Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Oct 6, 2014 at 5:21 PM Post #8,867 of 23,486
Hey guys!! Recently I just bought a HD600, and now I am looking for a amp or DAC. Since I don't have much budget, maybe $100-$200, can you give some advice on it?
(FYI, all I got now is just a laptop,a ipad and a HD600 and nothing else. THX)
Oct 6, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #8,868 of 23,486
Hey guys!! Recently I just bought a HD600, and now I am looking for a amp or DAC. Since I don't have much budget, maybe $100-$200, can you give some advice on it?
(FYI, all I got now is just a laptop,a ipad and a HD600 and nothing else. THX)
O2 or ODAC?
Oct 6, 2014 at 6:12 PM Post #8,870 of 23,486
That's what raises some questions with me. The timbre it presents is pleasing, it doesn't matter if you have heard a violin in real life or not. The question is, is it accurate.

I have played violin for quite a few years now and, of the headphones I've had the pleasure of listening too, I do think hd600s have provided the most tonally accurate representation - they really do deliver very well on their claim of natural sound
Oct 6, 2014 at 6:22 PM Post #8,871 of 23,486
 Sorry, I am not familiar with O2 and ODAC, can you please compare these with magni/modi, and a little more explanation will help a lot. THX!

Have a search on here and on the Internet. The story behind the O2 is remarkable.
I have never heard the magni/ modi. I have heard some Schitt amps and thought they were very aptly named but they have a strong following on here.
Oct 6, 2014 at 7:29 PM Post #8,873 of 23,486
I listen to many different types of music. This is one of the reasons, I bought the HD600. It is said to be a good all-rounder. Obviously live music, vocals and live instruments sound the best on it. But every now and then I like to listen to some electronic music, like Atmos, Shpongle, Trentemoller or Infected Mushroom. I had this thought, listening to HD600, performing electronic music, that, maybe it is like a 'vintage' style of listening to this kind of music. And I have to say, I like this sounding very much... :) 
Oct 7, 2014 at 5:53 AM Post #8,874 of 23,486
I have played violin for quite a few years now and, of the headphones I've had the pleasure of listening too, I do think hd600s have provided the most tonally accurate representation - they really do deliver very well on their claim of natural sound

"Somewhere in time" played in violin brings emotions in me. HD600 can put out tears I think. 
Oct 7, 2014 at 7:11 AM Post #8,875 of 23,486
I have played violin for quite a few years now and, of the headphones I've had the pleasure of listening too, I do think hd600s have provided the most tonally accurate representation - they really do deliver very well on their claim of natural sound

What headphones have you compared them to and why have they sounded less natural?
Oct 7, 2014 at 9:01 AM Post #8,876 of 23,486
What headphones have you compared them to and why have they sounded less natural?

It's to do with the mid/treble transition I think, compared with phones like he-500, q701, w1000x, sr225i. Something just sounds right to me at that certain frequency range - the planar mids in the he-500 are magical too but they sound more lush and embellished (as if they are not really trying for most accurate representation, just most enjoyable). The w1000x are a lot like that too whereas I found 225i and q701 unrealistically bright/thin.
Oct 7, 2014 at 9:24 PM Post #8,877 of 23,486
This is going to be a long(ish) post.  I promised myself that I would not post on here until I had read the entire thread.  It took me a few months, but I have finally made it.
Let me first say how happy and proud I am to be in the company of HD600 owners.  
I have nothing else of this quality (headphone-wise) to compare them to, and I had no way to audition anything before I purchased.  I took my time, did a ton of research and reading, did twice as much math, made wild guesses, browsed the FS thread here, wandered ebay, and eventually landed a winning bid.  I definitely made one of the best decisions of my life.
My journey started when I realized that my old phones were just not cutting it.  I am a musician and guerrilla/ home engineer-producer.  This summer, I started a new band, and began recording everything we do.  At the time, I was in a living situation that forced me into headphones for nearly all of my mixing (this has since been corrected, thankfully...).  I knew that I was just not hearing anywhere what I needed to on the phones I owned.  And it's not that they were extremely terrible.  I listened to them for years as just listening phones.  Train commutes,  walking, relaxing in bed.  But I never had to try and mix on them until forced to.  Whenever I would listen back through my near-field monitors to mixes constructed on the phones, I was always terribly disappointed.  I knew I needed a reference quality pair of phones.  
My initial thoughts wandered to the AKG *7** line, purely for aesthetics, honestly.  I think they make some wonderful looking products.  I had browsed the Senn site and figured what I wanted from them was way out of my league (again, letting aesthetics rule the day).  A/T, Beyer, Shure...  I was sticking with the brands I knew from microphones.  Looked at them all.  Many, many, many times.  And their prices...  
That's really when it all hit me.  I was going to buy new headphones for the sound.  So, shouldn't that be the part that I actually do the research on?  Google, bring me all the information I never really need about this thing I want to purchase!  I eventually found a couple blogs that helped shape my decision, the first of which was the "mid-fi" trio article.  It led me to take a look at the Senn line a little harder.  The second was a 580/600/650 comparison.  Then I found this place.  And that's when I made the decision to get the HD600's.
It was purely a guess.  I'm not the kind of person who can drop money on new gear very often.  And I'm not sure what I would have done had I received them and been disappointed.  I don't know that any of the other phones on my shortlist would have been disappointing.  
All I need to say about these is that they have changed my life.  
But I'm going to say a lot more...
I'm not using extremely fancy gear, and I don't know that I ever will.  If the day comes that allows me to have some thing that apparently makes these headphones so much more amazing than that of my current listening situation, then I'll be happy to have that thing.  Reading this entire thread before posting was a great way to curb the idea that I NEED to go spend money on something else.  I don't.  I have everything I need right now.  
I acquired a used pair that were 10+ years old, black driver screen, and, from the pictures, looked to be in great shape.  I had read everything about these phones at this point, and decided I didn't care what color it was on the back of the driver, they were going to sound good.  I won the auction and immediately payed for them.  I wanted these in my hands and on my head as fast as possible.  The seller had them out the next day, and sent me all the info.  I did the whole hit "refresh" every couple hours on the tracking number.   A few days later, the tracking info showed that my package had been delivered.  In a completely different state.  A couple of emails with the seller later, we both contacted the USPS and requested an inquiry as to what happened.  That was a Saturday.  On Monday I got a call from my local PO telling me my package was there.  The only theory was that the tracking label fell off of my box and landed on another package.  Either way, I had my new toy.  And they were perfect.  I made a giant mistake within the first week of owning them, and managed to leave them (box and all) on top of my car.  When I saw them in the rearview flying off @ 55mph, I was certain they were toast.  When I got back to them, there they were, right on the double yellow line, still intact, but not without some battle scars.  I collected all the pieces (box-scarred, cable-no scars), but the 1/4" adapter was gone.  I went back to the scene of the crime a few days later and managed to find it, not without some hits of it's own.  They haven't gone outside much since then.  They work perfectly.  And I kind of like that they now have this little "scar" on the R side grille.  I have a bunch of scars, as do my drums and guitars, and now... my headphones.  They are mine.  
None of ya'll have a pair anywhere near as cool as mine...  
I'm kidding.  I know how this place gets.  Just, for anyone who didn't get it...
I'm sarcastic, and I don't do the emoticon thing.  Not gonna happen.   
My personal experience with them has been that of immersion.  The timbre and tonal balance are exactly what I wanted.  The clarity, detail, separation, soundstage, all of it, just fits, in all the right ways, with my ears (and my brain).  There hasn't been a thing I've listened to that doesn't sound perfect.  Seriously, no matter where I take them (musically), they completely envelop me.  I feel fortunate enough to say that.  Can I now actually discern the difference between 256.Whatever and .WhateverLossless?  Yup.   But I'll be damned if I can't enjoy some fabulous music that's in my library from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away that sits @ 128...  And if I really had a chance to A/B it (properly), I don't think I could tell the difference between music playing out of my MOTU 8pre or out of an old 90's Pioneer receiver.  Hence, why I have no desire to run anything other than the gear I currently use.  Except a record player, since I have a receiver.  How much are those?...
Damnit, I'm doomed... 
HD600, you sound magnificent. 
Thanks to all of you that I don't know that helped me to this headphone.  Couldn't have done it without you!
So, in return, I suggest you all go buy a copy of one (all) of these albums, plug in to whatever you listen from, take a sip on your favorite beverage, sit/lay back, turn it up and enjoy.  This was my playlist tonight.  I think they all sound fantastic on these headphones.  But then, not much doesn't...
All Them Witches- Lightening at the Door (new to me, in heavy rotation, as happens with new things, some righteous rock n' roll)
dredg- el cielo (one of my top 10, first thing I listened to when I got these, I cried.  All their albums kill, though)
the Kills- Blood Pressures (great record)
deftones- Saturday Night Wrist (just the one I picked, again, they're all great on these)
Florence + the Machine- Lungs (fantastic production, as is Ceremonials)
Morphine- Cure for Pain  (Mark Sandman's vocals are fabulous in these cans)
DJ Shadow- Endtroducing... (so classic, so engaging with these)
I like the number 7, so I'll stop there for now, and get back to you with more later.  Go appreciate your HD600's.  I am.
And, I just now realized this is technically still the wrong place to post this.  This is actually the "Impressions" thread, not the "Appreciation" thread.  I've been reading it so long I got convinced by all the other posts that it was the "Appreciation" thread without looking at the header...
Oct 8, 2014 at 8:20 AM Post #8,878 of 23,486
Nice post. Glad you are enjoying your headphones so much and not suffering from GAS!
BTW. Can't believe you managed to leave them on top of your car!
Oct 8, 2014 at 9:26 AM Post #8,879 of 23,486
Nice post. Glad you are enjoying your headphones so much and not suffering from GAS!
BTW. Can't believe you managed to leave them on top of your car!

It was a crazy day.  I had gone out to visit my folks and when I got to the house, their dog came to greet me at the car.  I set the box on top of the car to pet her and play for a minute, and just spaced that they were up there.  I drove about 8 miles back towards my house before they came flying off (my roof rack apparently had kept them in place for a while, until the right gust of wind got under the box...).  As much as hearing these phones for the first time was a moment of pure joy, that moment was one of pure panic.  Luckily, I live in a mountainous area in the middle of nowhere WV that doesn't see tons of traffic.  As I was turning around to head back to them, I just kept picturing a semi truck cruising over them.  The picture in my mind of the explosion that would happen was epic.  I certainly consider myself quite lucky that I didn't spend the rest of the day in tears.
It wasn't until I had them all plugged in and listened that my heart quit beating a million times a second.
I'm pretty good at managing upgrade-itis.  I had to get a new computer recently, but that was because the hard drive failed on my old one.  Run it till it dies.  That way you definitely get your money's worth.  If I hadn't dropped the money on the computer, there's a good chance some of it would have gone to some sort of amp.  But, it gave me time to just listen to the phones, realize they already sound amazing, and read the nearly 600 pages on here of people being way too overly concerned about things...
Oct 8, 2014 at 2:25 PM Post #8,880 of 23,486
My first time ever chance to hear other audiophile level headphone equipment will be at the Rocky mountain audio Fest in a few days.
I presently own a Sennheiser HD 600 headphone a little dot IV MKV SC headphone amplifier and a Little Dot DAC I. 
Although I have been very satisfied with my present equipment I want to the use the opportunity to listen to other equipment to explore the strengths and weaknesses of my present equipment. I thought I might start tube rolling or equalizing or both in attempt to improve my sound at relatively modest cost, but am waiting to hear what I could learn by listening to other equipment at this Rocky mountain audio Fest.
So my reason for posting another post here is to find out from you your opinion on how I might explore the strengths and weaknesses of my present equipment.
I watch many of the videos posted, by founder, Jude Mansilla as I suspect we all do. He seems to mostly post videos of solid-state equipment when he is posting headphone driving equipment. So it is there any strengths or weaknesses of both solid-state and headphone amplifiers and tube amps you would explore with your first time ever opportunity to listen to other audio equipment which is much more expensive than your own if not much more high-end.? The same for headphones, what do you think?

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