Sennheiser HD25 Aluminium 25th anniversary edition review
Aug 11, 2016 at 11:58 PM Post #346 of 380
  Can you describe a bit more regarding the change? I'm going to assume that it's better :)
So in what way is it better?

Normally I like to buy (or DIY) good cable without exceeding (no esoteric stuff, never exceed $100 for a set of cables) as I consider the improvements give as a "third order" one (*).
Which means that very often my equipment (and my ears) is not able to really highlight the differences between cables.
But in this case the story was completely different: the difference is clear and substantial.
Everything sounds much more coherent and clear plus, in my ears, the high frequencies are more emphasized, crisp, but still not fatiguing.
It is like before the sound was somehow a little muffled and, by replacing the cable, I removed a veil without the need to wash my ears...

The separation before the instruments is more defined, and the nuances in the mid frequencies are highlighted.
Low frequencies are pretty much the same in terms of range itself, but also those have gained in clarity.
The transducers are now clearly much more transparent all along the frequency range.
Another big improvement that I noticed is the speed: transients are now way faster than before. The sound is more alive, dynamic.

Of course I did not noticed the problem as I considered that sound as a peculiarity, a signature, of the HD25.
Well, it was not!
I did the test also with some colleagues in the office which are not audiophiles and they also noticed the changes.
Please notice that I did not buy an high-end cable, it is just an off the shelf  $50 cable and the initial listening was made by connecting the cans directly to the Fiio X5II, no amplifier in between.
Very probably the change of the material of the conductor between the two cables is the main reason of this radical change.
Now I am on a trip but tonight, as soon as I arrive ar home, I want to test the HD25 by using the HD650 stock cable as I suspect that it will be already enough to improve the sound compared to the standard steel cable of the HD25.
As per my direct experience, recabling the HD25 is definitely worth the expense.

Enjoy the music.
(*) For more info about the cables, the order of the changes and the DIY's I suggest to check the links as per the followings (and check the name of who wrote the articles).
Aug 16, 2016 at 7:14 AM Post #351 of 380

Wait, I want in on what you're having :p Where can I get the cables and pads you have :)?

The cables are Furutech, but if you don't mind the length you may use the stock cable of the HD650.
Otherwise there are other good manufacturer like Oyaide.

For what concerning the pads in saw the announcement here on head-fi, I contacted them to be sure they deliver to China, I paid by using PayPal and I received those by mail in 5 days.
Mr. Shige san was very kind and the shipment was made immediately after the payment.
How the pads work? Very well, great comfort.
The insulation for my ears is slightly improved as it was ok also with the original ones, but for other people may be better.
Sound wise no difference.
I am satisfied.
We have launched a new product for HD25.
[ for HD25 Comfort ] made of Alcantara
Please see our website!


Dec 3, 2016 at 10:38 AM Post #354 of 380
Hello, fellow Aluminium lovers,
I'm currently thinking about buying IEMs for my commute. I still love my Alu's sound signature and would love to find comparable IEMs for up to 200€. I would also consider spending more if it was justified, but I'd prefer not to. Have you got any suggestions?
Jan 10, 2017 at 7:48 AM Post #355 of 380
Are the connectors the same size as the hd650?
With reversed cups, will a cable built for the hd650 fit?
Thanks for the help!
Feb 28, 2017 at 3:54 AM Post #358 of 380
Hey guys, just bought the HD25 ALU. I love these cans as they sound exactly like the standard HD25, which is my favorite HP (been using it for years) --- except for the bass. I find the bass to be quite boomy in some tracks and it becomes somewhat of a distraction. Any tips?

BTW, I also have the Amperiors and I played around these headphones the entire day yesterday. It seems the bass boost mostly came from the different earpads of the ALU. Placing the Amperior velour pads to the ALU significantly weakens the bass but makes the ALU sibilant. While replacing the earcups (standard HD 25 earcups) did not produce any notable differences (for me at least)! I could just replace the earpads with the standard HD25 earpads so it will sound exactly like the standard HD25, but that's the problem, the earpads of my HD25 is worn out and some pieces are torn off (it significantly weakens the bass - I find it to be quite lacking in contrast to the HD25 Alu earpads which makes it boomy lol) and I'm not able to buy new ones because of the lack of availability here. Buying from foreign resellers is not wise due to unreasonably high customs taxes here -- will double the price of such items. 
Mar 7, 2017 at 8:54 AM Post #359 of 380
  Hey guys, just bought the HD25 ALU. I love these cans as they sound exactly like the standard HD25, which is my favorite HP (been using it for years) --- except for the bass. I find the bass to be quite boomy in some tracks and it becomes somewhat of a distraction. Any tips?

BTW, I also have the Amperiors and I played around these headphones the entire day yesterday. It seems the bass boost mostly came from the different earpads of the ALU. Placing the Amperior velour pads to the ALU significantly weakens the bass but makes the ALU sibilant. While replacing the earcups (standard HD 25 earcups) did not produce any notable differences (for me at least)! I could just replace the earpads with the standard HD25 earpads so it will sound exactly like the standard HD25, but that's the problem, the earpads of my HD25 is worn out and some pieces are torn off (it significantly weakens the bass - I find it to be quite lacking in contrast to the HD25 Alu earpads which makes it boomy lol) and I'm not able to buy new ones because of the lack of availability here. Buying from foreign resellers is not wise due to unreasonably high customs taxes here -- will double the price of such items. 

I'm a little surprised by your findings personally. I've owned all three hps in my time - HD25-1 II, Alu and Amperior - and I find the Alu to be the best overall. There's not much in it between the Alu and the original, but in terms of the bass response, I find it to be tighter and punchier with the Alu, and that's maybe not surprising given that the aluminium cup should be less resonant than the plastic one of the original. I prefer both to the Amperior, which I find a bit brash and aggressive-sounding in direct comparison. If you do find the bass boomy though, I'd suggest maybe EQing at source. You may get some joy swapping out ear pads and such (I never have, personally) but if you find it does make a difference, it's still an imprecise, uncontrolled way of addressing a specific frequency.
By the way, is it possible that the tracks in question just aren't very well recorded - and that the fault is in the music rather than the Alu's reproduction of it? A lot of modern (especially pop) music tends to be heavily compressed and clipping causes audible distortion, which in the bass region, might translate as boomy-sounding.

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