Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 21, 2024 at 5:44 PM Post #140,401 of 154,119
On the first part, what amp are you trying those tubes in? At some point this year I'm going to try to keep track of what works where in the 6n1p Schiit family, I'm building up a hoard of novals and will try to post results of what works on Folkvangr, Freya N, possibly upcoming Valhalla 3 (if it wins a shootout against Pietus Maximus for me), and the upcoming Stjarna. All the standard 6922 stuff, and 12a_7 types will be tried.

On second part, the 2/64 was a little more fatiguing on the upper end for me (kind of like mm2). Tubes downline, and Lokius could tame it, but when I went back it felt like putting on a shirt out of the dryer.

I suspect at this point, if there were to be trials, those who like detail retrieval, solid state components, planar headphones, etc, you may be inclined to like the 2/64, Yggy OG/Mib, etc, and if you like warmth, like tubes, etc, you may be inclined to like BF2 OG, Yggy LIM. This is just my guess based on what I've tried, and not a hard and fast rule. I blame my (still mild) tinnitus ha.

Yggy LIM is not warm... My opinion.
Feb 21, 2024 at 5:48 PM Post #140,402 of 154,119
1. The cardboard house had 'fair market value' well below 'bank loan carry value'.
2. Foreclosure would necessitate a 'writedown' of that 'carry value'.
3. The negative variance realised would be a direct reduction to bank pretax income.
4. Lending officer / loan workout officer bonuses would be imperiled ...
5. Bank might lend more against the cardboard house so that interest/principal on the existing loan could be made 'current' ... 🙂🙃🙂 ... 🎲🎲🎲
You obviously hit that bottle of bourbon a little too hard. 🤣
Feb 21, 2024 at 6:16 PM Post #140,403 of 154,119
Pffft. What's one more week? No need to apologize. We can handle it. :anguished:
And as soon as your trembling shaking fingers managed to click "Post Reply" on that, you yelled at the wife, kicked the dog, threw the kitchen chair across the room, and chugged half a bottle of Boone's Farm. Yes, we know you. 🤣
Feb 21, 2024 at 6:24 PM Post #140,404 of 154,119
If I recall correctly, MIB uses opamps because to implement in a discrete fashion would have required reworking the Yggy power supply. Jason commented on this in a prior post.
I've always reacted to "opamps" the same way I view "polyester" or "diet soda." Gimme the real thing, in other words. So I was chagrined to learn that the MIB includes the dreaded opamps. But given how much I've enjoyed having the beast in my system, I guess this is one more preconception (prejudice?) I'll have to give up. Thanks, Jason.
Feb 21, 2024 at 6:37 PM Post #140,405 of 154,119
Feb 21, 2024 at 6:37 PM Post #140,406 of 154,119
I've always reacted to "opamps" the same way I view "polyester" or "diet soda." Gimme the real thing, in other words. So I was chagrined to learn that the MIB includes the dreaded opamps. But given how much I've enjoyed having the beast in my system, I guess this is one more preconception (prejudice?) I'll have to give up. Thanks, Jason.
When they rolled the flavors out, the backstory was that Dave preferred this design (and Mike wanted to try less bits, etc). And Jason has clarified that op amps have gotten better. Thus "flavors", different people liking different versions. So, there isn't a "top" version. Kudos for trying them out and going with what you like!
Feb 21, 2024 at 6:56 PM Post #140,407 of 154,119
Hi Dick, I would not say that. My digital sources connect through the balanced inputs of Loki Max; my phono preamp connects through Loki Max's SE inputs.
The balanced outputs of Loki Max feed my line preamplifier, and the SE outputs of Loki Max drive Mjolnir 3.

So - I can bypass Loki Max, turn off the line preamp, and listen to MiB directly with headphones, fed by my streamer or by Urd. I have listened to the HD820s with a balanced cable; the HD600s both balanced and single-ended, and a pair of Drop HD6XXes single ended.

In none of these situations did MiB ever sound too bright, or too etched. It just sounds amazing.

Upstairs, Yggy OG A2 drives a Jotunheim 1 via a balanced connection (@Ripper2860 says I can't call Joti 1 an OG... or was that @Rensek ? :laughing: :wink:).

Yes I know that Joti 1 has a different sonic signature than MJ3, but... all of my 'phones sound great on both rigs.

You can't go wrong with any Yggy, IMHO. Now that I've had some time to sleep on the post I made last night to @adias , I think I'll revise it a bit:

  • Yggy OG (the one with the Analog Devices chipset) is a spectacular performer in both the time and frequency domains.
  • Yggy MiB (the one with the TI 11001B chipset) is just as spectacular w/r/t time domain, and even better in terms of top-end clarity and "open-ness".
You'll notice that I didn't mention p___k___ at all. :p

Agreed! MIB would've never seen the green light for sales if it's sound etched. The top-end clarity and openness without the etch is literally refinement in one word. Refinement makes plankton more obvious yeah I have to say it :p
Feb 21, 2024 at 6:56 PM Post #140,408 of 154,119
When they rolled the flavors out, the backstory was that Dave preferred this design (and Mike wanted to try less bits, etc). And Jason has clarified that op amps have gotten better. Thus "flavors", different people liking different versions. So, there isn't a "top" version. Kudos for trying them out and going with what you like!
Yes, OpAmps can be good. But a @Jason Stoddard designed discrete gain output is still superior.
Feb 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM Post #140,409 of 154,119
Oh now coffee is my jam. I fresh grind my Lavazza Grand Crema in my burr grinder every day and drip brew in my Mocha Master. Drunk only black.
Moccamaster drip here too, though a different model. Grind is with a noisy Barratza Sette 270. Black only.

My favorite roaster is Kean Coffee in Southern California. Martin Diedrich is a second generation roaster. The family has been roasting since 1983. The family had a coffee farm in Guatemala. They have a great picture that shows their VW Microbus loaded with bags of beans headed for SoCal. I have not yet found any other roaster (I have tried maybe 10 or so) that gets so much flavor out of a coffee bean. Please look them up, their quality is excellent and prices are not outrageous for the market.
Feb 21, 2024 at 7:02 PM Post #140,410 of 154,119
I'm going out on a limb and say that you're likely not putting the Maxwell House K-Cup in the "taste amazingly complex when drank as black" category. :smirk:
This makes even Maxwell House K-cups taste good. Friends don't let friends drink coffee without Carolans. 🤣

(I will duck now to avoid the barrage of rotten vegetables being thrown this way....)

Feb 21, 2024 at 7:08 PM Post #140,412 of 154,119
Agreed! MIB would've never seen the green light for sales if it's sound etched. The top-end clarity and openness without the etch is literally refinement in one word. Refinement makes plankton more obvious yeah I have to say it :p

And I have to say that there’s no lack of refinement or lack of top end clarity in my system (Yggy+ OG) in my room. I can very well think that other systems, other speakers, different room the high frequencies could be different.

I am a stickler for sound cohesion top to bottom. I am not a fan of bloated low end and certainly do not like strained top ends. I can hear perfectly balanced orchestral pieces from low end organ pedal notes to shimmering ultra smooth cymbals, recordings permitting, of course.

The only reason I replied is that I do not hear any of the criticism the ‘plankton’ site attributes to the Yggy+ OG. None of the plankton or lack thereof, background, slam etc. I consider their DAC table pure nonsense. At this level it’s all system related. General statements may not apply. I think that is what @ArmchairPhilosopher once told me when I was considering a top Schiit Audio DAC. And he was right. It all depends on your system and how you hear.
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Feb 21, 2024 at 7:13 PM Post #140,413 of 154,119
Feb 21, 2024 at 7:16 PM Post #140,414 of 154,119

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