Sennheiser HD650 vs. Stax 2020 Basic System: a comparison
Aug 24, 2004 at 2:55 PM Post #31 of 162

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
Unfortunately, amplification has nothing to do with it. The inherent limitations of the diaphragms have everything to do with it.

Translation: "Stax Rulezzz!!!!!111"
*fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap*

By the way, would you like to tell me how often & how well theoretical performance translates into actual real world performance?
Aug 24, 2004 at 6:28 PM Post #32 of 162
This is possibly my most bad-tempered post. Sometimes I have to emphasise in words what I think. I'm not actually this bad tempered about it but it serves my purpose to accentate what I think. I apologise in advance.

Mike Scapitti,
I have you on my ignore list, so unless someone quotes you I don't get to see your sad, repetitive, deathly boring, chronically uninformed posts. What you think makes sense in a theoretical sense doesn't actually work in the real world. The Stax are alternatives to the best dynamics around, and don't always provide a crushingly superior experience. I like my 007, and believe me compared to some of the rubbish said here by other members I can clearly discern detail vs. a jacking up of the highs (how can some of you who should know better be so stupid to fall for that trick? Experienced my ass.), but I will not under any circumstances say that they are indisputably superior to some of the best dynamics set-ups I've heard / owned.

Please will people like this character go away, and could we provide an environment suitable for the guys of real worth (in different ways) like scrypt and kelly, however abrasive they may be, to come back (what drove them away anyway?)? Thanks.
Aug 24, 2004 at 7:30 PM Post #33 of 162

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
Unfortunately, amplification has nothing to do with it. The inherent limitations of the diaphragms have everything to do with it.

?????????????????????? Your saying that the Stax phones with any amp can retrieve more detail than ANY dynamic phone no matter what amp is used with it ? I spent an afternoon with the 3030 system and it didnt produce the amount of detail my HD650/Singlepower system did. It doesnt take a month of straight listening to be able to hear(or not hear) details coming through.
I really dont care one way or another which phones people prefer. But your above statement is ridiculous.
Aug 24, 2004 at 8:09 PM Post #34 of 162

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
Dynamic phones 'thicken' the sound compared to Stax phones.

That's a bit of a sweeping statement, everyone's hearing capabilities are different (ears are as unique as fingerprints) and thus not every headphone will be suited to every ear. You also have to enter age into the equation, the older we get the less HF information we are able to hear..... it could be that what you consider a "thick" sounding phone someone half your age will find open and airy.....

I fondly remember my music teacher back in the 70's......... he was 65 years old and listened to his hi-fi with the treble control cranked up to the max and he always said "what a lovely tone that system has" to me it sounded like someone scraping glass off a metal sheet....... tinny, harsh, brash and screechy. My ears were only 15 years old..... his ears had 50 years wear and tear and it probably "was" a nice tone to his ears but it was a nightmare to mine.

So Mike, before making sweeping statements like "Dynamic phones 'thicken' the sound compared to Stax phones" remember to add "IMO" to the sentence

Aug 24, 2004 at 9:14 PM Post #35 of 162

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
Unfortunately, amplification has nothing to do with it. The inherent limitations of the diaphragms have everything to do with it.

Yep. A Volkswagen Beetle is lighter than a Ferrari Testarossa. Therefore, the Volkswagen will accelerate faster than a Ferrari. The Ferrari is inherently limited by excessive weight. The engine has nothing to do with acceleration...
Aug 24, 2004 at 9:27 PM Post #36 of 162

Originally Posted by Hirsch
Yep. A Volkswagen Beetle is lighter than a Ferrari Testarossa. Therefore, the Volkswagen will accelerate faster than a Ferrari. The Ferrari is inherently limited by excessive weight. The engine has nothing to do with acceleration...

Aug 24, 2004 at 9:35 PM Post #37 of 162
I'm not saying that Mike Scarpitti is a troll, but his posts certainly have the same effect. That being said, the most effective weapon against a troll is to ignore the troll. When one of his comments evokes four or five responses, all saying basically the same thing and in and of themselves not really contributing, then the trolls job has been acomplished.

So, as hard as it might be. As against nature as it might feel. As infuriatingly ignorant as it might come across as. Just say no. Filter if you must, but in any case just DON'T FEED THE TROLL.

BTW, I'm a big Stax guy myself and am big into the electrostatic sound. I know it's not for everyone, but hey, whatever rocks your boat. My listening selection runs the extremes, I can be listening to Callas one track and Cannibal Corpse the next. For my needs, I don't need the ultimate in clarity when I'm rocking out and I'd rather lose the slam in the hard stuff to gain clarity in the classical (I primarily listen to classical anyway). I've also made a similar decision wrt speakers, I have Maggies and I just love'em to death, lose a little bass oomph, but gain that wonderful (to my ears) Maggie sound.
Aug 24, 2004 at 9:45 PM Post #38 of 162

Originally Posted by bitWrangler
I'm not saying that Mike Scarpitti is a troll, but his posts certainly have the same effect. That being said, the most effective weapon against a troll is to ignore the troll.

Edit: Bollocks to it.
Aug 25, 2004 at 1:19 AM Post #39 of 162

Originally Posted by zeplin
IMO, the Stax sound is just not for me, period. I think it utterly sucks compared to the 650 and other high quality dynamic setups................The Stax systems lack life and groove, basically things very essential, IMO, that one needs and absolutely has to have when listening to music. It's like human beings needing water to survive!

No offense, but I'm glad I don't hear the way you seem to. No life and groove?!?!!? Au contraire...


Originally Posted by Hirsch
Yep. A Volkswagen Beetle is lighter than a Ferrari Testarossa. Therefore, the Volkswagen will accelerate faster than a Ferrari. The Ferrari is inherently limited by excessive weight. The engine has nothing to do with acceleration...

I don't think this analogy reflects what he was trying to point out. A thinner lighter diaphragm does have a profound effect on speed and detail. You also have to factor in overall design, which your analogy also omits.
Aug 25, 2004 at 1:39 AM Post #40 of 162

Originally Posted by tom hankins
?????????????????????? Your saying that the Stax phones with any amp can retrieve more detail than ANY dynamic phone no matter what amp is used with it ? I spent an afternoon with the 3030 system and it didnt produce the amount of detail my HD650/Singlepower system did. It doesnt take a month of straight listening to be able to hear(or not hear) details coming through.
I really dont care one way or another which phones people prefer. But your above statement is ridiculous.

1. Amplification cannot produce better sound than the unit is inherently capable of. The magnet has only so much flux, and the voice coil can take only so much power before it melts.

2. Read some Stax literature if you have questions.

3. The statement about the HD650 is laughable at best.
Aug 25, 2004 at 4:02 AM Post #41 of 162

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
1. Amplification cannot produce better sound than the unit is inherently capable of. The magnet has only so much flux, and the voice coil can take only so much power before it melts.

2. Read some Stax literature if you have questions.

3. The statement about the HD650 is laughable at best.

What you say is quite "laughable".
1. That's such a clearly idiotic and ignorant statement that there's no need for me to respond to.

2. Why don't you go read some Bose literature, then invest in Bose equipment. Enough said.

3. What the hell would you know about the HD650? More than likely, you've never listened to the HD650. You have not had experience with a decent dynamic setup to speak of. So just shut up.
Aug 25, 2004 at 6:15 AM Post #42 of 162
Nope Mike, the 650 statement is NOT laughable. First listen to them, and then say if it is laughable or not. Put a great source and amp behind it and it will very easily rival your Stax. About the amps... you're wrong in that there are not a lot of amps out there (except the really pricey, high quality ones) that can drive the 650's, for ex., to their full potential. In turn, many people aren't driving the 650's to their full potential. So improving upon an amp with the 650's, or even a Stax, compared to a lower end amp will result in drastic improvements...i.e. cleaner sound, better handling of all frequencies, increased speed, and many MANY more things. So once again, get you facts straight before you speak...or at least, more clearly get your point accross without making such sweeping, stereotypical statements that only a person like you would make.

I'm not being deceitful in the least bit when I talk about almost all electro static systems, excluding the O2 and Orpheus, which are great sounding! And no offense either to the electro static type cans, but all the others that I've exstensively heard (not for just a couple of minutes) lack what I need for music listening. And that is punchy, dynamic, hard hitting sounds that closely correlate to excitment and just plain fun!!! They just don't have it, IMO
Aug 25, 2004 at 6:57 AM Post #43 of 162
I tell you... it seems like the best thing to do with Mike Scarpitti is to just ignore his posts... just how he ignores ours...

He only reads what he wants to... and only responds to what he wants to... so... I think we should do the same... easier than getting stressed out about his (apparently) idiotic attitude.
Aug 25, 2004 at 8:37 AM Post #44 of 162
I know, you are so right in what you say about that worthless piece of troll!!!
But sometimes he says the most ridiculous/one-sided/blind/untrue things that I almost feel obligated to reply to him just to say something like "you're absolutely wrong (factually), even though you think you're absolutely, without a doubt right." The statements that come out of his mouth/head are unlike any I've ever seen anywhere on any forum in my lifetime. I've never, EVER seen someone take absolutely no regard for other peoples opinions/likes/dislikes....NEVER! It boggles the mind really. I don't know how someone could actually think this way. And sometimes, I think he's just kidding around, but he's not!
Aug 25, 2004 at 9:09 AM Post #45 of 162

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
2. Read some Stax literature if you have questions.

This is the most laughable statement so far...

A company trying to promote their products is highly unlikely to bad-mouth their own products...

I can scan in some original literature of Philips BitStream 'technology' that has lots of techno-blurb stating that bitstream is superior to multi-bit... that doesn't mean that people agreed wholeheartedly... look at the evidence there, a lot of people still find multi-bit to be the way to go (for pure redbook performance)... Does that mean they're wrong? no!

Beagle is the one in the right here, he's done the comparison between a high(er) end dynamic, and an electrostatic 'phone, and knows which one he prefers... hats off to him...

The problem you have Mike is that you have a low-fi dynamic, and are using that as your basis for ALL dynamics... doesn't mean that you're wrong... but it means that your argument for being RIGHT is flimsy at best...

As I said before... try adding in the phrase 'in my opinion'... it'll make your life here a whole lot easier!

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