Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 7, 2017 at 3:27 PM Post #23,311 of 153,934
Working at the Schittr? That would be an Awesome Part time gig. But I'm not even in the same time zone or even the next one over. I will keep waiting for teleportation devices to become a reality.

RIP SOL Uno. Although in fairness Emotiva's "Small Amp" Is not that small. It's very deep, deeper than my AVR and could not co exist with out adding more furniture.But its a damned good amp for the money.
Aug 7, 2017 at 3:45 PM Post #23,312 of 153,934
Wow, it's a crazy week. We're needing to put in a Gmail-based system to allow multiple accounts to coordinate support, I'm working on a website reorganization to make things more logical (and highlight Schiitr/SchiitKit shows/shows/places you can try our stuff physically), we're needing to hire--and we need help at the Schiitr! If you are interested, or know anyone who's interested, and has time 10-6 Thursday-Sunday (or at least part of that time), contact

No opens for europeans? That would be a change for the better (for me). Hehe good luck.
Aug 7, 2017 at 4:05 PM Post #23,314 of 153,934
Gen 5 USB self-install kit ordered! Yep the shipping almost as much as the card itself, but $100 for the card is a frickin bargain, so no big deal!

EDIT: I know it's technically an "install by someone who knows their Schiit" kit, but it just doesn't roll off the keyboard as nicely.
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Aug 7, 2017 at 4:25 PM Post #23,315 of 153,934
Gen 5 USB self-install kit ordered! Yep the shipping almost as much as the card itself, but $100 for the card is a frickin bargain, so no big deal!

EDIT: I know it's technically an "install by someone who knows their Schiit" kit, but it just doesn't roll off the keyboard as nicely.

The funny thing is, literally the day this product was announced, I was evaluating my options for buying another USB "conditioner" product...glad I didn't pull the trigger on that!

I have high hopes my Gumby is going to sound better that ever with Gen5!
Aug 7, 2017 at 6:25 PM Post #23,316 of 153,934
Quite on the contrary. Religious embracing of DBT is a pervasive attitude throughout the Sound Scientism universe, and it comes from fear. Self-styled "objectivists" become convinced that no difference can be heard for some classes of products* and they are afraid that others can hear things that they themselves cannot**, which could make them look like a fool. So they will make preemptive attacks on those who insist that differences exist for some products by mischievously requiring people to prove their subjective perceptions, which is devilishly difficult if you're serious about it, and DBT cannot really help you with that if you have a modicum of real-life, professional experience with it. Fundamentally, this is more about a sociological phenomenon*** than scientific methodology.

* Usually "objectist" protestations miraculously concern quasi-exclusively formats, cables, DACs and amps -- absolutely MUST be DBTed!!! --, while completely ignoring things like transducers, tubes, vinyl tables, plinths, cartridges, arms, motors, etc., etc. -- requiring DBT for these is tantamount to trolling for them. Think cognitive dissonance.
** For examples of evaluations performed in self-administered DBT conditions see "Life after Yggdrasil". And yes, whichever the THD, differences can be perceived between most of those DACs.
*** Scroll to Cult of Science section.
You miss my point. The audiophile community is heavily dismissive about DBT (and also head-fi — I was responding to a post that made this observation). I was trying to give an explanation for this attitude.
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Aug 7, 2017 at 7:55 PM Post #23,317 of 153,934
I once had a long discussion with her about her preferences for litter box filling.
She doesn't like small irritating debris between her delicate toes.
So I got the friendly but firm order to keep buying big siligagel pieces.
We now have the understanding that if I give her what she wants. I can sometimes do what I want too.

And.. If I keep building those very effective COZZIBOXES I need the sawdust myself.
Groundbox anyone?

LOL. Over the top. Keep 'em coming, Pietro.
Aug 7, 2017 at 8:04 PM Post #23,318 of 153,934
When used correctly, yes. Done many over the years. Usually to test the observers and to weed out those who couldn't detect the types of differences we needed to detect.

Right. It's all about what you're trying to measure. No one test works for all situations. This is an interesting discussion, but maybe left for the real SSBB folks.
Aug 7, 2017 at 8:26 PM Post #23,323 of 153,934
Quite on the contrary. Religious embracing of DBT is a pervasive attitude throughout the Sound Scientism universe, and it comes from fear. Self-styled "objectivists" become convinced that no difference can be heard for some classes of products* and they are afraid that others can hear things that they themselves cannot**, which could make them look like a fool. So they will make preemptive attacks on those who insist that differences exist for some products by mischievously requiring people to prove their subjective perceptions, which is devilishly difficult if you're serious about it, and DBT cannot really help you with that if you have a modicum of real-life, professional experience with it. Fundamentally, this is more about a sociological phenomenon*** than scientific methodology.

* Usually "objectist" protestations miraculously concern quasi-exclusively formats, cables, DACs and amps -- absolutely MUST be DBTed!!! --, while completely ignoring things like transducers, tubes, vinyl tables, plinths, cartridges, arms, motors, etc., etc. -- requiring DBT for these is tantamount to trolling for them. Think cognitive dissonance.
** For examples of evaluations performed in self-administered DBT conditions see "Life after Yggdrasil". And yes, whichever the THD, differences can be perceived between most of those DACs.
*** Scroll to Cult of Science section.

Right. It's all about what you're trying to measure. No one test works for all situations. This is an interesting discussion, but maybe left for the real SSBB folks.

Here's an excellent chapter from Jason's blog that may provide some elucidation for everyone. I hereby present 2016, Chapter 5: The Subjectivist/Objectivist Synthesis
Aug 7, 2017 at 9:25 PM Post #23,325 of 153,934
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