Sennheiser HD800 S Impressions Thread (read first post for summary)
Aug 11, 2016 at 3:17 PM Post #1,321 of 8,828
In a few weeks from dhc? Weeks meaning months. :p
Aug 11, 2016 at 3:20 PM Post #1,322 of 8,828
In a few weeks from dhc? Weeks meaning months.

I did order it a while back. But yes it feels like a lifetime already :D. Can't wait on it. Decided to order the USB-DHC cables beginning of september as well. Just to complete the chain. 
Aug 11, 2016 at 4:03 PM Post #1,323 of 8,828
In a few weeks from dhc? Weeks meaning months.

I did order it a while back. But yes it feels like a lifetime already :D. Can't wait on it. Decided to order the USB-DHC cables beginning of september as well. Just to complete the chain. 

already went down that usb rabit hole, hope not to with dhc. So consider your post on it ignored  

Aug 11, 2016 at 4:34 PM Post #1,324 of 8,828
I had pretty quick turnaround on my DHC orders in July and June. August is big vacation taking month.
Aug 11, 2016 at 4:36 PM Post #1,325 of 8,828
  I had pretty quick turnaround on my DHC orders in July and June. August is big vacation taking month.

bummer might be september before i get my interconnects  

Aug 11, 2016 at 10:11 PM Post #1,326 of 8,828
Are the frequency response charts being put somewhere different, now? Or, not available? Or, no interest?
Aug 16, 2016 at 10:42 AM Post #1,330 of 8,828
A week ago I received my HDVA600 AMP. So as i promise you earlier I would like to share my impressions about chord Mojo+ HDVA600 +HD800S with you….
My very first impression about HDVA600 is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I realize that I have done correct choice……….I felt that Senhizer HDVA600 headphone amp give me sound that i never dreamed….
I feel that virtually takes the headphones off of my ears and projects me into a room containing a large sound system where Sound is purely natural…..
Also after adding HDVA600 to my system I realize that how HUGE potential have my HD800S.As simply said adding HDVA600 , brings my HD800S to big step forward……………….
Rather doing review, I take this opportunity to share my experience with you guys regarding this HD800S and other components and environment you have to think about.
Hence, I share it with you, question and answer method to provide far better idea to you guys.
1).When we are talking about AMP everyone knows that it will amplify whatever signal which we input to it. But what actually physically feel us when we use AMP with HD800S?
Actually this is question in my mind before I buy HDVA600.And to answer this question is bit difficult because you have to experience it by yourself to get better idea. But I try my best to explain it to you. If you don’t have amp, you can experience it by doing below experiment. Connect your headphone to DAC or PC or i device (iphone /ipad…ect) and open whatever equalizer APP or softwear. Then increase every bars to 5~6dB or   if your app or software have PREAMP settings increase it 5~6dB.Then you will realize that sound dynamic range slightly increase (also you will begin to hear some small sounds you didn’t heard before) and also you realize that it is not the effect you feels when you increase your volume. Please keep in mind that this is very primary experiment and it doses not exactly replicate amplifier effect. Because very high quality AMP (HDVA600) will do this job very far better than that. And difference it Day vs Night.
Before I get my HDVA600, I use my HD800S, directly connect to MOJO and mojo is connect to my IPAD pro 9.7 and I use ONKYO player. And most of the times I feel that songs dynamic range is far below (vocals and some instruments sounds seems very low) even increase the volume of chord mojo. Then I use ONKYO player equalizer to enhance the gain of some frequency range. Then iam bit happy with the sound.
Then finally after I buy HDVA600 I fully realize that now I don’t want any kind of equalizer settings and sounds have FULL DYNAMIC range. Also after adding HDVA600 to my system I realize that how HUGE potential have my HD800S.As simply said adding HDVA600 , brings my HD800S to big step forward.
2) Is every AMP will provide better sound?
NO. Amp must be symmetrical and must have premium components (resisters/transistors…ect) with premium design.
Senhizer HDVA600 uses Alps RK 27 Quad components which ensures that the volume will have precise control all of the time. Besides having a great feel, the volume control can be adjusted in precise increments because of these components. When you look through the glass panel at the various electronic parts, you can see the cooling elements, audio relay and other components. Even the resistors are of the highest quality as they are MELF resistors. These are of superb construction. Every one of these components was put through rigorous testing before Senhizer decided to use them in the HDVA600.
Pls read below article carefully.
I personaly, 100% agree with above article as a owner of HDVA600.
3).Is CHORD MOJO really enough to drive HD800S?.If you already Own CHORD MOJO what should be your next upgrade option, Either HUGO TT or high end AMP (Senn HDVA600)+CHORD MOJO? What is the BEST OPTION?
I can fearlessly say and confirm that CHORD MOJO really NOT enough to drive HD800S.When I connect HD800S directly to MOJO can realized that MOJO can provide enough volume to drive HD800S. But it is lack of dynamic range. Please again read my answer for question one(1). Then you will realize what iam said.
So actually before buying HDVA600 , I plan to buy CHORD HUGO TT as an upgrade for MOJO. And after doing so many research and technical studies I found that it is totally Waste of money. So optimum solution is connect very high end AMP (HDVA600) in between Mojo and HD800S, Since DAC wise CHORD MOJO is excellent enough. Also eventually you can get advantage of Balance XLR (because HDVA600 have two, 4 pin Balance XLR outputs.)
4).Is there any significant sound different between Single ended cable VS Balance cables for HD800S?
Yes. There is slight different. I have compare moon audio BLACK dragon premium single ended vs Sennhiser Balance cable. And found that Senn. Balance cable further improve dynamic range and provide very clear sound.
5).Some people said that after adding high quality USB cables to connect MOJO to PC (or i devises with Apple CCK) can get improved sound quality. Is that really true? What is the technical clarification for that?
YES!!..It is true. I also feel some difference (improvement in sound quality) when I replace default USB cable with Moon audio Blue dragon USB cable.
There's a common misconception that DACs and digital cables have an easy job- all they have to do is tell if a signal is a one or a zero, right? It's not that quite that simple. In wide-bandwidth data applications, the ones and zeroes have to be bundled up into packets, and these packets are passed at blindingly high frequencies through send/receive chipsets and across cabling. Every small impedance mismatch, and every bit of power supply noise,EMI, RF NOISE that travels along with the data… in our case, music, creates errors that can cause audible problems.
On the other hand I send email to CHORD MOJO technical support and ask them when sending data from MOJO via USB whether it use error correction or retransmission. And from email they confirm me that CHORD MOJO didn’t use error correction or retransmission when connect via USB.
So now I believe now you can clearly understand the reason for using high quality USB cables.
By the way ROB WATTS (the designer of MOJO) also mention that it better to use Ferrite chork for USB cable to eliminate RF noise come from host device.
6).If we use JRiver Media Center 22 what are the optimum parameter settings to get premium quality audio?
Please find below attached word document.
My final setup details can summarize as follows:
Windows 10 PC with JRiver Media Center 22-->Moon Audio Blue dragon USB A to USB micro B cable-->Chord Mojo---> Moon Audio Black Dragon Stereo to RCA Cable--> Senn HDVA600 amp -->Senn Balance Cable->Senn HD800S
As per my experience above setup is the TOP NOTCH you can reach if you own HD800S!!!!!!!!!





Aug 16, 2016 at 11:16 AM Post #1,331 of 8,828
Hugo TT versus mojo a complete waist of money? Well thx for your opinion but you lost me there. Completly lost on so many parameters. Mojo isn't great match for hd800S well Hugo isn't that good a match compared to TT. Granted I will also post impressions with balanced and SE high end amp with very high quality interconnects through high quality cables to hd800S in a few weeks via TT and its balanced xlr out versus RCA se out.
Good to hear you like your new amp.
Aug 16, 2016 at 11:22 AM Post #1,332 of 8,828
5).Some people said that after adding high quality USB cables to connect MOJO to PC (or i devises with Apple CCK) can get improved sound quality. Is that really true? What is the technical clarification for that?
YES!!..It is true. I also feel some difference (improvement in sound quality) when I replace default USB cable with Moon audio Blue dragon USB cable.
There's a common misconception that DACs and digital cables have an easy job- all they have to do is tell if a signal is a one or a zero, right? It's not that quite that simple. In wide-bandwidth data applications, the ones and zeroes have to be bundled up into packets, and these packets are passed at blindingly high frequencies through send/receive chipsets and across cabling. Every small impedance mismatch, and every bit of power supply noise,EMI, RF NOISE that travels along with the data… in our case, music, creates errors that can cause audible problems.
On the other hand I send email to CHORD MOJO technical support and ask them when sending data to MOJO via USB whether it use error correction or retransmission. And from email they confirm me that CHORD MOJO didn’t use error correction or retransmission when connect via USB.
So now I believe now you can clearly understand the reason for using high quality USB cables.
By the way ROB WATTS (the designer of MOJO) also mention that it better to use Ferrite chork for USB cable to eliminate RF noise come from host device.

Congratulations with your new piece! Could you define please what difference you hear between the stock and better USB-cable? 
Aug 16, 2016 at 11:37 AM Post #1,333 of 8,828
Hugo TT versus mojo a complete waist of money? Well thx for your opinion but you lost me there. Completly lost on so many parameters. Mojo isn't great match for hd800S well Hugo isn't that good a match compared to TT. Granted I will also post impressions with balanced and SE high end amp with very high quality interconnects through high quality cables to hd800S in a few weeks via TT and its balanced xlr out versus RCA se out.
Good to hear you like your new amp

Dear Friend,
first Thank you..
In here what I want to emphasize is ,if someone already have chord mojo and HD800S, it is not worth(money wise) to buy HUGO TT(4795USD) and instead far better to buy HDVA600(1600USD) and can use MOJO+HDVA600+HD800S.And this combination will provide far better sound with less money.   
Aug 16, 2016 at 11:47 AM Post #1,335 of 8,828
Hugo TT versus mojo a complete waist of money? Well thx for your opinion but you lost me there. Completly lost on so many parameters. Mojo isn't great match for hd800S well Hugo isn't that good a match compared to TT. Granted I will also post impressions with balanced and SE high end amp with very high quality interconnects through high quality cables to hd800S in a few weeks via TT and its balanced xlr out versus RCA se out.
Good to hear you like your new amp

Dear Friend,
first Thank you..
In here what I want to emphasize is ,if someone already have chord mojo and HD800S, it is not worth(money wise) to buy HUGO TT(4795USD) and instead far better to buy HDVA600(1600USD) and can use MOJO+HDVA600+HD800S.And this combination will provide far better sound with less money.   

I see the less money confounding variable. I didn't realize you had TT to compare in your analysis?

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