Sennheiser PX100 II vs HD238
Nov 20, 2010 at 4:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


Head-Fi's third most long-winded poster.
Oct 18, 2010
Chestertucky, MI
EDIT: Just dawned on me that there's a separate forum for this. Doh! If a mod could kindly move this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm looking into getting a set of portable headphones--something to compliment my stationary DT880 rig. I'm looking for sort of the antithesis, which would be something with much less treble bite and more bass (though controlled!). I've narrowed it down to the Sennheiser PX100 II and the HD238, and unless compelling arguments can be made against both it's going to be one or the other. So please keep your comments focused on these two choices.
What I would like to know, from owners of one or the other (or both! that would be really helpful!), is how they fare in the following areas:
  1. Bass control and quantity - Too much? Just enough? And, more importantly, how well controlled is the bass? I'm definitely averse to boominess--to put this in perspective, I though the M50 was a thick mess.
  2. Treble - Is it smooth? Is there enough to balance out the rest of the spectrum, or is the presentation dull?
  3. Anything else you think is outstanding/worth mentioning/might mean the end of the world if I don't know about it
FYI, these will be powered by a 5G iPod Video. I might get a portable amp in the future, but at least at first they will be unamped. I plan on listening to rock, pop, and a little electronic. Isolation isn't really a concern, and I think I can hack either one for portability. On the other hand, if durability is a concern, that's something I'd like to know.
Now I'm fully aware that all of this is subjective. That's why I look forward to seeing lots of different opinions and am looking for things that keep coming up over and again. I'm going to be making my decision sometime in the nebulous time frame of the next few months, so feel free to keep posting, even if this thread is a few weeks old by the point you find it. I'll post (and alter the title) if and when I come to a final decision.
That's about all for now. Thanks in advance for your help, folks.

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