Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 15, 2023 at 7:57 PM Post #123,631 of 154,669
Having non-parallel walls is excellent advice. That was recommended to me by ASC (the tube trap people) with a problem room I had in the past as I was in the middle of redoing it. Another big no-no: having room dimensions that are very close multiples of each other. That same room: 25' x 17' with an 8' ceiling. 17+8 equals....well even *I* figured that out and I suck at math. :laughing: Same reason a totally square room is terrible sonically.
Vaulted ceilings are also great as long as they do NOT create a first-order reflection surface between your speakers and your listening position.
I have vaulted ceilings in my living room and they just so happen to be angled in a way that directs all ceiling reflections quite a bit away from where I sit. Makes a ton of difference.
Aug 15, 2023 at 8:40 PM Post #123,632 of 154,669
Hey all,

A couple of dates to mark:

1. Thursday, August 17. Unless something really weird happens, you'll be seeing Mjolnir 3 and the Other Thing at that time. But something weird could happen. So there you go. Fingers crossed and all that.

2. Saturday September 9th. That's the Research Triangle, NC Fall Schiit Meetup. I'll be there in person if you want to see if I'll say something about upcoming Schiit gear (currently 5 or more launches planned by the end of the year, in addition to MJ3 and The Other Thing, none of which I talked about). Or if you want to ask me questions. Or whatever. Deets: September 9th, 11:00am to 3:30PM, 79°West Innovation Hub, 120 Mosaic Blvd #120, Pittsboro, NC 27312. More info:

That's it for now!

All the best,
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Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Aug 15, 2023 at 8:51 PM Post #123,633 of 154,669
Hey all,

A couple of dates to mark:

1. Thursday, August 17. Unless something really weird happens, you'll be seeing Mjolnir 3 and the Other Thing at that time. But something weird could happen. So there you go. Fingers crossed and all that.

2. Saturday September 9th. That's the Research Triangle, NC Fall Schiit Meetup. I'll be there in person if you want to see if I'll say something about upcoming Schiit gear (currently 5 or more launches planned by the end of the year, in addition to MJ3 and The Other Thing, none of which I talked about). Or if you want to ask me questions. Or whatever. Deets: September 9th, 11:00am to 3:30PM, 79°West Innovation Hub, 120 Mosaic Blvd #120, Pittsboro, NC 27312. More info:

That's it for now!

All the best,
When do we get to see thor. Jokes aside can't wait to see the MJ3.
Aug 15, 2023 at 8:57 PM Post #123,634 of 154,669
Boy, if my hearing hadn't deserted me I'd be all over MJ3. During my audiophile career I think I've lusted for a solid state pre or power amp that I could sit along side my tube pre or power amps and enjoy equally in the same way, but for different reasons. You have to work hard to make lousy sounding tube amplification. You have to work much harder to make great sounding solid state amplification. But that's just my take on tube versus solid state biased for sure by the fact that I cut my audiophile teeth on great decades old designs from Dynaco, Marantz, and Audio Research.
Aug 15, 2023 at 9:28 PM Post #123,635 of 154,669
Following some thoughts from @FLTWS, a respected friend, I added a curved shape so as not to crease headphone bands as well as a matching peg for headphone cables. I like for the glue to set for 24 hours then I will do final touch up and finish tomorrow. After that it will go to @golfbravobravo.

Hey, I love that pipe tobacco!
Aug 15, 2023 at 9:53 PM Post #123,637 of 154,669
2. Saturday September 9th. That's the Research Triangle, NC Fall Schiit Meetup. I'll be there in person if you want to see if I'll say something about upcoming Schiit gear (currently 5 or more launches planned by the end of the year, in addition to MJ3 and The Other Thing, none of which I talked about). Or if you want to ask me questions. Or whatever. Deets: September 9th, 11:00am to 3:30PM, 79°West Innovation Hub, 120 Mosaic Blvd #120, Pittsboro, NC 27312. More info:
All I can say is that hanging with @Jason Stoddard during the San Jose meetup 2-3 weeks ago was a blast!
Aug 15, 2023 at 10:09 PM Post #123,638 of 154,669
I thought about what I'd want for my ideal listening room (to use for mastering). Let's just say there's a reason I use software corrected headphones...

But if I won the lottery (and I mean mega-millions not a lil' 6 figure payout), I'd dig up my backyard to start, probably 8 feet deep. The neighbors all think I'm getting a pool but things are about to get weird. You see, I'm insane so I'm putting over 2/3 of my listening room underground to minimize sound leakeage and the need for climate control. I'm not a mole person, so there will be another 5 feet above ground with windows to let in light. Just low enough that the neighbors can't complain about seeing it from their yard.

As a few of you have mentioned already, non-parallel walls, I want to put myself nearer the narrow end of the room with a slatted desk to minimize reflections, but still give me a usable work surface. I haven't put this down on paper, so let's just ballpark and say the narrow end is 10 feet wide and the wide end is 15 feet wide, and the length of the room is 20 feet - ballpark, my backyard is trashed at this point so I'm going to do the math and figure out what the room modes are in each dimension WxDxH and try to get them away from my head - which is why this room is so tall by the by, keeps my seated head height of 4 feet off the 1/3 or 1/2 mark between floor and ceiling. Oh and to make things more difficult for the architect we're going to go ahead and slope the ceiling too, starting from the full 13 feet at front and coming down to 9 feet at the back. I want that extra foot because as you'll see in a moment we're going to lose a lot of volume to acoustic treatment. Also I'm tall and I don't want to feel claustrophobic in here.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. Now we get to furnish this wonderful acoustic hellscape. You see, acoustics is easy (and by easy I mean "solvable by those without a doctorate in acoustics") if you follow one of two rules:

1. Have a space large enough to cancel out most of the smaller reflections and just worry about the overall shape and proportions of the space (which is fine for stadiums and such, but doesn't help us now) OR

2. Use a square/rectangular room - you can more or less calculate the room modes in each dimension and estimate where they're going to be, and then tune your acoustic treatment accordingly. But I just built a room out of triangles so that idea has gone out the elevated ground-level custom windows (which are awesome and totally worth it by the way).

No matter, we're going to be throwing a solid 5 figures of acoustic treatment at this problem, 8 inch panels mounted as far again off the walls and ceiling, slightly angled towards the listening position just to make things harder for the god-forsaken construction crew stupid enough to work for the architect who was desperate enough to work for me. The panels on the walls run floor to ceiling in 4 separate 4 foot stripes with equal gaps between them front to rear. And of course we take a hole saw to these frames to maximize the absorbing surface area even on the sides of the panels - plus corner treatment where the walls and ceiling meet and my windows stop. Similar treatment for the ceiling though let's just do 3 4 foot stripes hanging level, and we're going to mount mirrors on the sides of these panels at an angle so they can reflect the outside light from my windows down into my workspace. The front wall is fully treated up to the windows, by the time you have enough acoustic mass that close to the speakers to absorb full range sound, it takes up a lot of space. I'm assuming that wall is just gone and my speakers and computer monitor all have to be freestanding, and I have to make cables look neat and tidy outside of the walls. The back wall is more interesting, as this is where we have not one, not two, but three doors. One on each side of the rear for a machine room on one side, storage on the other, and the actual entrance in the rear center from an outside stairwell leading to ground level. Treatment for the backwall is going to be tuned membrane traps at the same height as the speakers, tuned to the resonance that goes with the length of the room, and the first harmonic above that. I'd also have some furniture back here, maybe my keyboards if I have any left after the inevitable divorce this whole project has caused. That should diffuse and soften reflections from the rear wall nicely, though realistically (as if anything about this scenario was realistic) there's going to be some trial and error to get such a weird room in good listening shape.
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Aug 15, 2023 at 10:14 PM Post #123,639 of 154,669
Hey all,

A couple of dates to mark:

1. Thursday, August 17. Unless something really weird happens, you'll be seeing Mjolnir 3 and the Other Thing at that time. But something weird could happen. So there you go. Fingers crossed and all that.

2. Saturday September 9th. That's the Research Triangle, NC Fall Schiit Meetup. I'll be there in person if you want to see if I'll say something about upcoming Schiit gear (currently 5 or more launches planned by the end of the year, in addition to MJ3 and The Other Thing, none of which I talked about). Or if you want to ask me questions. Or whatever. Deets: September 9th, 11:00am to 3:30PM, 79°West Innovation Hub, 120 Mosaic Blvd #120, Pittsboro, NC 27312. More info:

That's it for now!

All the best,
If the mysterious Other Thing is anything like the Syn I’ll be all over it. I’m hoping the capitalization is either a hint or the product name will be The Other Thing.
Aug 15, 2023 at 10:18 PM Post #123,640 of 154,669
Hey, I love that pipe tobacco!
I received a bunch of those tobacco tins when I was building Schiit Coaster amps since they can use a round container. The can now contains a special wax I make myself for cutting boards and the like. It is food grade and quite safe for such applications.
Aug 15, 2023 at 10:32 PM Post #123,641 of 154,669
If the mysterious Other Thing is anything like the Syn I’ll be all over it. I’m hoping the capitalization is either a hint or the product name will be The Other Thing.

I'm excited for some of The Other Things
Aug 15, 2023 at 11:12 PM Post #123,643 of 154,669
"Thing" in Old Norse/Viking culture is a gathering or assembly.

Probably a stretch, but maybe Jason is releasing his business card as an item for sale, and subsequent assembly ?
That reminds me of a business card amp I once heard about.🤪
Aug 15, 2023 at 11:17 PM Post #123,644 of 154,669
I remember that smell, I may still have a can somewhere, LOL!. 55 years ago and after boot camp I never had to use it again. 5 months in Disneyland East, 6 months in hospital and rehab, finished out at Valley Forge Army Medical (a half hour from home) on night shift in the morgue and ambulance service so I never had to stand inspections.
At VMI, a number of inspection details were measured using the width of a brasso can, like how far your desk drawer had to be pulled out,as well as for hangar spacing. And now that y’all made me recall that, I shall do my level best to forget it… again!

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