Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650?
Mar 3, 2024 at 12:49 PM Post #9,526 of 9,629
I love 660s ,and yeah they sound different than S2 for sure, S2 are warmer smoother.
Yeah, they're also wider sounding than the S2. The S2 loses the neutrality of the S1 though. Luckily I have found there is an alternative to the HD 660S, it's the R70x which sounds more similar to the HD 660S than any of the other HD 6xx headphones and it has even better imaging and more bass extension. I wouldn't say it's an upgrade as they each do some things better, but it keeps the neutrality of the HD 660S while having more bass extension.

Agree they do sound different, 600 are phenomenal on some tracks and mostly what they do with vocals, but technically in my opinion 660s1 and S2 are better on imaging, speed, separation.
Vocals and timbre is where the HD 600 excel, but yes the HD 660S and S2 are better in that aspect without a doubt. I do think the HD 600 and HD 650 has better dynamics than the S1 though.
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Mar 3, 2024 at 1:23 PM Post #9,527 of 9,629
These are perhaps the most praised headphones, considered the benchmark by many and hailed as marvelous by some very famous reviewers.

So, how do the Sennheiser HD660S sound, in my opinion? The initial impression is pleasing; they bear the distinct Sennheiser signature, which not everyone enjoys, but personally, I don’t mind it. The bass is present and well-controlled, the soundstage is narrower than some competitors in the same category, but it’s still there, and instrument separation meets expectations for the category. It sounds reasonably detailed, too. As a quick comparison, I’ve been listening to them alongside the Denon D7200 recently, and the HD660S seem more detailed.

All is well until I come across one of my reference tracks for dynamics and low frequencies: Nils Logfren’s Bass&Drum Intro revealed just adequate dynamics but well-controlled bass. Moving on to another bass reference track, Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy. It’s a challenging track for any headphones, but the HD660S seemed to handle it well. However, in a part of the song where I’m familiar with a metallic electronic tinkling flitting between the channels, I only hear a faint crackling on the HD660S, which becomes the tinkling of the recording only when it intensifies. I thought it might be my amp struggling, but I was in mid-gain with volume at 1 o’clock, and there was still plenty of power available, so it couldn’t be the amp’s fault.

Alarm bells went off, I reset everything, and moved on to a selection of binaural recordings that I usually only use as a final confirmation. With the HD660S, I had to use them right away, and unfortunately, what emerged was harsh. It’s worth noting that with binaural recordings, the better the headphone, the less it feels like a recording; however, with any track used, it was clear and unmistakable that it was a recording. My brain was never fooled; the vocals sounded nasal and muffled, the bass controlled but artificially colored—no real drum kit sounds like that. The highs were sharp. Almost no headphones returned such paltry results with those recordings, and truth be told, the lesser sibling, the HD599, performs better in the same situation.

In my opinion, the money asked for these headphones isn’t justified. Sure, you can still enjoy music with them, but I don’t feel comfortable classifying them as either Hi-Fi or My-Fi because the latter must necessarily draw on elements of Hi-Fi, which unfortunately are lacking here.

In conclusion, I believe these headphones have unfortunately had their day. In their price range, the competitors are fierce, and to mention one at random, the Hifiman Ananda, at a similar price point, outperforms them in every aspect.

The direct comparison executed in real time with the Spirit Centauri was ruthless. It’s not about them belonging to different categories because, for example, the Denon D7200, at a similar cost, when directly compared with the Centauri, makes you say, “well, but…” whereas the HD660S come out humiliated. No high-cost headphone should humiliate a Hi-Fi headphone, even if it’s low-cost. There shouldn’t be such a gap. If I cost €1,000, I should sound 10% better than the one costing €500, and if I cost €3,000, I should sound 20/30% better, but the weaker one should try to compete with some weapons. The HD660S lose 6-0 / 6-0, whereas the Ananda loses 6-3 / 6-4.

I believe that today, the Sennheiser HD660S are outdated, and you shouldn’t spend €400 on them.

They’re currently the worst headphones with Hi-Fi claims that I know of.
Mar 3, 2024 at 4:47 PM Post #9,528 of 9,629
Yeah, they're also wider sounding than the S2. The S2 loses the neutrality of the S1 though. Luckily I have found there is an alternative to the HD 660S, it's the R70x which sounds more similar to the HD 660S than any of the other HD 6xx headphones and it has even better imaging and more bass extension. I wouldn't say it's an upgrade as they each do some things better, but it keeps the neutrality of the HD 660S while having more bass extension.

Vocals and timbre is where the HD 600 excel, but yes the HD 660S and S2 are better in that aspect without a doubt. I do think the HD 600 and HD 650 has better dynamics than the S1 though.
Fully agree , I believe that people like me that love 600 so much can clearly hear that 660s and S2 are better on dynamics.
Mar 3, 2024 at 5:11 PM Post #9,529 of 9,629
Fully agree , I believe that people like me that love 600 so much can clearly hear that 660s and S2 are better on dynamics.
I agree on the S2, but I always found the S a bit lacking in terms of dynamic swings, probably my main complaint about them. Not near as bad as the HD 560S though which I found dynamically limp. I'm used to Tesla Beyers though, which put Senns to shame in terms of dynamics.
Mar 3, 2024 at 5:27 PM Post #9,530 of 9,629
These are perhaps the most praised headphones, considered the benchmark by many and hailed as marvelous by some very famous reviewers.

So, how do the Sennheiser HD660S sound, in my opinion? The initial impression is pleasing; they bear the distinct Sennheiser signature, which not everyone enjoys, but personally, I don’t mind it. The bass is present and well-controlled, the soundstage is narrower than some competitors in the same category, but it’s still there, and instrument separation meets expectations for the category. It sounds reasonably detailed, too. As a quick comparison, I’ve been listening to them alongside the Denon D7200 recently, and the HD660S seem more detailed.

All is well until I come across one of my reference tracks for dynamics and low frequencies: Nils Logfren’s Bass&Drum Intro revealed just adequate dynamics but well-controlled bass. Moving on to another bass reference track, Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy. It’s a challenging track for any headphones, but the HD660S seemed to handle it well. However, in a part of the song where I’m familiar with a metallic electronic tinkling flitting between the channels, I only hear a faint crackling on the HD660S, which becomes the tinkling of the recording only when it intensifies. I thought it might be my amp struggling, but I was in mid-gain with volume at 1 o’clock, and there was still plenty of power available, so it couldn’t be the amp’s fault.

Alarm bells went off, I reset everything, and moved on to a selection of binaural recordings that I usually only use as a final confirmation. With the HD660S, I had to use them right away, and unfortunately, what emerged was harsh. It’s worth noting that with binaural recordings, the better the headphone, the less it feels like a recording; however, with any track used, it was clear and unmistakable that it was a recording. My brain was never fooled; the vocals sounded nasal and muffled, the bass controlled but artificially colored—no real drum kit sounds like that. The highs were sharp. Almost no headphones returned such paltry results with those recordings, and truth be told, the lesser sibling, the HD599, performs better in the same situation.

In my opinion, the money asked for these headphones isn’t justified. Sure, you can still enjoy music with them, but I don’t feel comfortable classifying them as either Hi-Fi or My-Fi because the latter must necessarily draw on elements of Hi-Fi, which unfortunately are lacking here.

In conclusion, I believe these headphones have unfortunately had their day. In their price range, the competitors are fierce, and to mention one at random, the Hifiman Ananda, at a similar price point, outperforms them in every aspect.

The direct comparison executed in real time with the Spirit Centauri was ruthless. It’s not about them belonging to different categories because, for example, the Denon D7200, at a similar cost, when directly compared with the Centauri, makes you say, “well, but…” whereas the HD660S come out humiliated. No high-cost headphone should humiliate a Hi-Fi headphone, even if it’s low-cost. There shouldn’t be such a gap. If I cost €1,000, I should sound 10% better than the one costing €500, and if I cost €3,000, I should sound 20/30% better, but the weaker one should try to compete with some weapons. The HD660S lose 6-0 / 6-0, whereas the Ananda loses 6-3 / 6-4.

I believe that today, the Sennheiser HD660S are outdated, and you shouldn’t spend €400 on them.

They’re currently the worst headphones with Hi-Fi claims that I know of.
I have read your post respect everyones opinion, but I disagree.
I have listen many times This track from Billie bad guy there is no crackling. Not all of us want big soundstage and let's not forget what makes famous is the in your head soundstage that 600 use and to be on top so many years it must say something, 660s are the wider on soundstage on all 6 line also.
About 660s having muffled vocals , coloured bass ? If 660s have coloured bass then what 650 or 599 have ? Highs are sharp on 660s ? Compared to what ? Neutral headphones like r70 , 770pro and many more.even the 600 are sharper compared to 660s on highs, honestly the most people complain about 660s and S2 being relaxed headphones compared to others.
I also have 599 and it's not fair to compare.them to 660s it's night and day , 599 are way warmer way more coloured, and the surely don't have the speed imaging separation clarity that 660s have ,not even close.
Saying that Ananda or Soundara outperforms them in everyway just proves to me that are already make up your mind without giving them the change, Both Hifaman are amazing and better on something and worst on something else , I use them many years ,( with a lot of problems and broken drivers that I post on forum) they have speed soundstage imaging but.they don't have the timbre or organic sound of 660s , also vocals are better on 660s, hifiman at least those models sound metallic to me . I am open minded and I can see that these are great headphones but also 660s are and honestly imaging and speed is up there to Hifiman and for.that type of.driver is a miracle.

About price and what sound better what I know is sound doesn't always translate to more money better sound , I have heard headphones 1.500 euro that I didn't prefer more than 660s but that's my taste and what is.important in this hoby is to find out what u like, HD6 line sound signature is.what I prefer but that doesn't make me trash other headphones for example 1990pro are not for me but I can see why they are amazing for most people and I respect it they have technicalities.

If u think that HD6 line doesn't deserve the Hi-fi stamp after all these years and history and what most people can hear from them, hmm I think u have to reconsider what is Hi-fi.

About Denon 7200 a closed back 1.000 euro headphone compared to an open back ... I can't say anything to me is something different. I only compare open backs with open backs , on ears with on ears etch etch...

Saying to people don't spend 400 for 660s doesn't make sense u don't know what people like or not... By the way 😜 they don't cost 400 , 250 to 300 used there are no more new S2 cost 400 and in my opinion worth way more. But that's taste ...
Mar 3, 2024 at 5:28 PM Post #9,531 of 9,629
I agree on the S2, but I always found the S a bit lacking in terms of dynamic swings, probably my main complaint about them. Not near as bad as the HD 560S though which I found dynamically limp. I'm used to Tesla Beyers though, which put Senns to shame in terms of dynamics.
Yeah Beyerdynamics are on another level about.dynamics , my wife loves them but I can't use them because of the sound signature.
Mar 3, 2024 at 5:48 PM Post #9,532 of 9,629
Yeah Beyerdynamics are on another level about.dynamics , my wife loves them but I can't use them because of the sound signature.
Yeah they're a different flavor, some people prefer Senns and others prefer Beyers, I like both Beyers and Senns a lot. Though my favorite headphone is the controversially tuned Beyer T1 Gen 3. While tuned quite differently it comes off as a bit of a HD 660S2 on steroids to my ears. Though perception of sound and frequency response don't always correlate.
Mar 3, 2024 at 6:08 PM Post #9,533 of 9,629
Ho letto il tuo post rispetto all'opinione di tutti, ma non sono d'accordo.
Ho ascoltato molte volte questo brano di Billie bad guy non c'è scoppiettante. Non tutti noi vogliamo un grande palcoscenico e non dimentichiamo che ciò che rende famoso è il palcoscenico nella tua testa che i 600 usano e per essere al top così tanti anni deve dire qualcosa, i 660 sono i più ampi sul palcoscenico anche su tutte e 6 le linee.
Circa 660 con voci ovattate, bassi colorati ? Se i 660 hanno bassi colorati, allora cosa hanno i 650 o i 599? Gli alti sono taglienti sui 660 ? Rispetto a cosa? Cuffie neutre come r70 , 770pro e molte altre.anche le 600 sono più nitide rispetto alle 660 sugli alti, onestamente la maggior parte delle persone si lamenta del fatto che le cuffie 660 e S2 sono rilassate rispetto ad altre.
Ho anche 599 e non è giusto confrontarli.loro a 660 è notte e giorno, 599 sono modo più caldo modo più colorato, e sicuramente non hanno la chiarezza di separazione dell'immagine di velocità che 660 hanno, nemmeno vicino.
Dire che Ananda o Soundara li superano in ogni modo mi dimostra solo che sono già prendere una decisione senza dare loro il cambiamento, Entrambi Hifaman sono sorprendenti e migliori su qualcosa e peggio su qualcos'altro, li uso molti anni, (con un sacco di problemi e driver rotti che pubblico sul forum) hanno velocità di imaging soundstage ma.non hanno il timbro o il suono organico degli anni '660, Anche le voci sono migliori sui 660, Hifiman almeno quei modelli mi suonano metallici. Sono di mentalità aperta e posso vedere che queste sono ottime cuffie, ma anche le 660 lo sono e onestamente l'immagine e la velocità sono all'altezza di Hifiman e per.quel tipo di.driver è un miracolo.

A proposito di prezzo e di ciò che suona meglio quello che so è che il suono non sempre si traduce in più soldi suono migliore , ho sentito cuffie da 1.500 euro che non preferivo più di 660 ma questo è il mio gusto e ciò che è.importante in questo hoby è scoprire cosa ti piace, firma sonora della linea HD6 è.quello che preferisco ma che non mi fa cestinare altre cuffie ad esempio 1990pro non fanno per me ma posso capisco perché sono fantastici per la maggior parte delle persone e lo rispetto, hanno tecnicismi.

se pensate che la linea HD6 non meriti il timbro Hi-fi dopo tutti questi anni e storia e quello che la maggior parte delle persone può sentire da loro, hmm penso che si debba riconsiderare cosa sia Hi-fi.

A proposito di Denon 7200 una cuffia chiusa da 1.000 euro rispetto a una posteriore aperta... Non posso dire niente per me è qualcosa di diverso. Confronto solo i dorsi aperti con i dorsi aperti, sulle orecchie con l'incisione dell'incisione sulle orecchie...

Dire alla gente di non spendere 400 per 660 non ha senso, non sai cosa piace o no alla gente... Tra l'altro non costano 400 , da 250 a 300 usati non ci sono più nuovi S2 costano 400 e secondo me valgono molto di più. Ma questo è gusto...😜

I have read your post respect everyones opinion, but I disagree.
I have listen many times This track from Billie bad guy there is no crackling. Not all of us want big soundstage and let's not forget what makes famous is the in your head soundstage that 600 use and to be on top so many years it must say something, 660s are the wider on soundstage on all 6 line also.
About 660s having muffled vocals , coloured bass ? If 660s have coloured bass then what 650 or 599 have ? Highs are sharp on 660s ? Compared to what ? Neutral headphones like r70 , 770pro and many more.even the 600 are sharper compared to 660s on highs, honestly the most people complain about 660s and S2 being relaxed headphones compared to others.
I also have 599 and it's not fair to compare.them to 660s it's night and day , 599 are way warmer way more coloured, and the surely don't have the speed imaging separation clarity that 660s have ,not even close.
Saying that Ananda or Soundara outperforms them in everyway just proves to me that are already make up your mind without giving them the change, Both Hifaman are amazing and better on something and worst on something else , I use them many years ,( with a lot of problems and broken drivers that I post on forum) they have speed soundstage imaging but.they don't have the timbre or organic sound of 660s , also vocals are better on 660s, hifiman at least those models sound metallic to me . I am open minded and I can see that these are great headphones but also 660s are and honestly imaging and speed is up there to Hifiman and for.that type of.driver is a miracle.

About price and what sound better what I know is sound doesn't always translate to more money better sound , I have heard headphones 1.500 euro that I didn't prefer more than 660s but that's my taste and what is.important in this hoby is to find out what u like, HD6 line sound signature is.what I prefer but that doesn't make me trash other headphones for example 1990pro are not for me but I can see why they are amazing for most people and I respect it they have technicalities.

If u think that HD6 line doesn't deserve the Hi-fi stamp after all these years and history and what most people can hear from them, hmm I think u have to reconsider what is Hi-fi.

About Denon 7200 a closed back 1.000 euro headphone compared to an open back ... I can't say anything to me is something different. I only compare open backs with open backs , on ears with on ears etch etch...

Saying to people don't spend 400 for 660s doesn't make sense u don't know what people like or not... By the way 😜 they don't cost 400 , 250 to 300 used there are no more new S2 cost 400 and in my opinion worth way more. But that's taste ...
I understand your perspective and share your love for Sennheiser. I appreciate objective evaluations as well. The ultimate assessment was conducted using binaural recordings. With such recordings, the headphone must be able to eliminate any sense of reproduced sound to achieve absolute realism. If, with your eyes closed, you are certain the artist is playing right beside you, then the test is passed. Unfortunately, the Sennheiser HD660S simply did not pass this test, which means it reproduces sounds, probably even very beautiful ones, but it isn't HiFi because it falls short of faithful reproduction. Could it be MyFi? Yes, certainly, and for many, it could still be enjoyable. But we can't label it HiFi.
Mar 3, 2024 at 7:26 PM Post #9,534 of 9,629
I understand your perspective and share your love for Sennheiser. I appreciate objective evaluations as well. The ultimate assessment was conducted using binaural recordings. With such recordings, the headphone must be able to eliminate any sense of reproduced sound to achieve absolute realism. If, with your eyes closed, you are certain the artist is playing right beside you, then the test is passed. Unfortunately, the Sennheiser HD660S simply did not pass this test, which means it reproduces sounds, probably even very beautiful ones, but it isn't HiFi because it falls short of faithful reproduction. Could it be MyFi? Yes, certainly, and for many, it could still be enjoyable. But we can't label it HiFi.
Pass what test? On your binaural recordings? The 660s has its downsides but your evaluation of hifi is in my opinion ridiculous.
Mar 3, 2024 at 7:36 PM Post #9,535 of 9,629
Pass what test? On your binaural recordings? The 660s has its downsides but your evaluation of hifi is in my opinion ridiculous.
Anyone can find a binaural recording and perform the test. Wearing HD660S, no one will ever achieve the goal. I understand your preference for the mentioned headphone, but I don't share it. That headphone model is far from hi-fi. It's not for nothing that they radically replaced the driver on the S2, and I'm sorry you bought it, but it's not a valid reason to subvert reality.
Mar 4, 2024 at 2:26 AM Post #9,536 of 9,629
HD660 S is probably one of my least favourite headphones at the moment but saying that binaural recording test is some kind of ultimate test to see if the headphone is "hi-fi" or not is just silly.

I use Dolby Atmos for Headphones several times per week. My personal headphone rank for using Dolby Atmos for Headphones is HD800S > HD598 > HD660S > HD660S2 > Utopia 2022. Does that mean that HD598 is more hi-fi than Focal Utopia 2022? No. It does not.
Mar 4, 2024 at 4:39 AM Post #9,537 of 9,629
Dolby is an obvious manipulation of sound, suggesting that you're seeking the most pleasing sound for your ears rather than pure sound. This is legitimate and respectable. If you enjoy it that way, it's right for you to do so.
Mar 4, 2024 at 4:40 AM Post #9,538 of 9,629
Dolby is an obvious manipulation of sound, suggesting that you're seeking the most pleasing sound for your ears rather than pure sound. This is legitimate and respectable. If you enjoy it that way, it's right for you to do so.
Mar 4, 2024 at 5:50 AM Post #9,539 of 9,629
Just my two-penneth.

I really wanted to hear evolution in the 660S and the 660S2 but all I got was 'dressing' akin to what car manufacturers do to any given model during the course of a production run; adding bits and pieces to give it a 'mid-term refresh' to make it look up to date in order to prolong its' market appeal.
As a lifelong Sennheiser fan it's a bit disappointing to realise that they seem to be conducting these sort of shenannigans.

I don't doubt that the drivers have been tweaked to give a slightly different SS but in my opinion it doesn't really warrant a new moniker or subsequent price hike. But having worked extensively with product development over the course of my career I know exactly how it goes. In this case I can only summise that Sennheiser have tried to capture and utilise some of the HD600/650's incredible long-standing market appeal in order to capitalise on a new model at a higher price point. That's business after all and I'd probably do the same if I was head of Sennheiser PD.
It's just a shame that they couldn't make a large-enough product distinction between the 600/650 and the 660S/S2 in order to appeal to a minority sector of the market (us) who are already intimately acquainted with the HD600/650 and where our comparisons between the old and new are subsequently irrelevant to Sennheiser.

To a younger and larger customer base coming into the market with no prior, direct experience of listening to those 'stuffy old cans that my granddad uses' it's obvious that the 660S/S2 has to exist in the marketplace and I can draw a direct anaelogy between the state of Bodyshop and how well Rituals is doing in comparison within that particular marketplace now. Bodyshop is what your mum bought for years and years and is considered old-hat whereby Rituals is what the kids want now.
i.e. Bodyshop = Hd600/650, Rituals = HD660S/S2.
I only wish they would re-introduce a new version of the HD-565, a lower-mid-tier product and un-sung hero headphone imo.
Marketing. Meh.

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