Sennheiser PX-100 vs PX-200 Quickie
Jan 25, 2003 at 9:52 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 15, 2002

Originally posted by lini (in another thread)
ramtha: I can't get proper bass out of my PX200 - even when I play around with placement. Do you have better experiences with the PX100?

Ok, I just went over to my bro's room and lent the PX200 from him for a quick comparison. I sought out a song with nice, deepreaching, fat bass (*Atmos - Average Beverage*) from my goa playlist and am currently listening to it with the PX-100 from my Fortissimo II with the windows volume set to 80% (you can already hear the phones are not capable of reproducing the bass without distorting it at 90% but at 80% volume it sounds just fine).

This song has the kind of bass that will make cheap subwoofers sound really bad at higher volumes and the PX-100 handles it just nicely at moderate volume (I usually listen a bit higher if the equipment allows it).

(*plugging out the 100's and plugging in the 200's*.)

I don't know what exactly is up with the 200's but the bass sounds really thumpy on these, with the highs sounding artificially loud. Lowering the volume doesn't change this so it seems that these simply have a serious midbass hump, with quite a rolloff below it. Highs still really stick out from the rest of the spectrum - I guess this should make them sound more detailed than the 100's?

Another experiment with the 200's: I turn the volume up to 100% and press them against my head. Moving them down, directly over the entrance of my ear canal and really pressing them against my ears actually makes the bass sound decent, however the highs are still annoyingly loud compared to the mids and bass. Besides that running around, pressing the PX200's against ones ear canal isn't really an option for most uf us anyway, I guess.

IMO the 200's are no competition for the balanced-sounding PX100 regardless of their price... anyone who has the chance to compare them is encouraged to do so, but anyone who can't I can really recommend the PX100 over the PX200 with good conscience.

No comment about the PX250 here as I have never heard them myself.

Best regareds,
Jan 25, 2003 at 10:28 PM Post #2 of 6
How about the 250s? Are the 250s you love the Senn PX 250s? If so, are they better than the 200s?
Jan 25, 2003 at 10:32 PM Post #3 of 6
Sorry, I haven't heard the Sennheiser PX-250 myself.

The 250's adressed in my signature are the Beyerdynamic DT 250/250, which' sound I would consider very similar in nature to that of the PX-100's (nicely balanced), just much more extended, refined and powerful.

Now that the PX-250 are out, I guess I should change my sig a bit... which I am going to do right after submitting this post.
Jan 26, 2003 at 1:37 AM Post #4 of 6
Fully agreed. I've had both the PX100 and the PX200 for a couple weeks now; no matter how hard I try, I just can't bring myself to like the PX 200. It sounds hollow and artificially forward. I could hardly feel any base until I adjusted the drivers further back so that they form a better seal with the outer ear. If I move them slightly forward and down, as suggested by Jan Meier, I get the 'cheap radio' effect.

Two thumbs down for the PX200. I don't have high hopes for the PXC250 - but I haven't heard it yet.

BTW, the PX100 is an interesting alternative to the Portapro, but don't get too excited about it. It does have a wider soundstage, but Portapro still packs more punch and impact. For a portable application, the Portapro is still king, despite the fact that PX100 comes dangerously close to usurping the throne.
Jan 26, 2003 at 2:10 AM Post #5 of 6
I quite like the PXC250. And I didn't like the PX200 that much. Switching on noise cancellation provides tangible benefits on it's own but it also takes away the one major thing I didn't like (the bass). I use it all the time now.
I think the 250's extend a bit more in the headband as well...? Either that or the PX200 I had didn't ratchet down enough...
Jan 26, 2003 at 2:45 AM Post #6 of 6
Hmmm this is a little discouraging as I've ordered the PX200 and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. I primarily ordered them because I need a closed phone for commuting on the train. However, I've also ordered a pair of PortaPros because I couldn't resist the price with the discount code. Once I get them both in, I'll have to do a comparison and write it up.

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