Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Sep 30, 2015 at 10:23 AM Post #7,846 of 153,748
Mr. tonykaz- would be so kind as to provide links to the discussion you reference? Thank you.
Sep 30, 2015 at 11:08 AM Post #7,848 of 153,748

Mr. US Blues,
I did direct to Tyll's site.  Tyll is Innerfidelty, a well known and recognized Headphone Review Site, 
Tyll himself is probably the very best of the very best Headphone Reviewers. ( I'd have him reviewing Cars if I could manage it )
Direct links, I suppose, can be helpful but far too limiting in nature.  I am writing about the larger conclusions, not specific and narrow tid-bits.  And, I live only a short distance from Jude and don't wish to incur his wrath "too" for sending "his" readership to competitor's ( he doesn't allow any mention of those pesky Pirate folks.
Here, today, I'm writing a recognition ( on my part ) of the Contributions being made by Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Moffat and Mr. Katz with Tyll at Innerfidelty being the vehicle of distribution of important considerations. 
I leave it to you ( the reader ) to pursue these matters sans any specific emphasis from me, besides, I'm not a shill for any other of these folks.  ( I did get thrown off the Ship during the Pirate Brawl - by Tyll himself, although I'm not at all angry or upset with him, oh well, these thing can happen, especially during a Bar Brawl, I'll always be able to say "I was there" for that one! and that I was the "first" casualty ) 
Tony in MIchigan
Oct 2, 2015 at 12:12 AM Post #7,851 of 153,748

from the "Can't get any more confused" department:   
MIT,  the folks that brought you Multi-thousand Dollar Speaker Cables are now able to present you with a Headphone Amp that features their patented "Poles of Articulation" ( 29 each, I think ).  Price is not yet quoted but it'd be a "safe" guess it's gonna be way up there with the Big Boys like GSX and WOO Mono's.    
It'll probably be on the Front Page of Absolute Sound and featured by every other little Blogger on the Planet.  ( including me, it seems, ha-ha! )  
They're say'n they Crowd-funded the darn thing, so it seems they found a good number of marks on this one.  ( or more likely, they're trying to rope in bunch at RMAF, which is, my guess ) 
So, if you can't quite make it as a Pentecostal Tent Revival Preacher, there's a nice place for you in High-End Audio.
The poles being talked about are not Polish Citizens, rather they're 1/3 Octave L/C networks ( I'm thinking ), hmm, I wonder if the DIY bunch tried stuff like this? 
Seems rather (   ><)))`>   ) smelling to me.
Tony in Michigan , stuck waiting for a RED-Eye flight and otherwise quite bored. 
Oct 2, 2015 at 3:26 AM Post #7,852 of 153,748
The poles being talked about are not Polish Citizens, rather they're 1/3 Octave L/C networks ( I'm thinking ), hmm, I wonder if the DIY bunch tried stuff like this? 

-Which reminds me of the signal processing joke par excellence:
A LOT (Polish airline) airplane is on final approach to Newark, when the pilot remarks that the passengers seated on the right can now see the Statue of Liberty if they glance out their windows; a number of those seated on the left undo their belts and go into the aisle, leaning over the shoulders of those seated on the right to sneak a peek for themselves. The plane promptly veers out of control and crashes. Why?
There were too many poles in the right hand side of the plane.
I'll lead myself out. (And, unless you've got a background in electrical engineering with a bit of signal processing thrown in, this joke is not funny at all. Perhaps not even if you do have a background in said subjects... :))
Oct 2, 2015 at 6:06 AM Post #7,854 of 153,748
This prompts the short story about the Gunman pulling over a car of tourists in Ireland.   
The Gunman asks : What religion are you, Catholic or Protestant?
The Car passenger replies : we're Athists!
The Gunman ponders this and then asks if they are Catholic Atheists or Protestant Atheists?
I'm of Polish ancestry ( genetically I'm Swedish & Russian ) but I grew up in an Irish Neighborhood.  ( the World is like that, sometimes ) 
Tony in Michigan
ps.  I liked your Joke

Lucky it wasn't in Oregon.
Your Joke is in particularly bad taste today.
Oct 2, 2015 at 12:52 PM Post #7,856 of 153,748
So anyone upgrading their Bifrost to Multibit? I'm on a cruise ship in the Atlantic presently, but still checking my phone reading up on the new Schiit. Exciting and congrats to Mike and Jason for rolling this out so quickly!
Oct 2, 2015 at 1:49 PM Post #7,858 of 153,748
So anyone upgrading their Bifrost to Multibit? I'm on a cruise ship in the Atlantic presently, but still checking my phone reading up on the new Schiit. Exciting and congrats to Mike and Jason for rolling this out so quickly!

I'm number 5 in the upgrade queue. 


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