Sennheiser Hd 598 Mixamp and Dac/Amp Questions
May 30, 2012 at 12:36 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6
May 30, 2012
So recently I purchased the Hd598 - fantastic. While I do enjoy it, I kinda want more bass extension. And overall, I just want more clarity. So I was wondering if anyone can recommend me an amp/ dac that is preferably below the $150 dollar range (if possible). I don't mind if it isn't portable since I don't use a mp3 device anyways. I've looked at the Fiio E10, the ibasso d-zero, the nu-force, etc. Can any of you Hd598 owners recommend me one that compliments these well? There are so many dac/ amps out there and I'm willing to try out underrated ones that few people know about. I'm a bit iffy about buying the Fiio E10 because apparently Fiio products don't really enhance the actual sound quality like the others do. 
Another thing. I decided to purchase a mixamp for gaming on the PS3. I researched this and apparently the mixamp can serve both as a DAC and an amp. How well can it serve both roles for music? I have a terrible sound card on my laptop and I think from what others say, a DAC will benefit me much more than an amp would. So maybe I should purchase something that solely serves as a DAC and use the Mixamp as an amp? Very confused here. 
Mmm and it'd be nice if someone out there could make a turtle designed amp/ dac.... that would be awesome. 
May 30, 2012 at 2:15 AM Post #2 of 6
So recently I purchased the Hd598 - fantastic. While I do enjoy it, I kinda want more bass extension. And overall, I just want more clarity. So I was wondering if anyone can recommend me an amp/ dac that is preferably below the $150 dollar range (if possible). I don't mind if it isn't portable since I don't use a mp3 device anyways. I've looked at the Fiio E10, the ibasso d-zero, the nu-force, etc. Can any of you Hd598 owners recommend me one that compliments these well? There are so many dac/ amps out there and I'm willing to try out underrated ones that few people know about. I'm a bit iffy about buying the Fiio E10 because apparently Fiio products don't really enhance the actual sound quality like the others do. 
Another thing. I decided to purchase a mixamp for gaming on the PS3. I researched this and apparently the mixamp can serve both as a DAC and an amp. How well can it serve both roles for music? I have a terrible sound card on my laptop and I think from what others say, a DAC will benefit me much more than an amp would. So maybe I should purchase something that solely serves as a DAC and use the Mixamp as an amp? Very confused here. 
Mmm and it'd be nice if someone out there could make a turtle designed amp/ dac.... that would be awesome. 

If your laptop has a digital optical output, you can connect the mix-amp to it, and use both the Mix-amp's DAC and Amp to power headphones (for music).
May 30, 2012 at 2:56 AM Post #4 of 6
The Fiio e5 isn't much beyond a very very basic amp.  I've found that my HiFiMAN EF2A works rather nicely with the 598s.  The EF2A is an amp/DAC combo.  Although I can't exactly compare the DAC bit to anything else, it should still make a great starting point.  It should be about 150-170 dollars on Amazon.  Overall if your sound card is THAT bad than just about any DAC should do something to help... 
May 30, 2012 at 5:45 AM Post #6 of 6
I own the 598s and EF2A. I didn't notice much difference in SQ over just using my Mac's headphone jack until I bought different tubes (and now I love them even more, which I didn't think was possible). If your sound card is "crap" though I imagine that the difference will be more apparent than mine. With non-stock tubes the EF2A is really fantastic imo.

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