these. In other words, I believe Sivga is the OEM, and other companies made an OEM order of what we know as the P-II.

All of these headphones are different. They differ by headband mechanism, tuning, and probably more factors.

This is why I made this thread, because the P-II comes directly from Sivga.
Jun 19, 2021 at 1:09 PM Post #6 of 27
As far as I know, SIVGA is the core manufacturer of all of these. In other words, I believe Sivga is the OEM, and other companies made an OEM order of what we know as the P-II.

All of these headphones are different. They differ by headband mechanism, tuning, and probably more factors.

This is why I made this thread, because the P-II comes directly from Sivga.
Do you own this headphone?
Jun 19, 2021 at 1:23 PM Post #7 of 27
Jun 19, 2021 at 1:36 PM Post #9 of 27
Did you write a review bud? If not, I'd really like to hear your impressions 😉
Not yet. I am still waiting until I have what I consider a proper amp to power them. This being said, I didn't give them a lot of listening time just so I can keep my experience as "virgin" as possible. I don't want to form any opinions beforehand.

However, I will make sure to release a review once everything is set up =D
Jun 19, 2021 at 2:01 PM Post #10 of 27
Not yet. I am still waiting until I have what I consider a proper amp to power them. This being said, I didn't give them a lot of listening time just so I can keep my experience as "virgin" as possible. I don't want to form any opinions beforehand.

However, I will make sure to release a review once everything is set up =D
Are they considerably more difficult to drive than the SR2?
Jun 19, 2021 at 4:29 PM Post #14 of 27
Thank you , I hope that it was informative.
Did you feel that the daps you used were enough to drive them close to their full potential? I need another headphone like a whole in the head, but I've been curious about these for some time now. Member Voja helped with my Ibasso SR2 purchase, and I recently acquired the Quad Era-1. My favorite 2 headphones I've owned thus far, and there have been many. I'm curious how the Sivga compares and contrasts with them.
Jun 19, 2021 at 4:58 PM Post #15 of 27
Did you feel that the daps you used were enough to drive them close to their full potential? I need another headphone like a whole in the head, but I've been curious about these for some time now. Member Voja helped with my Ibasso SR2 purchase, and I recently acquired the Quad Era-1. My favorite 2 headphones I've owned thus far, and there have been many. I'm curious how the Sivga compares and contrasts with them.
Quad ERA-1's are among my most respected headphones (from a design perspective), but I never had a chance to listen to them.

I personally think that you should either pass on making a next purchase, or save up enough money to buy a >1k headphone. I think that the next step from the SR2 has to be an electrostatic setup (a true, good electrostatic setup will run you 3k-4k) or get a high-end/TOTL option like Sennheisers HD800 series, ZMF's headphones, Kennerton's (these guys put in a lot of work to make their headphones), and probably a dozen other companies that I didn't mention. Just based on my first listen of the P-II, I prefer the SR2 by miles. However, I am waiting for my AMP12 to arrive and then I will give the P-II a fair chance.

Regarding how hard the P-II is to drive, I would say that volume-wise, you need a decent amp. But I think that they greatly benefit of an amp that has enough power to drive them. That's why I'm waiting for the AMP12 to arrive. People say that it performs close to the DX220MAX, and that it reveals the top-end (unlike the AMP11 which leans towards the warmer side).

For example, Kaldas Research RR1 is an outstanding electrostatic headphone. You pair it with a good amp (I would avoid Stax) and you have a TOTL setup. The RR1 is greatly underpriced, so do not get fooled by the low price. That headphone makes your jaw drop.

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