Shure SE535: Reviews and First Impressions Thread
Jan 29, 2016 at 8:23 PM Post #3,676 of 4,022
Guys, these are driving me absolutely nuts.

Just can't get the nagging thought of my head that the highs aren't right. i.e. iPhone 6s + Spotify Premium + SE535 I feel like I always want to put the highest EQ band all the way up to give them some air. I love the fit, build quality, bass is absolutely spot on, mids don't need anymore said about them.... but the highs... argh!!

In the UK is there anyway to do the filter mod without ridiculous shipping costs? Will it make that much difference? I really want to love these.
Jan 29, 2016 at 8:51 PM Post #3,677 of 4,022
A change of cable (some silver should help, doesn't need to be pure silver, doesn't need to cost 250$ either) should help, it does reveal treble, that I found a bit shy originally.
Change of filters/dampers can help too, if you can find the right ones.
Jan 29, 2016 at 9:42 PM Post #3,678 of 4,022
  Guys, these are driving me absolutely nuts.

Just can't get the nagging thought of my head that the highs aren't right. i.e. iPhone 6s + Spotify Premium + SE535 I feel like I always want to put the highest EQ band all the way up to give them some air. I love the fit, build quality, bass is absolutely spot on, mids don't need anymore said about them.... but the highs... argh!!

In the UK is there anyway to do the filter mod without ridiculous shipping costs? Will it make that much difference? I really want to love these.

I've been summoned by the secret chant: argh!!
ph34r.gif  pink line in the impedance phase graph.
the signature will take a little dive from maybe 5 to 8 or 9khz if your source isn't low impedance. and the 6S seems to have been measured at 3ohm. so there you have it.
a silver cable may lower the total impedance a little compared to the default cable, but unless the default cable has added impedance on purpose, we're talking some 0.0something ohm most likely to be saved over the all purchase of silver cables, I don't see that compensate for a source of 3ohm. I could be wrong, but it's at least unlikely.
IMO EQ is still the most rational way to go at it. but then you could also get another source(with 1ohm or less as impedance output), or get a little amp with low impedance, or get another IEM. to keep the same combo, you could maybe look for a voltage divider as the 535 are super sensitive you may still be able to get loud enough and lower the overall impedance to around 1ohm without making too much of a mess. changing the tips may alter the treble response, but only by trying can you tell in which direction and at which frequencies.
but while all those are potential solutions, they really don't do much of a difference compared to using an ok EQ.
Jan 29, 2016 at 9:57 PM Post #3,679 of 4,022
Cheers for the replies guys.

My other source is a mid-2013 MacBook Air 11". Couldn't find an exact figure for it's output impedance, but I heard it could be <1ohm. If I find this is not the case, a cheap FIIO amp might do a lot of good for not much outlay.
The tips issue is weird. I found by lightly pushing the earphones in while listening, the sound changed completely. I changed tips and seem to have minimised this effect.

It's cymbal splashes that upset me the most. For instance, the intro to Monkey Wrench by Foo Fighters, they just sound muddy and indistinct. Comparing with various full size headphones (and even earpods!!), it just sounds so off. Even the SE215 seem to be much better. Not excellent, but there's not an obvious problem, you can just enjoy the music.

I tried Westone W30 and found the bass lacking, and vocals to sound a bit too nasally. I guess it's either back to SE215 or up to CIEMs if it's not an impedance issue.
Jan 29, 2016 at 10:23 PM Post #3,681 of 4,022
tips and insertion depth can have some massive impacts depending on the IEM(and the ear). this is explained by the fact that the ear canal will tend to create some resonance for a given range of frequencies, and by changing the length of the canal you change the resonance frequency.
 but at the end of the day you still need to put them into your own ears and test for yourself. there really is no way around that and that's why opinions on IEMs and tips can shoot in all directions.
for impedance, yeah you may want to try them on other sources from a friend or a cool guy on the street(first time I tried the se846 was in an airport with a total stranger ^_^) and try to find out the impedance output, just to get an idea if impedance could be your problem, or if you simply don't enjoy the signature much anyway.
the 215 don't care for impedance, that's one strength to those little guys and they're also less sensitive to hiss. but the 535 sound closer to my idea of neutral overall so I have a thing for them too. choices, always choices ^_^. 
Jan 31, 2016 at 6:23 PM Post #3,682 of 4,022
I never noticed any difference with different tips in the SE215, but the SE535 can change a massive amount. I think I've got that part right now,

I got so side-tracked with all the talk of the high frequency roll-off, that a crude attempt to use EQ in iTunes does seem to 'decongest' the trouble area, which coincides with the impedance issue.

My only hope is to find something on demo in a tech store that I know has a low output impedance (likely to be Apple or Samsung products on display), and with an internet connection to youtube some songs and focus in on those frequencies. Then i'll know whether to chuck more money at this, or call it a day.

Feb 4, 2016 at 8:22 PM Post #3,683 of 4,022
I never noticed any difference with different tips in the SE215, but the SE535 can change a massive amount. I think I've got that part right now,

Have you tried the westone star tips?
Less isolation, less bass, bit better mids and highs. Pretty easy to put on and comfy
Feb 11, 2016 at 10:58 PM Post #3,685 of 4,022
  Just got a pair of SE535 from Shure as a replacement for a pair of old broken E5C.
I must say that I LOVE the sound. It is very clear without being clinical.
Some people say bass is bad but I can really feel the bass and it is very exact/clear.
Not so good in how to express all things in English but when I compare them to my Sennheiser HD700 they sound differently but still very good. I like clear sound. I listen most to jazz and there is where most of the mids are. For me miss are most important. 10% bass 10% treble and 80% miss fits me. But the bass is actually punchy or as punchy as it was supposed to be. 
I also had a pair of BOSE 20i that I just sold. Ok sound but not realistic at all. Like having fake strawberries instead of real because they test more sugar! 
So VERY happy and after some time with this I think I dare to try a pair of 846 :wink:.

Just sent my E5's in for replacement.  Looking forward to the 535.  Thank you for your post!
Feb 26, 2016 at 12:43 PM Post #3,686 of 4,022
I've been using SE215 for the past few months, and today I'll have in my hands my first pair of Shure 535's. I hope I'm in for a treat, and can notice a difference; DX80 is my source.
Feb 26, 2016 at 12:54 PM Post #3,687 of 4,022
  I've been using SE215 for the past few months, and today I'll have in my hands my first pair of Shure 535's. I hope I'm in for a treat, and can notice a difference; DX80 is my source.

I went through a similar transition. 
I noticed the difference. 
I really noticed the difference when I got a Silver Lutz Cable for my Sure 535's. I have the red LTD ones slightly different sound signature.
Feb 26, 2016 at 1:40 PM Post #3,688 of 4,022
  I went through a similar transition. 
I noticed the difference. 
I really noticed the difference when I got a Silver Lutz Cable for my Sure 535's. I have the red LTD ones slightly different sound signature.

And as much as I would like to get a new cable, spending an extra $200 just isn't feasible right now.

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