Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 17, 2017 at 1:52 PM Post #23,641 of 153,762
Aug 17, 2017 at 3:02 PM Post #23,642 of 153,762
Maybe an elementary question and struggling to ask it in a simple manner... I currently have my Mac feeding a Wyrd feeding a Gen 2 Bifrost MB. Upgrading to Gen 5 removes the Wyrd out of the equation, yes?

What additional non-sonic benefits can I expect from this setup, if any?

Sonically, can anyone who's upgraded to Gen 5 share if they also had a Wyrd in the chain prior to the upgrade?
Aug 17, 2017 at 3:55 PM Post #23,643 of 153,762
Maybe an elementary question and struggling to ask it in a simple manner... I currently have my Mac feeding a Wyrd feeding a Gen 2 Bifrost MB. Upgrading to Gen 5 removes the Wyrd out of the equation, yes?

What additional non-sonic benefits can I expect from this setup, if any?

Sonically, can anyone who's upgraded to Gen 5 share if they also had a Wyrd in the chain prior to the upgrade?

My own experience was yet cleaner sound, yet better imaging, and better bass quality.

This from memory, since I was unwilling to put the Gen 2 board back into the Bifrost MB in order to go back and forth. :)

And I use Windows instead of Mac.

All reports from Schiit and others indicate that Wyrd is no longer necessary with Gen 5.
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Aug 17, 2017 at 4:01 PM Post #23,644 of 153,762
Maybe an elementary question and struggling to ask it in a simple manner... I currently have my Mac feeding a Wyrd feeding a Gen 2 Bifrost MB. Upgrading to Gen 5 removes the Wyrd out of the equation, yes?

What additional non-sonic benefits can I expect from this setup, if any?

Sonically, can anyone who's upgraded to Gen 5 share if they also had a Wyrd in the chain prior to the upgrade?

My experience so far is you won't notice that the Wyrd adds anything more if you keep it in but you will most certainly notice how much better your system is with the Gen5 or Eitr. Try and see. If you notice it's better leave it in. You may want to leave it in to bridge some distance between your source and Bifrost. I left my iFi 3.0 in for that reason and tucked Eitr underneath Yggy. Even though iFi 3.0 was a step up sonically from Wyrd when it was there and more featured, what the heck am I going to do with it? I probably couldn't sell any of the stuff I've collected, I'd tell them buy and Eitr, save $$$ and get better sound.

I am curious to see when I install my Gen 5 board if it's the same as Eitr. I hope my experience so far is close enough.
Aug 17, 2017 at 4:17 PM Post #23,646 of 153,762
Maybe an elementary question and struggling to ask it in a simple manner... I currently have my Mac feeding a Wyrd feeding a Gen 2 Bifrost MB. Upgrading to Gen 5 removes the Wyrd out of the equation, yes?

What additional non-sonic benefits can I expect from this setup, if any?

Sonically, can anyone who's upgraded to Gen 5 share if they also had a Wyrd in the chain prior to the upgrade?

Aside: Ironically, the problem that we created Wyrd to solve (crappy USB ports) is much less of a problem these days. It seems that the latest OSes and motherboard firmware (mostly) realize that if a device asks for 500mA, it really wants 500mA. Underpowered USB hardware also seems to be on the wane. The usual experience these days, on Mac or PC, is “plug and go,” provided you’re running the latest Windows or Mac OS.
Now, Wyrd was a device that we also claimed no overt sonic benefits for. This was our way of being a responsible manufacturer, as there is really no mechanism that could result in better sonics. However, some (including Dave and myself) thought things sounded better when Wyrd was in the loop.

Based on the above from Jason, I suspect that you won't need Wyrd with Gen 5 / Eitr.
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Aug 17, 2017 at 4:21 PM Post #23,647 of 153,762
Aug 17, 2017 at 4:50 PM Post #23,648 of 153,762
Aug 17, 2017 at 5:20 PM Post #23,650 of 153,762
I still have my Minimus 7s also, though currently not being used. I'm concerned the foam surrounds are getting old. My roommate and I ran them with an M&K sub.

The surrounds should be fine, as the little woofers have a rubber surround. (at least if they are original)
Aug 17, 2017 at 6:40 PM Post #23,652 of 153,762
Audiophile confession: I was always too cheap to buy the good stuff. I got a Nakamichi BX-300 when I could afford a Dragon. I got cheap speakers when I could afford better ones. I bought a Sony bottom-of-the-line CD player when I could afford a McIntosh.

It was only recently, after "discovering" Schiit, that I said, what am I waiting for? And my hearing, which went into the ultrasonics, cuts off at 15 kHz now. More fool me.

OTOH, I was always in a "competition" with a good friend in high school as to who could produce better recordings. He used Maxell, I used TDK, we both tweaked the crap out of bias to get high frequency response. (We're still friends, and if he's in my part of the country and looks at my Schiit, he gives me "the Eye" and says, "and how much did you spend?")
Aug 17, 2017 at 9:47 PM Post #23,653 of 153,762
Audiophile confession: I was always too cheap to buy the good stuff. I got a Nakamichi BX-300 when I could afford a Dragon. I got cheap speakers when I could afford better ones. I bought a Sony bottom-of-the-line CD player when I could afford a McIntosh.

Ahhhh, Nakamichi and before that Sansui, were the brands that made me salivate just looking at their catalogs back in the early 80's. At that time I was just a kid, but since I always loved "gadgets" in general, I got enamored with the Sansui's receivers, full of knobs and switches. Hell... I still have one of those Sansui catalogs (I take care of it like it was a relic!!!).

I don't know if I have an audiophile confession, maybe the fact that I couldn't care less about listening to vinyls, yet... I buy them from time to time (from my favourite artists) only to have bigger versions of what I think are gorgeous or kick ass art covers hahaha. I keep them as collectible items.
Aug 17, 2017 at 10:09 PM Post #23,654 of 153,762
Update for potential Jil buyers.

Successfully ripped two sides of an LP @24/192 on a Mac running Audacity.

I will edit in Audacity and provide feedback on sonics as compared to a Korg MR-2.

And, the quality of the USB cable and your input interconnects will make a big difference.
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