Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 28, 2018 at 9:47 AM Post #41,926 of 154,565
I am sorry, I was reacting to the experience I have had on Massdrop FORUMS (blissfully ignorant morons) which is to say I agree that they are targeting the HP community with good value products. But, the folks I have encountered in the forum discussions are not audiophiles, they are audio-trolls always looking for a fight.

Do you ever write something, and then when you read it back, a whole part was never typed ? And I certainly thought the deleted portion of the quote buttress my opinion. "My two cents worth about Massdrop...Some unrepentant, and virulent Haters seem to dominate discussion in the comments section. Any attempt to interject a different opinion about anything is met with a crowd of torch-bearing and pitch-fork wielding zealots. The phenomena of over-reaction by fanboys seems to be a consistant feature, with ad hominum attacks the fare of the day.

i tend to stay out of discussions on such websites so maybe that is why my experiences have been good at Massdrop. I generally come back to Head-Fi if I want to read opinions about a Topping DX-7 or Sennheiser 6xx or whatever. I also rarely read reviews unless I want to learn about new products, if they have features and specs I seek then I might talk to people I know and trust who may have heard the product. Often I will buy things just to see how they compare to other products I own but at the end of the day, I may love or hate products that folks have the opposite opinion about but such is life.
Nov 28, 2018 at 9:55 AM Post #41,927 of 154,565
I stumbled upon Schiit a year and a half ago when looking for a tube headphone amp. I did not have headphones picked out, but the Valhalla 2 and this forum directed me towards the Sennheiser HD600s. I have loved the pairing. I eventually want to try more headphone amps and headphones, but my budget is limited and I am content for now. Also, there are several other audio upgrades and purchases higher on the priority list.
Nov 28, 2018 at 10:04 AM Post #41,928 of 154,565
Personally, I like Massdrop and have used it for audio gear as well as cutlery. I do not play many video games but if a person enjoys them, that is their prerogative. I suspect within that realm you are sometimes dealing with a younger audience. :)

I sincerely hope Schiit has strategic planning meetings (in vapey/smokey, schiit-free alcoves) about how to cater to these younger audiences. While I’d consider plugging my Schiit-stack into my XBox to play Fallout4 as over-kill, other (younger?) audiophiles might try it.

Great chapter, Jason, thank you.....{snip}....While I love reading about the amplifier designs, I enjoy even more the thought process behind your company.
Who Else shares that, folks?!....{snip}....What I like about Schiit Audio:
1. Great products at an affordable price.
2. Industry-leading experience on both the analog and digital sides + full transparency.
3. Great customer service.
4. Money not wasted on "marketing," sales or brokers ... see #1.....{snip}....Cheers!

Re: customer service. I remember pestering them about my EITR purchase. Would it really improve my Modi’s output? I repect them being honest & patient with me. Has my EITR improved my set up - maybe?! I guess I was just lucky to have low-interference USB-sources (or have ears that just can’t tell the difference). Meh, I’m keeping my EITR.

Your "marketing" is just different from what we see other companies doing for marketing. A live "book", written by one of the co-founders, that discusses in-depth the trials and tribulations of Schiit Audio? No one else does that, so it stands out. Which makes it fantastic marketing. And I'll bet it's dirt-cheap. ...{snip}.....Keep up the good work - I really enjoy reading both your posts and Mike's.

You’re spot on, @jnak00 . Mr. Stoddard’s e-book (up to chapter 12, no less) is unique. It’s like a running memoir. And as a middle-aged-dude, it gives me a chance to learn about audio science (and its quirky psychology).

Interesting topic and well said @Jason Stoddard, in light of certain discussions else where on the interweb. I don't need to defend Schiit, they're ethos in their products speak for themselves!.......{snip}.......Over the years, I've read/watched quite a few interviews of Jason and Mike. Always a great read/watch as they are quite open and honest on who and what they are! The company is like an extension of themselves, which gives Schiit a soul, Schiit-Soul, if you will!....{snip}.....A highly educated and courageous company, I believe! Not afraid to admit faults and is humble in their successes, good on them!....{snip}....RESPECT!

The municipal police force north of Toronto (The York Region Police) have a motto - deeds speak. Mr. Stoddard & his crew “do something awesome... and get it done” (not my saying... there’s a great YouTube Channel called ‘Survival Russia’, with a guy named Lars; it’s his catch-phrase). Schiit-Soul, indeed! I respect their avoidance of false modesty.

I am sorry, I was reacting to the experience I have had on Massdrop FORUMS...{snip}...the folks I have encountered in the forum discussions are not audiophiles, they are audio-trolls always looking for a fight.....{snip}....

Yeah, I try not to spend time on those forums. I think I lucked out with my Massdrop-HD6xx purchase. Their business model’s fascinating... group purchases that can lead to lower prices. I wonder what kind of hornets’ nest (of consequences) would happen if Schiit Audio did a collaboration with Massdrop?

I bought their "Lumber Storage System". Solid item. Won't fit in a stocking. Costs more than $10. Also bought their "Lifetime Measuring Cups". Also a solid quality item. I always enjoy thumbing through their catalogs.



@porchwizard ... if you can replace “the device” Samuel Jackson’s holding with the Schiit Logo, or the picture of a Fulla2, you’ll win the internet! :ksc75smile:

To be fair, that happens with many other manufacturers too. Different forums have their darling companies/products, and the rest are sh** on. Some high profile or popular companies are also targeted just because they happen to be popular.
Also on Head-Fi, you only need to go to another manufacturer's product pages to see negative views on their competition. Not all of Head-Fi adores Schiit, Chord or whichever manufacturer you can think of.

Ain’t that the truth, @Zojokkeli . I don’t engage the critics in the deeper-danker spots of headfi or linusmedia dot com. I understand that this thread can be an echo chamber. The “Ignore” button’s my friend.
Nov 28, 2018 at 10:06 AM Post #41,929 of 154,565
i tend to stay out of discussions on such websites so maybe that is why my experiences have been good at Massdrop. I generally come back to Head-Fi if I want to read opinions about a Topping DX-7 or Sennheiser 6xx or whatever. I also rarely read reviews unless I want to learn about new products, if they have features and specs I seek then I might talk to people I know and trust who may have heard the product. Often I will buy things just to see how they compare to other products I own but at the end of the day, I may love or hate products that folks have the opposite opinion about but such is life.

That is very good advice. I am learning to NOT engage with an obviously antagonistic comment. The phenomena of "fan-boy wagon-circling" stems from the human instinct to be part of a group. We come into the world with two instincts--to suckle and to seek community. So if you are not sucking, then you are seeking a group to join. Because the musical listening experience is both intimate and very subjective, it is understandable that brand loyalty will result in very personal, almost visceral reactions to any challenge.
Nov 28, 2018 at 12:01 PM Post #41,930 of 154,565
That is very good advice. I am learning to NOT engage with an obviously antagonistic comment. The phenomena of "fan-boy wagon-circling" stems from the human instinct to be part of a group. We come into the world with two instincts--to suckle and to seek community. So if you are not sucking, then you are seeking a group to join. Because the musical listening experience is both intimate and very subjective, it is understandable that brand loyalty will result in very personal, almost visceral reactions to any challenge.

I was taught that there are a lot more instincts than two. :L3000:

I try not to challenge opinions, I know some very bright people who tell me they cannot hear a difference between MP3's and lossless audio. If they are happy with their phone and ear buds then they have probably saved several thousand dollars. Now occasionally one of them hears part of my setup and suddenly gets it, but if they do not, they are still my friends.

Personally I like variety and listening to different tubes in the same amp or pre-amp is something I enjoy, YMMV. Unfortunately for me, every time I think the sound cannot get any better I hear something new and the quest is on. I do have a few solid state headphone amps and power amps that I intend to keep and they serve my purpose but definitely offer fewer surprises as they sit. :smile_phones:
Nov 28, 2018 at 12:21 PM Post #41,931 of 154,565
Today, you can get something insanely great for under $100—or you can spend 1000x that amount. You can choose solid-state products that measure at the limits of today’s analyzers—or you could go with a completely throwback, transformer-coupled tube system and damn the numbers. You can go desktop with headphones, or rack and speakers. You can mix it up with tube hybrids. You can stream, or listen to vinyl. There’s a huge wonderful kaleidoscopic world out there, and that’s a great thing. Feel free to experiment, and to enjoy what makes you feel the best.

Numbers and lines on a graph aren't absolute and everyone's ears are different. This is the mindset that the audio community should be based upon. So many have strayed too far off the beaten path in either direction. Thanks for another great chapter Jason.
Nov 28, 2018 at 12:39 PM Post #41,932 of 154,565
I was taught that there are a lot more instincts than two. :L3000:

I try not to challenge opinions, I know some very bright people who tell me they cannot hear a difference between MP3's and lossless audio. If they are happy with their phone and ear buds then they have probably saved several thousand dollars. Now occasionally one of them hears part of my setup and suddenly gets it, but if they do not, they are still my friends.

Personally I like variety and listening to different tubes in the same amp or pre-amp is something I enjoy, YMMV. Unfortunately for me, every time I think the sound cannot get any better I hear something new and the quest is on. I do have a few solid state headphone amps and power amps that I intend to keep and they serve my purpose but definitely offer fewer surprises as they sit. :smile_phones:

Indeed, there are more than just two instincts, the desire to replicate (sex drive) our species, being one which seems to cause the most problems...:astonished: This is my second post, so no more from me today....
Nov 28, 2018 at 12:48 PM Post #41,934 of 154,565
I will be busy waiting to see if an American wins the World Chess Championship. The first time possible since 1972, but Carlsen is amazing.
Nov 28, 2018 at 1:13 PM Post #41,935 of 154,565
Their business model’s fascinating... group purchases that can lead to lower prices. I wonder what kind of hornets’ nest (of consequences) would happen if Schiit Audio did a collaboration with Massdrop?

The thing is it doesn't always lead to better used to but that more and more appears to be a thing of the past. It seems that what MD is trying to do now is more becoming a place for people/manufacturers to make products at a cost or a quantity they otherwise wouldn't or couldn't if they manufacturer used their own resources.
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Nov 28, 2018 at 1:20 PM Post #41,936 of 154,565
And the gamers (another phenomea realted to the blissfully ignorant) seem to advocate for that which is of interest only to them. I have never played a video game in my life, and if the attitude of some of those who do makes even less likely I would ever want to attempt that.

Well, I've been a gamer all my life, just as long as I've been an audio enthusiast... let's not generalize.
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Nov 28, 2018 at 1:35 PM Post #41,937 of 154,565
Good Morning Everyone!!
Just wanted to let you all know we are back up on Amazon ! We even have some black Modi 2 Ubers .
Enjoy!! :L3000:

Jason is going to have to write us a chapter explaining this decision.

Thanks for the news Amy!
Nov 28, 2018 at 2:19 PM Post #41,938 of 154,565
Jason is going to have to write us a chapter explaining this decision.

Thanks for the news Amy!

LOL, this is the chapter: we finally have enough stock to fill channels, so we're filling them (plus we have some Modi 2s to move out).

Want a longer chapter? Cool. Here it is: We've been trying all year to have enough stock to fill channels, with the plan of being back up everywhere by October. As usual, things didn't work as planned, so we're a little late opening the channels. Now we are. At least it's not December!

For those who like to purchase on Amazon, enjoy!
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 28, 2018 at 2:27 PM Post #41,939 of 154,565
I was taught that there are a lot more instincts than two. :L3000:

I try not to challenge opinions, I know some very bright people who tell me they cannot hear a difference between MP3's and lossless audio. If they are happy with their phone and ear buds then they have probably saved several thousand dollars. Now occasionally one of them hears part of my setup and suddenly gets it, but if they do not, they are still my friends.

Personally I like variety and listening to different tubes in the same amp or pre-amp is something I enjoy, YMMV. Unfortunately for me, every time I think the sound cannot get any better I hear something new and the quest is on. I do have a few solid state headphone amps and power amps that I intend to keep and they serve my purpose but definitely offer fewer surprises as they sit. :smile_phones:
I like to call that my “Kindergarten Filter”. It helps me play well in whatever sandbox I’m in, and lets me know my opinions are just that - opinions. YMMV indeed.

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