Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 27, 2024 at 8:22 PM Post #149,521 of 153,986
Apr 27, 2024 at 8:23 PM Post #149,522 of 153,986
Yeah, it’s a basement… LOL… just one now with gear in it and massive 2 guage speaker cabling up on the ceiling…

Hoisting those beasts (I think the Tices are well over 70 pounds each, and the amps gotta be pushing 50) up there was serious and almost dangerous effort all alone. But I was determined.

Now, I just have to find something to semi-plug the two holes under each speaker (1 1/2” diameter)…

Finally the self-reward; decisions await tonight post-dinner
2 gauge speaker cable? Wow! That’s quite the project, it should be amazing to hear!
Apr 27, 2024 at 8:23 PM Post #149,523 of 153,986
I think I’m going to try the Wheated BIB… I’ve already had the Rye and the Straight American before; and I’m typically a huge fan of Wheateds…
Point of clarification 🤓: The Wheat is a full-on wheat whiskey, not a Wheated Bourbon. No corn was used in the making of this whiskey. It is predominantly soft winter wheat with equal measures of rye and malted barley (about 13% of each I think). It is indeed softer than the bourbon and the rye but is also surprisingly complex. The BiB version of it is my personal favorite (most days) of the three BiBs. :)
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Apr 27, 2024 at 8:33 PM Post #149,525 of 153,986
Here's a fun treat. Anybody like Andes mints? Well, get yerself some proper 125 proof Absinthe (doesn't have to be OSD but bonus points if you do) and add 2-3oz straight into your hot chocolate. The dilution is perfect and it makes that cocoa zing!

It's even a good one for those who are licorice-averse as that flavor component largely disappears.

Apr 27, 2024 at 8:36 PM Post #149,526 of 153,986
Today's / Tonight's Jazz recommendation...

* Don't be hating on Jazz Banjo til you've heard it. 😏

Love Bella. Finished listening to Los Lobos, and now this selection. Again, thanks for the recommendation
Apr 27, 2024 at 8:48 PM Post #149,527 of 153,986
Here's a fun treat. Anybody like Andes mints? Well, get yerself some proper 125 proof Absinthe (doesn't have to be OSD but bonus points if you do) and add 2-3oz straight into your hot chocolate. The dilution is perfect and it makes that cocoa zing!

It's even a good one for those who are licorice-averse as that flavor component largely disappears.

Oh, Hell, the Green Fairy...
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:16 PM Post #149,528 of 153,986
Have you tried to switch the panels to locate the ribbon tweeters on the outside? That might give you a wider stage.
Also… being dipoles, toeing in the panels will angle the back reflection to better control room modes and second arrivals. This from my experience with dipole planar speakers. YMMV.
With other planars (e.g. Maggies in particular), yes. With Apogees
1. The MRT *must* be on the inside; the are purpose built Left and Right; we did that for yucks when I first got them and it was like “hole in the middle city”
2. With anything more than a 1/2” toe in, the stage gets incredibly shallow/flat

The stage I’m currently getting is realistically big; Playing Chicago/Reiner/Scherezade right now, and stage is around one foot outside either speaker; hall sound is magnificent

You cannot tell visually, but they are 5 1/2 feet from the wall with the windows. I can also vary the rooms acoustical loading by opening the windows. Earlier today was cranking Dire Straights Brothers in Arms album at about 95dB with both windows open so I could listen whilst tending to Bismarck’s afternoon constitutional. The bass, inside, gets much smoother overall, as the few room nodes I do have (all rooms have them) are ameliorated. Conversely with windows closed and curtains drawn, is when I break out the Jazz and Classical. Most nodes are immensely helped by fact that the 5 1/2 foot deep/wide “hall” behind the speakers connects to other areas of the house on both sides - further unloading the room. Same thing at listening with one, minor issue: there’s the open space next to the equipment built in cabinet to the dining room, unloading that side of the back of the room; but nothing on other side. So that back, left corner loads quite a bit around 34 Hz (+/-). I’m measuring +9db at that location/frequency (confirmed by a test record). 34Hz is the resonant frequency of the Apogee system. With them so far away from the back wall, most second arrivals are delayed by far more than enough. It’s really only around 240 Hz and down where there are issues (give the overall size of the room; it’s thankfully 25 1/2 feet long. I’ve used the same (tedious and manual) modeling algorithm for them everywhere I’ve set them up. This is the best room yet due to it’s almost perfect symmetry coupled with rectangularity.

Planars are an “Experience”, one either gets it and is (generally) hooked for life (in my experience), or one doesn’t get it (and/or has no room that could work). I’ve always had OTHER speakers in tandem, but over 34 years now on these. When the suspension for the ribbons finally fails - and they do on ALL Apogees it’s only a question of WHEN - I will (thankfully) be able to get replacement sets. Not cheap, but priceless. These speakers have given me listening pleasure in the extreme for a bit under $125 a year, or basically for the price of a subscription…

I’m thankful and blessed; I found my end-game speakers (and amplification) so long ago that it’s long since so amortized as to be nothing.

Speaking of thankful!

I’m really liking this OSD BiB Wheated right now @sixergixer Goes great with Rimsky-Korsakov
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:19 PM Post #149,529 of 153,986
2 gauge speaker cable? Wow! That’s quite the project, it should be amazing to hear!
Technically it is 2 guage grounding strap/cable used in Mainframe computers back in the 80’s… I worked at Stratus and scored some excess (along with my friend the Maggie, and later Martin Logan guy)… made them ourselves. Heavy as you might imagine, but very flexible. Apogees are current-sucking beasts; back then only a few Amps could drive them w/o blowing up. Yeah, they are ugly as heck… :wink:
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:30 PM Post #149,531 of 153,986
Only 1 screw per 2x4??? 18-20v impact driver helps here
a couple of the screws stripped shot of full (though they are 4” screws. For good measure dabs of industrial adhesive glue too. Im going back tomorrow to drill better pilot holes in situ and put more screws all the way in. This was built in place whilst overhead in an 8 1/2 foot deep basement. I hung from each assembly to test before putting the gear up (I weigh 155#)

Just looks like Sheit… but, you should see the rest of the basement… lol
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Apr 27, 2024 at 9:37 PM Post #149,532 of 153,986
Nice! Haven’t seen Rainbow fish in quite a while. I like your aquascaping. Perchance are you using a CO2 bubble counter setup for the plants? We sold our 65Gallon tank/stand when we moved to Texas in 2018 (I kept the lights, pumps, UV filter, main filters, etc.). Would love to re-setup, but unfortunately there is nowhere in this house for a large tank. (I learned many decades ago that the bigger the aquarium the easier it is to maintain both beauty and health-wise. Only room that is a maybe is actually the listening room, and I don’t want that noise in there…

Yours brings back memories!
Thanks! The aquascape has evolved over the last few years and is on the road to recovering from a bit of neglect . The emergent growth is recent, as are the stem plants. It's also a 65g tank. I love Rainbows, some of these are even ones that I have bred.

I dose low level CO2, about a bubble per second. Longer term, that may increase to 3 or 4, but I'm being cautious as I have fish already. Don't want to accidentally overdose or cause a ph crash.

It is easier to do a large tank, but 10-20 gallon aquariums can be fun and rewarding. And with the newer filters from Oase, they can be pretty quiet. Mine is in our open plan lounge which is also the listening room. Even CO2 can be quiet if you are adding it inline.
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:41 PM Post #149,533 of 153,986
That looks really pretty. I admire folks who can keep aquariums crystal clear like that. I have tried a few times over the years, but was never able to get it just right. That's a lot of work, time, and attention. Though it looks great when done right.
Thanks! The answer is always water changes. Tech like filters and skimmers can help, but the solution to pollution is always dilution. I struggled with mine until I got disciplined and changed ~30 gallons every week. Just don't tell the housing association who cover the water...
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:41 PM Post #149,534 of 153,986
With other planars (e.g. Maggies in particular), yes. With Apogees
1. The MRT *must* be on the inside; the are purpose built Left and Right; we did that for yucks when I first got them and it was like “hole in the middle city”
2. With anything more than a 1/2” toe in, the stage gets incredibly shallow/flat

The stage I’m currently getting is realistically big; Playing Chicago/Reiner/Scherezade right now, and stage is around one foot outside either speaker; hall sound is magnificent

You cannot tell visually, but they are 5 1/2 feet from the wall with the windows. I can also vary the rooms acoustical loading by opening the windows. Earlier today was cranking Dire Straights Brothers in Arms album at about 95dB with both windows open so I could listen whilst tending to Bismarck’s afternoon constitutional. The bass, inside, gets much smoother overall, as the few room nodes I do have (all rooms have them) are ameliorated. Conversely with windows closed and curtains drawn, is when I break out the Jazz and Classical. Most nodes are immensely helped by fact that the 5 1/2 foot deep/wide “hall” behind the speakers connects to other areas of the house on both sides - further unloading the room. Same thing at listening with one, minor issue: there’s the open space next to the equipment built in cabinet to the dining room, unloading that side of the back of the room; but nothing on other side. So that back, left corner loads quite a bit around 34 Hz (+/-). I’m measuring +9db at that location/frequency (confirmed by a test record). 34Hz is the resonant frequency of the Apogee system. With them so far away from the back wall, most second arrivals are delayed by far more than enough. It’s really only around 240 Hz and down where there are issues (give the overall size of the room; it’s thankfully 25 1/2 feet long. I’ve used the same (tedious and manual) modeling algorithm for them everywhere I’ve set them up. This is the best room yet due to it’s almost perfect symmetry coupled with rectangularity.

Planars are an “Experience”, one either gets it and is (generally) hooked for life (in my experience), or one doesn’t get it (and/or has no room that could work). I’ve always had OTHER speakers in tandem, but over 34 years now on these. When the suspension for the ribbons finally fails - and they do on ALL Apogees it’s only a question of WHEN - I will (thankfully) be able to get replacement sets. Not cheap, but priceless. These speakers have given me listening pleasure in the extreme for a bit under $125 a year, or basically for the price of a subscription…

I’m thankful and blessed; I found my end-game speakers (and amplification) so long ago that it’s long since so amortized as to be nothing.

Speaking of thankful!

I’m really liking this OSD BiB Wheated right now @sixergixer Goes great with Rimsky-Korsakov
Let's all take a moment to appreciate this man's expertise. My goodness and Bravo, Sir.
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:45 PM Post #149,535 of 153,986
Agreed! Gotta go all in (as in big tank) to ensure aquarium success, and an empty tank is at most risk - so it's kinda a tricky hobby.

Had a mid-light strength planted 135 gallon years ago, then slowed down to cichlids, and enjoyed both. Go look at the Amano books for gorgeous planted tanks. But the 135 didn't make the move to a house with all hardwoods....I would occasionally stop paying attention during a water change..hahahaha. Oopsie!

Growing up as a kid I had no interest in fish - can't play fetch with a fish! But life is so complicated as an adult these days - I need a relaxing hobby. .

But now I have my Schiit.
Amano was something special, it was the way he saw and then immitated nature. I have a long way to go to even begin to think of myself as an aquascaper

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