Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Nov 3, 2012 at 5:30 PM Post #2,101 of 23,498
Hello everyone, I wanted to get your opinions on my setup.  Right now I am using the 600s with a Nuforce HDP.  It sounds great but I feel like they still have more to give.  Where would you go with this setup?  For an idea of budget I don't want to spend more than about 700, any more than that and I might as well get those He-500s I've been eyeing 

Is that 700 including the HD600? 
Nov 3, 2012 at 7:23 PM Post #2,104 of 23,498
I already have the 600s, the 700 would be towards a new amp/dac or both.

My Lake People G109 works well with the HD600. Its about $450. There are also a couple Violectric amps in your price range, the V90 and V100. If you want a DAC/amp combo, the Grant Fidelity TubeDAC 11 is very highly regarded and has the option of both solid state and tube outputs. Checkout the thread here:
Nov 3, 2012 at 7:46 PM Post #2,105 of 23,498
I already have the 600s, the 700 would be towards a new amp/dac or both.

Get a Lyr and see if you can get a Bifrost for a bit cheaper on the forums. I got my Lyr new for $470 shipped from Schiit and my Bifrost for $300 shipped from a member on the forums. It's a fantastic, gorgeous combo. If you wanna keep it a little cheaper, get the ODAC with the RCA jacks on it from JDSLabs for like $150.
Nov 3, 2012 at 11:38 PM Post #2,107 of 23,498
Thanks to DavidM's 50+ headphone guide I decided to un-mod my HD-600 today and give it another listen. Still don't like it for the same reasons as before. I just find it's sound makes me a bit sleepy.
Strangely enough it's mids sound as forward as my K601 (except for upper mids). I find the K601 mids to be flatter than those of the Q701. More balanced.
The HD-600 is supposed to have forward upper mids, but it sure doesn't sound that way to me
Someone recently said the HD-600 had very forward mids and I don't hear it. I think they're quite neutral.
I put the foam mod back in place and it's back to it's old self. Just how I like it.  I really do think it sounds like an HD-598 on steroids. Maybe it's good for those that prefer a slightly more energetic sounding HD-600. Not sure. Highly unlikely, but maybe it has some similarities to the HD-700? It's soundstage is still smaller than the HD-598, but no big deal. The mids with the foam install are slightly more up-front. This makes the sound a bit more engaging, but not so forward to be annoying.
I won't get into a cable debate (since the ODAC makes it hard to hear any differences), but I prefer the stock cable to the HD-650 one. I always got the impression that the HD-600 was bassier with the HD-650 cable. Maybe due to it's thickness or something. The lower mids feel more present and the mids seem a bit fuller.
Right now the modded HD-600 is slowly edging past the Q701. The HD-600 modded is still a bit more forgiving for harsh tracks than the Q701. Modded I actually think the HD-600 has more detail!
Without mods, something about it's signature makes it seem less detailed than it really is. Maybe the mid/upper bass.
I think this mod sounds similar to the HD-600 with no grill. I have absolutely no clue why! Why would closing off an area of the back of the driver sound similar to removing the grill? Bizarre. Both give you a much clearer sound.
Nov 4, 2012 at 1:03 PM Post #2,109 of 23,498
Wouldn't removing the grills alone be much easier?

Not really. Both methods takes only 5 seconds.
With the foam mod and grills in place, I'm guessing it will protect the drivers a bit more.
Some say putting foam on the back of the driver will choke the driver, but there is still air getting to it on the sides below the foam.
BTW you can even remove the grills without removing the pads or cables. I just remove the cups from the headband. Removing the cable is a good idea of course.
You can kind of tune the sound with different amounts of foam. A large piece extended past the round circle reduces the bass even further which even I don't like. Some might. Some may like the round circle area half covered.
Nov 4, 2012 at 4:46 PM Post #2,110 of 23,498
I already have the 600s, the 700 would be towards a new amp/dac or both.

I really enjoyed the HD600 + Bottlehead Crack + HRT II+ combination.  Spend an extra hundred on the Cardas headphone cable for the HD600 and you are in business for some killer sounds.  
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Nov 4, 2012 at 6:04 PM Post #2,111 of 23,498
I really enjoyed the HD600 + Bottlehead Crack + HRT II+ combination.  Spend an extra hundred on the Cardas headphone cable for the HD600 and you are in business for some killer sounds.  

I just scored a pair of K500 on FS and a K400 on ebay for cheap! How would you compare them with the hd600?
Nov 6, 2012 at 11:46 AM Post #2,112 of 23,498
What could be the best for hd600 LD MK III or Schiit Asgard.. recently i've paired my hd600 with E17, i'm very curious for tube amp since i'm new to this world. what did i loose if i'm using SS amp rather than tube amp for rock music (Dream Theater especially)
Nov 6, 2012 at 9:23 PM Post #2,115 of 23,498
what did i loose if i'm using SS amp rather than tube amp for rock music (Dream Theater especially)

The HD600s already have a healthy amount of bass (for me at least) Getting a tube amp would give it even more bass where as SS amps sound colder and help balance the bass with the tremble (all my opinion) 
I would get a solid state amp for the HD600s but if you were to get a set of cans that were light on bass (like k701s) then I would go for a tube amp

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