Hey all,
A quick note: Saga S is done. As in, we have a few left, but they'll be moving to closeout. Look for them there in a day or two if you want one. Saga+ stays as-is.
As far as the future of Saga goes, we've had a lot of input. Some people want a simple passive pot-in-a-box affair, but that really wouldn't end up being much cheaper, mainly due to metal cost increases. Unless we go to Midgard style metal. The current transformer of the Saga series has also gotten quite pricey, so that's another limitation on the price. Physical size is also a limitation on how much I/O we can do if we're doing balanced. I'm not sure the world is ready for Pentaconn interconnects, and balanced means balanced relay ladder, and much higher cost, in any case.
As always, I'm open to ideas about the future...keep it, change it, kill it, etc.
Aegir 2 I'm hoping we get out soon, but it's been a heck of a time here in Valencia, with much of production out sick through the holidays.
Next up: a chapter on Feedback: Good Bad and Ugly, as promised. Next week probably. I hope. If prototypes behave.
All the best,