Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 14, 2017 at 9:31 PM Post #21,874 of 154,810
Ya think? Even with Freya's JFET buffer?

Jason himself said -around the time when Saga & Freya were released- that they were contemplating to develop a LISST suitable for these new preamps.

However, I can't remember a post where he (or Mike) hinted that they were ACTUALLY designing it.

So, maybe it's still an idea and nothing more than that.
Jul 15, 2017 at 1:52 AM Post #21,881 of 154,810
A high pressure cooker with fitting colander.

Special Schiit bottled spray paint.

Jul 15, 2017 at 5:41 AM Post #21,883 of 154,810
That would be interesting, the Bifrost has been in need of a bump that only Schiit can do ever since the ModiMB came out.
This was mentioned a while back on another thread, of course it was a prototype with no indication it would see the light of day. I agree, the voodoo that happens in that little box Known as the Modi MB is scary good. Another discussion had a while back was the viability of a smaller amp possibly in a Bifrost sized Chassis, after a few pages of back and forth little was said about it but apparently the groundwork is there. while feeding the rumor mill is fun it really is putting us in an endless death spiral until Monday.

I actually prototyped a 20W per channel desktop amp a couple of years back, and abandoned it, because it would be probably a $249-299 product. I figured the high cost would make it a no-go.

If I was to go back to this product, I'd re-do it in the current-feedback architecture. The old design was a conventional Lin-topology, MOSFET-output amp. But I'm not convinced there's enough demand for it. Am I overlooking something?
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Jul 15, 2017 at 6:44 AM Post #21,884 of 154,810 guys wanna kill some time and show me your rack?
Audioracks only please.

I want to DIY it but I keep running into cablemanagement-issues, room for powerstrips out of sight and I decided I don`t want glass.
So it will be wooden but not sure if it will have 1,2,3 or even four feet and how to attach the plateaus (4 of them) and keep them somewhat decoupled at the same time.
And the goal is to keep cost at a minimum and buy more Schiit.

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