Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Sep 7, 2017 at 3:18 PM Post #24,108 of 153,795
I shall hazard a guess that Schiit will have a CD transport to go along with their SOL turntable. It will integrate nicely with their line of DACs. CD isn't "dead", neither is it terminally ill. It just needs some thing to make it "cool" again like Crosley has done with turntables. People want to have fun and an all in one turntable does just that for a great many young people.

I doubt they will do my next guess but an integrated amplifier with a built in DAC/Internet Tuner would be nice but since Schiit eschews LCD color displays and VU Meters, that is not going to happen anytime soon. At all. IOW never. But with the relative success of the Dragonfly AMP/DACs perhaps Schiit will have a go at that market again because some people really do believe that their phone is worthy of making a silk purse out of a pig's ear. Nah... Or could a new and different version of a phono preamp be in the works? One that would compliment the SOL both aesthetically and engineering-wise?

Not that I find the few photos I have seen of the SOL to be my idea of attractive, but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder and doubt less many will be smitten. And I could not blame them one bit. I recently bought a TEAC CD-CDRW890 MKII as I was starting to fear that CD players would be deemed obsolete by all save frAuiophiles. It is also a recorder and while I like it's some what plebian looks if I had given it more thought I would have purchased an Emotiva CD-100 and that being based entirely upon its looks and their reputation for quality products. I have one of their earlier DACs that I no longer use as I could not hear any difference between it and the built in DAC on my CD player. It looks nice enough though but it sits about 7 feet from me right now, unused. I may give it to a relative so that it is put to use. It has a built in headphone amp, but again, I could not hear any difference between that and the jack on my receiver.

I am an Audio Philistine, don'tcha know.

Regard less of my tastes, or lack thereof, I hope that whatever Schiit has come up with serves them and their enthusiasts well.

Hey, what's the matter with you?
You're so serious. Much to serious.
Please take some shine and try again.
Sep 7, 2017 at 5:16 PM Post #24,109 of 153,795
Eitr arrived today along with a PYST USB cable and a Cthulhu floor wart.

I don't know how to describe the sound but everything is just more separate and clear, soundstage has improved as well. I wasn't expecting to hear a difference in sound, I just wanted to remove the motherboard S/PDIF header variable from the equation and get something high quality. As for isolation, the silence between songs pulls you in like a black hole.
Sep 7, 2017 at 5:18 PM Post #24,110 of 153,795
Hey guys,

Sorry to be scarce, but it's been a busy couple of weeks. We're heading for what you might call a "triple flusher." That is, we're introducing three new products:

One will be two weeks before RMAF, on September 19. This one may be small in size and price. It may even look a bit familiar (doesn't all of our stuff?), but it's going to be very, very big in terms of performance and features. I'll avoid using the usual "never be the same again/resetting the bar/punching above its weight" hype, but we're really proud of this one. I'm excited to hear what you think.

Then, you'll see another new product one week before RMAF, on the 26th. This one is a new take on a very old idea, and will almost certainly cause some significant grumpitude and harrumphing from the, ahem, more traditional audiophile crowd. It's time to start skewering some sacred cows. But again, this one will be affordable as well. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to the pro/con discussion.

And finally, at RMAF, we'll have something really groundbreaking. This one you won't be able to buy right away, but it will be a fully-functional look at something we've been working on for a long time. This one is a new take on a new idea, and it's definitely going to cause some lively discussions. I won't say any more, but you'll certainly be hearing more about this one—and, if you like what you hear, you'll be able to try it for yourself soon, for a very affordable price tag.

I'll try for an interim chapter before the 19th, but no promises. This is a busy month!

All the best,

Sep 7, 2017 at 6:23 PM Post #24,114 of 153,795
What is wrong with the current Schiit phono preamp besides its low price?


Seriously, I love my Mani but I'd love it more if it had tubes.
Sep 7, 2017 at 6:44 PM Post #24,115 of 153,795
Maynard is one of the few modern artists who cares about sound quality. He uses compression for musical effect, not for competing with other bands in the market.

I wish he would have sprinkled some of that care over the Mer de Noms album ... every version I've listened to (CD, LP, streaming) sounds compressed and lifeless. Fantastic album, but absolute crap mastering.
Sep 7, 2017 at 6:44 PM Post #24,116 of 153,795
I finally joined you Schiit heads yesterday by ordering the Jotunheim. Looking forward to my first headphone amp and will use the other aspect to power an amp and desktop speakers.

I've learned a lot by following this thread and reading these forums. Thanks!

Will be listening with HD650's, ATH-M50, AKG K240(originals) and a couple of Bose noise cancelling headphones that I wear when riding my lawn mower.
Sep 7, 2017 at 6:57 PM Post #24,117 of 153,795
I finally joined you Schiit heads yesterday by ordering the Jotunheim. Looking forward to my first headphone amp and will use the other aspect to power an amp and desktop speakers.

I've learned a lot by following this thread and reading these forums. Thanks!

Will be listening with HD650's, ATH-M50, AKG K240(originals) and a couple of Bose noise cancelling headphones that I wear when riding my lawn mower.

Well, now that you've made that much public you'll have to post your impressions of your Jotunheim once you've had a chance to give it a good listen.

Sep 7, 2017 at 7:00 PM Post #24,118 of 153,795
Well, now that you've made that much public you'll have to post your impressions of your Jotunheim once you've had a chance to give it a good listen.

Did I share too much? My wife accuses me of that often.:grimacing:
Sep 7, 2017 at 7:04 PM Post #24,119 of 153,795
Did I share too much? My wife accuses me of that often.:grimacing:

Not at all. It's just that now you've told us you've ordered the Jotunheim and what headphones you'll be using with it you're sort of obligated to post your impressions.



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