Shure SRH1540 Review
Sep 12, 2015 at 1:30 PM Post #1,426 of 2,683
How do 1540 compare to Signature Pro? SigPros have the maximum amount of bass I can cope with. I'm currently looking for a replacement of T5p that is comfy, relatively mid-oriented and not overly bassy. I could live with my Sig Pros but wearing them more than 1h ir very challenging (pressure on ears due to clamp and small pads). Sorry if it's already answered.
Sep 19, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #1,427 of 2,683

I received my Shure SRH1540s about two months ago. Here are my impressions:
My initial reaction was that they sounded a bit “cold” compared to my Sennheiser HD600s. I was perplexed by all the talk about the accentuated bass. Yes, there is bass, but I really didn’t hear it as emphatic. In fact it seemed a bit light. The HD600s have an overall warmer signature (to my ears).
The 1540s also seemed to be slightly “hollow” sounding (again, compared to the 600s). Hard to put it into words, but it was like the mids and highs had less bass. Yea, that sounds like an oxymoron. I think what I was noticing must have been the much discussed recessed mids, although I don’t really notice much in the way of specifically recessed vocals.
Most headphones seem to push the upper mid / low treble area (this killed the P7s for me). Tyll mentioned this in his review. The good news is that my brain has been adapting to the new sound and now I’m quite fond of these headphones. I’m not averse to a little EQ now and then, but I’m finding it less of a need.
As to the bass, I’ve come to the conclusion that an ideal headphone tuning would need some bass emphasis. For example, when we watch movies through our systems via speakers, we have very present bass via the .1 channel. Many headphones end up sounding thin, trying to maintain a flat response. My 2 cents.
One of the reasons these are keepers is the comfort level. They really fit me perfectly. I’m not too crazy about the headband (the Senns crush them here).
One BIG problem has reared its ugly head. Last week my Pioneer receiver got wonky with the headphone jack. No audio from either the ‘phones or the speakers. I took the receiver to a repair shop and they discovered that the Shure adapter had broken off in the unit. That is, the little tip of the Shure adapter had broken off. Cost me 60 bucks. As I was preparing to send the broken adapter to Shure for replacement, the smaller jack on the headphone cable snapped in half (!) while plugged into my MBP.
What the hell?! I’ve been listening to headphones for decades and have been through many pairs. I’ve NEVER experienced jacks breaking like this. Luckily, these came with that extra cable, so I can keep listening. I’ll be including the cable AND the larger adapter for replacement. And 60 dollars poorer due to the repair cost to my receiver. I asked a Shure employee via the parts department if he thought Shure would reimburse me for the repair. His reply: “I doubt it”.

Sep 19, 2015 at 1:50 PM Post #1,428 of 2,683
Keep them both, the HD600 and SRH 1540 are a good combo.
HD600 for slow music, films that are mainly speech, music that sounds good with forward mid etc etc.
1540 for electronic music, fast music, films with a lot of effects, games, music that sounds good with more bass and slightly "V" sound etc.

Sep 19, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #1,429 of 2,683
I'll be keeping both. I think they compliment each other. Plus, I wanted a closed back option. But the breakage of both the mini jack and the larger adapter is downright bizarre. Really disappointing. For half-a-thousand dollars, these issues shouldn't exist.
Sep 19, 2015 at 6:57 PM Post #1,430 of 2,683
  I'll be keeping both. I think they compliment each other. Plus, I wanted a closed back option. But the breakage of both the mini jack and the larger adapter is downright bizarre. Really disappointing. For half-a-thousand dollars, these issues shouldn't exist.

Agreed, I've never seen even cheap headphones do this. very very odd.
Oct 4, 2015 at 1:19 AM Post #1,431 of 2,683
In an older post someone mentioned the "great" warranties on Shure products. A few years ago they replaced a defective pair of IEMs for a cost of a hundred dollars. This most recent episode with the TWO defective headphone jacks ended up costing me seventy bucks. First I had to have my receiver repaired (as I mentioned, the tip of the defective jack was lodged inside), plus Shure doesn't pay for shipping the defective item. Other companies I've dealt with provide a paid-in-advance shipping label. So that cost me another ten bucks (Shure recommended costly tracking) Anyway, I sent a copy of my repair bill along with the two broken jacks (the adapter and the cable) and Shure simply ignored it. They did send the replacement parts, but some kind of a gesture would have been decent (like paying for the repair bill caused by their defective part). Thanks, cheapskates. I don't think I'll be buying anymore of their stuff. My 1540s seem a bit tainted now.
Oct 4, 2015 at 10:32 AM Post #1,432 of 2,683
That is odd, a while back I had to get my SE215's repaired (something had come loose in the housing) and it was all done for free.  I don't even think I paid for shipping.  I know they wont help much if it is out of warranty, or if it was bought from an unauthorized dealer.  This is common in most companies though.  I am sorry you had a bad experience with the 1540's.  It is a shame Shure handled your problem so poorly.
Oct 4, 2015 at 11:20 AM Post #1,433 of 2,683
Just a quick post; haven't listened to these in a while (got the HE-1000, has been all of my over ear listening), took them out on dog walk yesterday, Pono as source...Man, this is a really great sounding combo, really did enjoy the sound (look a bit geeky outside, but, hey, have to suffer for great SQ).
Oct 4, 2015 at 7:09 PM Post #1,434 of 2,683
Just a quick post; haven't listened to these in a while (got the HE-1000, has been all of my over ear listening), took them out on dog walk yesterday, Pono as source...Man, this is a really great sounding combo, really did enjoy the sound (look a bit geeky outside, but, hey, have to suffer for great SQ).

I hope you stubb your toe and step in poo!
Those were amazing to listen to at the meet in Nashville. Just absolute wow. I did not want to stop listening. But I will still say, the Ether C stole the show for me overall. I envy you.
Oct 4, 2015 at 7:13 PM Post #1,435 of 2,683
Just a quick post; haven't listened to these in a while (got the HE-1000, has been all of my over ear listening), took them out on dog walk yesterday, Pono as source...Man, this is a really great sounding combo, really did enjoy the sound (look a bit geeky outside, but, hey, have to suffer for great SQ).

I hope you stubb your toe and step in poo!

Those were amazing to listen to at the meet in Nashville. Just absolute wow. I did not want to stop listening. But I will still say, the Ether C stole the show for me overall. I envy you.
Oct 6, 2015 at 11:35 AM Post #1,436 of 2,683
  In an older post someone mentioned the "great" warranties on Shure products. A few years ago they replaced a defective pair of IEMs for a cost of a hundred dollars. This most recent episode with the TWO defective headphone jacks ended up costing me seventy bucks. First I had to have my receiver repaired (as I mentioned, the tip of the defective jack was lodged inside), plus Shure doesn't pay for shipping the defective item. Other companies I've dealt with provide a paid-in-advance shipping label. So that cost me another ten bucks (Shure recommended costly tracking) Anyway, I sent a copy of my repair bill along with the two broken jacks (the adapter and the cable) and Shure simply ignored it. They did send the replacement parts, but some kind of a gesture would have been decent (like paying for the repair bill caused by their defective part). Thanks, cheapskates. I don't think I'll be buying anymore of their stuff. My 1540s seem a bit tainted now.

My only experience with the Shure customer service was very good. Just sent me a new pair no hassle.
Oct 6, 2015 at 10:56 PM Post #1,437 of 2,683
  1. Thanks, Delance26. I'll get over it (and continue to enjoy the 'phones). It's just that I already pushed the budget envelope with the initial purchase. Within four weeks, the jacks came apart (I've never had this happen to a jack, much less two within a week of each other!) Then it was time to shell out more money. This bad taste in my mouth will eventually subside. No more Shures for me though...
Oct 7, 2015 at 7:07 AM Post #1,438 of 2,683
I still don't understand why you had to shell out more money. We're you past your warranty? Or did you not buy from an authorized dealer? Those two reasons are logical and, as Delance26 mentioned, are practiced with most high end audio companies... so, can't fault Shure if either applies to your situation.
Oct 8, 2015 at 10:40 AM Post #1,439 of 2,683
Well, I could have left out the "hundred bucks" part since the IEMs in question shorted out after the warranty had expired. I take very good care of my stuff, and was quite miffed when they went sideways. They were very expensive and the offending wires weren't replaceable. So, yes, Shure perhaps did me a "favor" by charging me a century note for a replacement. However, I find it unacceptable for the company to simply ignore my request to consider reimbursing me for the $65 it took to have the inexplicably decapitated headphone jack part removed from my Pioneer receiver. The Shure srh1540s were less than a month old when this happened. When a clearly defective product causes damage to existing equipment, a company should step up to the plate and accept responsibility. $65 doesn't sound like much, but (ironically) my company was downsized right after I took the plunge on the 1540s and I was reduced to part-time status. So getting "nickel and dimed" like this got my dander up (and making me pay for shipping was the last straw). BTW, I purchased these through Guitar Center. I still like the cans, even though they sound a bit more analytical (to me) than the hd600s. I needed a pair of closed phones to compliment the Senns and these do pretty well.
Oct 15, 2015 at 6:27 PM Post #1,440 of 2,683
What is the best way to clean those SHR1540 ear pads?

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