Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Feb 27, 2012 at 9:08 PM Post #4,516 of 41,369

I love the Pinkie PSU. It give my X-CANV8P gobs of juice. I see you have a basic, yet nice set-up.
You still live in Milwaukee at all? It's been 4 yours since I've actually seen you. We have to meet up sometime and compare our gear. Last time yuo were here all I had was the X-CANV8P and a K701/HD600.
Speaking of Sennheiser's, how's your SPC cable holding up?

I'm still there over the summers and stuff, we definitely should get together! The cable is doing nicely, I might have to have you take a look at it though, the right channel is a little touchy sometimes. 
We should find some guys and have a proper head-fi meet sometime, too. There's a pretty decent southeastern WI contingent, IIRC.
Feb 27, 2012 at 11:14 PM Post #4,518 of 41,369
Updated my desk a bit...turned my side monitors to portrait, moved my DI and DI PSU behind my main monitor (they will be hidden when my 30"  Dell U3011 arrives). A couple other minor things. Doing alright for a 20 year old?

Feb 27, 2012 at 11:16 PM Post #4,519 of 41,369
Nice! ^ I have a HK amp too. 
Eau Claire, Wisconsin here @ hodgjy :) not southeast by any means but it's still the same state!
Feb 27, 2012 at 11:25 PM Post #4,521 of 41,369
WAYYYYY better than when the sides were in landscape... Once I get my 30" in the middle I'll be set (it's height and pixel count 2560x1600 is exactly the same as the portrait on my side monitors 1200x1600). This in eyefinity >>>>>> 3 Landscape eyefinity.
Feb 28, 2012 at 2:25 AM Post #4,522 of 41,369
Yeah I always thought it was because the high speed wore down the needle faster, and it still kinda is, but the wider grooves have a lot of bouncing around in there creating more noise, so it's worth it to get a 78 stylus apparently. I'm not so sure about cartridges though.
Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure you need a special cartridge/stylus to play 78s
good thing for you that that's only regulated to very old records
my paltry vinyl collection dates back to the 50s and there isn't a 78 to be found.


Rega makes a dedicated 78rpm cartridge (and dedicated turntable). I have one and about 200 old records, the oldest one being a Caruso recording from 1908 that is only recorded on one side, weighs a ton and is several mm thick
Feb 28, 2012 at 11:10 AM Post #4,524 of 41,369
Is it necessary to have a 78rpm cartridge to play them? Is it bad for a regular one? I don't doubt that a dedicated one for 78s is better, but is it necessary to get the job done decently? And sounds cool! Do 78s sound better than 33s and 45s in general to you, or lower quality?
Rega makes a dedicated 78rpm cartridge (and dedicated turntable). I have one and about 200 old records, the oldest one being a Caruso recording from 1908 that is only recorded on one side, weighs a ton and is several mm thick

Feb 28, 2012 at 12:23 PM Post #4,525 of 41,369
78's are ancient mono records that they probably stopped making not long after the second world war so sq is generally very poor, you only listen to them for artistic reasons. They are rough an coarse so I would never subject a stereo cartridge to them. Also the grove is wider so the delicate stereo needle will extract a lot more noise than the bigger mono needle (remember that when these records were first made the needle was literally that, a steel needle). In 50's to 70's you had cartridges that had 2 needles and you would rote it and use one for 78 and the other for 45 and 33 (and 16, records were made for that speed as well)
Feb 28, 2012 at 2:02 PM Post #4,526 of 41,369

Awesome setup! What model are the portrait monitors?

Thanks! I think so too!This is the 3rd layout I've had in my room, and about the 5th time I've made changes to this setup in particular. I think this time the layout is a keeper.
Really old E207WFP they don't come with the monitor stands I'm using. And I bought the stands hoping they would fit... They didn't so I had to modify them with my dremel before they would work.
Feb 28, 2012 at 8:51 PM Post #4,529 of 41,369

Updated my desk a bit...turned my side monitors to portrait, moved my DI and DI PSU behind my main monitor (they will be hidden when my 30"  Dell U3011 arrives). A couple other minor things. Doing alright for a 20 year old?

Nice Setup, I see you got Energy RC-10's, i have them aswell and love them, awesome sound for the price and size. I spy a Audio-GD Power Filter! Wish they still sold those, i would pick one up in a heart beat.
Feb 28, 2012 at 11:33 PM Post #4,530 of 41,369

Just got some monitor wall mounts from monoprice, like $7 for both monitors. Got rid of the huge table that took most of the space in my room previously. Definitely not up to par with some other set ups, but i like mine a bunch. Just need to take care of the cable mess.

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