Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Sep 1, 2013 at 4:20 PM Post #14,912 of 41,371

These are what I have been using for a while.
Sep 1, 2013 at 5:48 PM Post #14,913 of 41,371

In respond to a friend's
My touche pic of Bob Marley in concert :)
She went to a Steel Pulse, Wailers and Tribal Seeds concert

oooh ZDT!  looks nice, are those the T1's plugged into it?
also like how the HD 600 looks in the corner
Sep 2, 2013 at 5:08 PM Post #14,915 of 41,371
cheap old hp laptop --> ODAC --> Vintage (1976 or 1977) Pioneer SX-750 --> AKG Q701..... I just recently upgraded from the E17 to the ODAC. Huge improvement. 
For $400, excluding the laptop it is an absolute kill setup. It's honestly the best sounding thing I've heard. 
Q701: $240 - brand new
ODAC: $120 - new, but open box
SX-750: $40 - obviously used, but in great condition. A little bit of DeoxIT and it was good to go. Not exactly sure of it's history, but it's very clean and sounds perfect. 

Looks good.
I've got my eye on an old amp belonging to my folks. Older amps are great value for performance.
Did you have to do any maintenance?
Sep 3, 2013 at 10:02 AM Post #14,918 of 41,371
Mac > Airport Express > Theta Cobalt > Mjolnir > HD 600

Es goot sounds.

I'll bet!  Too clean looking, though.  I'm a messy kind of guy.

Sep 3, 2013 at 6:00 PM Post #14,919 of 41,371
My most used station.  A recliner sits right next to this and the equipment is basically out of sight of the wife.   It's a Kenwood KA-5700 integrated amp from 1978 feeding into a Kenwood EQ, fed by either the iPhone 4 you see in the second picture or the Yamaha CD player that's sitting on top of the Kenwood.  Wife approval rating is high as all she cared about is NOT ON TOP OF THE TABLE.  Mission accomplished.  All controls easily reached while sitting in the "Archie Bunker recliner" as she calls it.  I call it comfort. 


Sep 3, 2013 at 6:08 PM Post #14,920 of 41,371
  My most used station.  A recliner sits right next to this and the equipment is basically out of sight of the wife.   It's a Kenwood KA-5700 integrated amp from 1978 feeding into a Kenwood EQ, fed by either the iPhone 4 you see in the second picture or the Yamaha CD player that's sitting on top of the Kenwood.  Wife approval rating is high as all she cared about is NOT ON TOP OF THE TABLE.  Mission accomplished.  All controls easily reached while sitting in the "Archie Bunker recliner" as she calls it.  I call it comfort. 


I hope that if I ever get married (doubtful at this point), she appreciates music as much as I do.  If that doesn't work, I'll have a mancubby like this.  Nice.
Sep 3, 2013 at 9:08 PM Post #14,921 of 41,371
I'm surprised that so many of you have antagonistic relationships with your significant other in terms of this hobby.
If I had a significant other who gave me half as much grief as I've read in posts here, I'd tell them to go bang rocks together or get out of my house.
Sep 3, 2013 at 9:25 PM Post #14,922 of 41,371
  My most used station.  A recliner sits right next to this and the equipment is basically out of sight of the wife.   It's a Kenwood KA-5700 integrated amp from 1978 feeding into a Kenwood EQ, fed by either the iPhone 4 you see in the second picture or the Yamaha CD player that's sitting on top of the Kenwood.  Wife approval rating is high as all she cared about is NOT ON TOP OF THE TABLE.  Mission accomplished.  All controls easily reached while sitting in the "Archie Bunker recliner" as she calls it.  I call it comfort. 

Are those Alpha Pads on your Ultrasone, or what?
Sep 3, 2013 at 9:41 PM Post #14,923 of 41,371
Are those Alpha Pads on your Ultrasone, or what?

Yes they are! Got the idea from someone who had done it with J$ pads. Was fun, a challenge and sound great with great comfort.

And if I gave the impression my wife and I are at odds over audio in general, we are not. All she asked is keep it off the top of the table, a reasonable request. I have three other systems in the house and no complaints.

She does think :pI listen to my headphones to not listen to her..........and she's right at times. After 25 years of marriage, I don't want to hear her at times, and she doesn't want to hear me at times. That's how life is folks. We have a great marriage and part of the secret to our success is time to yourself.
Sep 3, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #14,924 of 41,371
Talking about 25 years together, September 10th is my parents 25th anniversary!
Sep 3, 2013 at 9:49 PM Post #14,925 of 41,371
I'm surprised that so many of you have antagonistic relationships with your significant other in terms of this hobby.

If I had a significant other who gave me half as much grief as I've read in posts here, I'd tell them to go bang rocks together or get out of my house.

my ex-girlfriend broke my old LOD cable for my FiiO amp. She did enjoy listening to my Sennheisers though.

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