Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 1, 2024 at 9:40 AM Post #149,851 of 155,290
So, it’s been warming for about 6 hours or so…

Just put on the same Blue Rodeo as the other night.

Song: Hasn’t hit me yet.

My version just now (cd is still on)

Hey hey, it hasn’t hit me yet…
I fell through this cra-ack, and I kinda lost my way..
I stand transfixed…

Before YGGY

OM freaking G. This is literally the best digital I have EVER heard in my system, including the short time when I had my old Theta Data II transport into a DSPre. Same Amp and Speakers. Only other delta is Kara now instead of the Classe’

Goosebumps, hearing life-like details never heard in this before. And the lower mid-bass into bass is more, weighty (not unnaturally). Better stop, jibbering

I think after she’s good and warmed up (like maybe this upcoming weekend) I’ll race the few things I have both on great vinyl and digital.

@Jason Stoddard Please give Mike my utmost compliments. Sorry to “at” you.
You know it's kinda funny and very consistent. I've been coming here for a long time, and saw many people to experience the sound of a Mike Moffat multi-bit DAC for the first time. The reaction by the new listener is always the same: "wow, I never knew that digital music would sound this good." If that's not one of the best testimonials for Mike and his megacomboburrito filter, then I don't know what is. Funny too ... nobody calls the analogue stage a burrito anymore. :)
May 1, 2024 at 9:50 AM Post #149,852 of 155,290
...nobody calls the analogue stage a burrito anymore
That's because it is now referred to as 'Chalupa Grande'. It deserves its own place on the menu. :wink:
May 1, 2024 at 9:52 AM Post #149,853 of 155,290
If you travel outside the USA, get a real Cuban cigar. The Cuban El Presidente was supposedly created for Castro. Years ago I re-entered the US in St. Thomas coming from Peter Island and Tortola with an abundance of Cuban cigars and over the import limit. A customs officer scolded me for being over the limit, informed me that he was allowed to confiscate all the cigars but since this was my first time he would only take one, an El Presidente.
Haha a cool customs official ... who would have thought? I had some Cuban Cohibas in Germany - very sweet smoke even though not properly humidified. I also snagged some real Brazilian cigars at the same shop that were wonderful. A mixed-size box ... a work buddy and I polished off most of 'em in a single evening. He still owes me ...
May 1, 2024 at 10:41 AM Post #149,854 of 155,290
Well there are plenty of people who like a fine cigar and great scotch.🤪 There are plenty of cheap cigars out there and lower grades of scotch so there is good and bad in both. Each to their own.😁
I've had good cigars and great scotch and IMO they are just as bad as the bad ones hehe. I've never really been able to acquire the taste for them, which I guess is a good thing because it has kept me from spending $$$ on them.
May 1, 2024 at 10:53 AM Post #149,856 of 155,290
Haha a cool customs official ... who would have thought? I had some Cuban Cohibas in Germany - very sweet smoke even though not properly humidified. I also snagged some real Brazilian cigars at the same shop that were wonderful. A mixed-size box ... a work buddy and I polished off most of 'em in a single evening. He still owes me ...
I may have mentioned this before but you should check out a book by Paul Beatty, “Slumberland”. It involves music (mostly jazz) and an American in post-wall Berlin. The Audible version really brings the book to life. Beatty is the first American to win the Man Booker prize for fiction.
May 1, 2024 at 10:57 AM Post #149,857 of 155,290
That's how I am with wine. Take it as a win for my wallet!
Hehe, I wish that was the case with wine and beer! Those, I have acquired a taste for and really enjoy. But I rarely drink it so it doesn't really cost me anything. I bought a case of wine about 8 years ago and I've still got a few bottles left even after giving some away and drinking a few bottles.
May 1, 2024 at 11:26 AM Post #149,858 of 155,290
Not me. Wifey made me prioritize building (now our 4th in last 30+ years) wine cellar in the basement BEFORE allowing me to tackle the room redo. So that area of the basement now looks like this (note the ceiling mounted amp on top). Holds about 700 bottles or so. We’ve been in (mostly) “draw down” mode last 5 years or so, so down from a peak of around 1400… (I actually sold 72 bottles of the most expensive/highly appreciated wines in 2022 in Texas to help fund the buying of this house and the move. Stuff I’d paid like $30 for back in the 1980s and early 90’s appreciated to INSANE levels. I was like: drink this one bottle I paid $40 for now, or sell it for $500 to someone - no brainer). Did keep a lot of more cost-effective ones, and save some super premiums for special occasions, etc.

Alas, life has given me too many expensive hobbies: Astronomy, photography, high end audio, Wine/Beer and Gourmet cooking… so, I keep working.

May 1, 2024 at 11:33 AM Post #149,859 of 155,290
I've had good cigars and great scotch and IMO they are just as bad as the bad ones hehe. I've never really been able to acquire the taste for them, which I guess is a good thing because it has kept me from spending $$$ on them.
Scotch for sure is an acquired taste. I take a different approach with fine cigars, great scotch, fine bourbons, amazing tubes and audio gear. None are necessities so I keep a separate fund if I purchase them. (Most often I trade for or I am gifted such things.) The fund is extra money I make just for that purchase. Now one might think I could put that money into stocks or real estate or whatever but to me it is just found money and I use other forms of income for those investments. I had $10k of found money set aside to add key pieces of audio gear to my current system. Those funds came from selling other audio gear.
May 1, 2024 at 11:38 AM Post #149,860 of 155,290
Not me. Wifey made me prioritize building (now our 4th in last 30+ years) wine cellar in the basement BEFORE allowing me to tackle the room redo. So that area of the basement now looks like this (note the ceiling mounted amp on top). Holds about 700 bottles or so. We’ve been in (mostly) “draw down” mode last 5 years or so, so down from a peak of around 1400… (I actually sold 72 bottles of the most expensive/highly appreciated wines in 2022 in Texas to help fund the buying of this house and the move. Stuff I’d paid like $30 for back in the 1980s and early 90’s appreciated to INSANE levels. I was like: drink this one bottle I paid $40 for now, or sell it for $500 to someone - no brainer). Did keep a lot of more cost-effective ones, and save some super premiums for special occasions, etc.
Sounds vaguely similar to NOS tubes, excepting the no-brainer part. I still can't bring myself to sell them even though I'll probably never use most of them. I likely need professional help. 🤣
May 1, 2024 at 11:43 AM Post #149,861 of 155,290
Easier with Tubes, man! You can’t DRINK them…
May 1, 2024 at 11:45 AM Post #149,862 of 155,290
Sounds vaguely similar to NOS tubes, excepting the no-brainer part. I still can't bring myself to sell them even though I'll probably never use most of them. I likely need professional help. 🤣
Professional help? To listen to them, you mean? Where do I sign up… 😁
May 1, 2024 at 11:45 AM Post #149,863 of 155,290
I've had good cigars and great scotch and IMO they are just as bad as the bad ones hehe. I've never really been able to acquire the taste for them, which I guess is a good thing because it has kept me from spending $$$ on them.
I'm very much the same with cigars. Just never appealed to me. But even after many, many years, wave a cigarette in front of me and I'd still be tempted.

I prefer bourbon to scotch, but I can enjoy a good scotch just the same. The key word there is "good." Before following this thread and learning from some of the masters here, I used to think Dewars was "good" scotch. Yeah, um....not. :laughing:
May 1, 2024 at 11:48 AM Post #149,864 of 155,290
Not me. Wifey made me prioritize building (now our 4th in last 30+ years) wine cellar in the basement BEFORE allowing me to tackle the room redo. So that area of the basement now looks like this (note the ceiling mounted amp on top). Holds about 700 bottles or so. We’ve been in (mostly) “draw down” mode last 5 years or so, so down from a peak of around 1400… (I actually sold 72 bottles of the most expensive/highly appreciated wines in 2022 in Texas to help fund the buying of this house and the move. Stuff I’d paid like $30 for back in the 1980s and early 90’s appreciated to INSANE levels. I was like: drink this one bottle I paid $40 for now, or sell it for $500 to someone - no brainer). Did keep a lot of more cost-effective ones, and save some super premiums for special occasions, etc.

Alas, life has given me too many expensive hobbies: Astronomy, photography, high end audio, Wine/Beer and Gourmet cooking… so, I keep working.

An excellent investment. I am retired and I suppose my hobbies have become my work. I still manage investments and build for friends when possible.
May 1, 2024 at 11:49 AM Post #149,865 of 155,290
Easier with Tubes, man! You can’t DRINK them…
Lol! But if you use them they are no longer truly NOS, and the value goes down. Not as much as used wine though. 🤣

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