Schiit Bifrost 4490 impressions
Feb 11, 2016 at 4:29 PM Post #106 of 467
Hey RickB that "audiophile foo foo" you just described is the most plausible endorsement that you could have made IMHO. Much appreciated. It's all about your music rig relaying synergy in such way that it moves you in an indescribable way. Tell me is there an audible noise floor coming out of the Bifrost 4490 with iem's/low impedance HP's when using the Asgard 2 for amplification duties? I also own the Asgard 2 and I love it's super low noise floor that is inaudible unless the volume is maxed.

I've had the DAC six days and only used it with the Vali 2/HD600 so far. I can't imagine it would be worse than the Modi 2U, and I never heard noise when I plugged in Etymotic or Vsonic IEMs into Modi 2U/Asgard 2 on low gain.
Feb 12, 2016 at 4:49 AM Post #107 of 467
Hey RickB that "audiophile foo foo" you just described is the most plausible endorsement that you could have made IMHO. Much appreciated. It's all about your music rig relaying synergy in such way that it moves you in an indescribable way. Tell me is there an audible noise floor coming out of the Bifrost 4490 with iem's/low impedance HP's when using the Asgard 2 for amplification duties? I also own the Asgard 2 and I love it's super low noise floor that is inaudible unless the volume is maxed.

I decided to try my Asgard 2 with the Bifrost, and confirmed that I prefer the sound of the Vali 2. Anyway, I briefly tried my RHA MA750i IEMs (16 ohm) plugged into the Asgard at low gain. With no music playing and the pot at 1 o'clock, there is a pretty noticeable hum. However, 1 o'clock is way too loud and you would blow your eardrums out if you actually played music that loud (and maybe damage the IEMs). There is no noise detectable at lower volumes.
Feb 12, 2016 at 4:53 PM Post #108 of 467
I have both (4490 & Multibit) and hope to do a comparison soon.

Soon has finally arrived!  Today I spent a few hours comparing my upgraded Bifrost 4490 with my Bifrost Multibit.  Several weeks ago I posted my impressions of the Über to 4490 upgrade (Posts #60 & #67) which to my ears was a pretty noticeable and impressive upgrade.  I liked it so much that I decided to purchase a Multibit for my 2 channel system and move the 4490 to my night stand setup which includes a recently acquired Vali 2.
My original motivation to purchase a DAC was in an effort to improve the sound of my 2 channel system.  I purchased a Bifrost Über shortly after it's release and it unequivocally took my audio system to a significantly elevated level.  I was completely thrilled with the outcome.  Since I know how these Bifrost DAC's sound on my 2 channel system, naturally this is where I was going to do my comparative listening.
So cutting to the chase, I must say that I'm somewhat disappointed that there weren't more obvious differences between the 4490 and Multibit.  There are audible difference in my audio system, albeit minor in my humble opinion.  While the Multibit is a better sounding DAC than the 4490, in my opinion the differences aren't as significant as the Über to 4490 upgrade.  The Multibit definitely does a better job of spatially separating instruments in the soundscape as well as providing slightly more detail than the 4490, however these 2 DACs are more similar sounding than different.  I must stress that the differences between the 4490 and Multibit aren't that stunningly significant.
Predominantly on good recordings it did become apparent that the Multibit was able to produce a more live-like sound.  The 4490 had a slightly "trowelled over" sound that just wasn't as "airy" sounding as the Multibit.  Both DACs maintained a very nice wide soundscape, the 4490 maybe just a tad better, but the Multibit was able to present depth to the sonic image that reproduced a very nice 3D-like sound.  I would give the 4490 the edge when it comes to delivering slightly more pronounced bass but the Multibit reproduced a more natural and tight sound that allowed me to follow the bass notes more effortlessly.  The Multibit is just a bit better when it comes to providing clarity, detail and air that leaves you with a more realistic presentation.  Perhaps your audio system has greater resolving capability than mine in which case you may hear a more significant difference than I was able to in my setup.  Regardless, each Bifrost DAC has a place in their respective setups in my home and are sounding very satisfying indeed.
From a value perspective, if you have a first generation or even the Über version I would not hesitate in ordering the 4490 board and do the swap out yourself.  The audio improvement is simply a "no brainer".  Although the upgrade path of an existing Bifrost to Multibit is definitely more expensive especially when you have to add the cost of shipment to and from California.  If you have the equipment to squeeze out the capability of the Multibit and have no issue with this more costly upgrade path then by all means go for it.
Just a final note, my 2 channel system also includes a Lake People G109S headphone amp.  This amp combined with my original Bifrost Über and HD650 and HE500 headphones sounded absolutely terrific.  Having introduced the 4490 upgrade into this headphone setup for a very brief period I did hear a noticeable improvement (as mentioned on the adjacent 2 channel system) but it was only there for a very brief period before it was replaced by the Multibit.  I did not take the opportunity to do a direct 4490 and Multibit headphone comparison because these DACs are residing and being enjoyed in separate systems, however the Multibit certainly trounces the Über on all levels.  The Multibit has taken these headphones to another level all together.
Feb 12, 2016 at 5:25 PM Post #109 of 467
One question:
Did you leave the Multibit on 24/7? Like Schiit Yggdrasil ang Gungnir Multibit, Bifrost Multibit needs to have a constant internal temperature to sound best. I would like to hear your impressions again on Multibit after you left it on and burned in for 48 hours. Thanks for your impressions BTW.
Feb 12, 2016 at 6:12 PM Post #110 of 467
  Soon has finally arrived!  Today I spent a few hours comparing my upgraded Bifrost 4490 with my Bifrost Multibit.  Several weeks ago I posted my impressions of the Über to 4490 upgrade (Posts #60 & #67) which to my ears was a pretty noticeable and impressive upgrade.  I liked it so much that I decided to purchase a Multibit for my 2 channel system and move the 4490 to my night stand setup which includes a recently acquired Vali 2.
My original motivation to purchase a DAC was in an effort to improve the sound of my 2 channel system.  I purchased a Bifrost Über shortly after it's release and it unequivocally took my audio system to a significantly elevated level.  I was completely thrilled with the outcome.  Since I know how these Bifrost DAC's sound on my 2 channel system, naturally this is where I was going to do my comparative listening.
So cutting to the chase, I was must say that I'm somewhat disappointed that there weren't more obvious differences between the 4490 and Multibit.  There are audible difference in my audio system, albeit minor in my humble opinion.  While the Multibit is a better sounding DAC than the 4490, in my opinion the differences aren't as significant as the Über to 4490 upgrade.  The Multibit definitely does a better job of spatially separating instruments in the soundscape as well as providing slightly more detail than the 4490, however these 2 DACs are more similar sounding than different.  I must stress that the differences between the 4490 and Multibit aren't that stunningly significant.
Predominantly on good recordings did it become apparent that the Multibit was able to produce a more live-like sound.  The 4490 had a slightly "trowelled over" sound that just wasn't as "airy" sounding as the Multibit.  Both DACs maintained a very nice wide soundscape, the 4490 maybe just a tad better, but the Multibit was able to present depth to the sonic image that reproduced a very nice 3D-like sound.  I would give the 4490 the edge when it comes to delivering slightly more pronounced bass but the Multibit reproduced a more natural and tight sound that allowed me to follow the bass notes more effortlessly.  The Multibit is just a bit better when it comes to providing clarity, detail and air that leaves you with a more realistic presentation.  Perhaps your audio system has greater resolving capability than mine in which case you may hear a more significant difference than I was able to in my setup.  Regardless, each Bifrost DAC has a place in their respective setups in my home and are sounding very satisfying indeed.
From a value perspective, if you have a first generation or even the Über version I would not hesitate in ordering the 4490 board and do the swap out yourself.  The audio improvement is simply a "no brainer".  Although the upgrade path of an existing Bifrost to Multibit is definitely more expensive especially when you have to add the cost of shipment to and from California.  If you have the equipment to squeeze out the capability of the Multibit and have no issue with this more costly upgrade path then by all means go for it.
Just a final note, my 2 channel system also includes a Lake People G109S headphone amp.  This amp combined with my original Bifrost Über and HD650 and HE500 headphones sounded absolutely terrific.  Having introduced the 4490 upgrade into this headphone setup for a very brief period I did hear a noticeable improvement (as mentioned on the adjacent 2 channel system) but it was only there for a very brief period before it was replaced by the Multibit.  I did not take the opportunity to do a direct 4490 and Multibit headphone comparison because these DACs are residing and being enjoyed in separate systems, however the Multibit certainly trounces the Über on all levels.  The Multibit has taken these headphones to another level all together.

Thanks for taking the time to provide a comprehensive comparison, - much appreciated.  I'm looking forward to my future demo shoot-out of 4490 vs Bimby vs Yggy even more now!
Feb 12, 2016 at 8:55 PM Post #111 of 467
One question:

Did you leave the Multibit on 24/7? Like Schiit Yggdrasil ang Gungnir Multibit, Bifrost Multibit needs to have a constant internal temperature to sound best. I would like to hear your impressions again on Multibit after you left it on and burned in for 48 hours. Thanks for your impressions BTW.

Yes I leave all of my DACS continuously powered on.
Feb 19, 2016 at 4:36 AM Post #113 of 467
How can you tell if your unit is the 4490? I bought one new and it has a barcode on the outer box that says AKM 4490 but there's nothing on the unit itself or the manual. 
Feb 19, 2016 at 6:50 AM Post #114 of 467
  How can you tell if your unit is the 4490? I bought one new and it has a barcode on the outer box that says AKM 4490 but there's nothing on the unit itself or the manual. 

No sticker on the back?  When I ordered the upgrade card they sent me a small silver sticker to put on the back of the unit.  If you bought it new from Schiit, then it comes standard now, so I'm sure you're good.
Installed the card yesterday and I'm really astounded at what a $70 upgrade can do.  Relative to the Uberfrost there is a sudden lack of congestion which is really the best way I can describe what I'm hearing.  A bit of a boost to the bass and drum attack.  It's really pleasant to listen to.
Not quite as smooth as the MB, but this is a subtle difference.  Far more subtle than the jump from the Uberfrost to 4490.
Bottom Line:  This is an absolute bargain and worth every penny.
Feb 19, 2016 at 12:26 PM Post #115 of 467
  How can you tell if your unit is the 4490? I bought one new and it has a barcode on the outer box that says AKM 4490 but there's nothing on the unit itself or the manual. 

Read the chip.
Feb 19, 2016 at 2:34 PM Post #116 of 467
I have been running my 4490 upgrade for about 5 days now, coming from Uber (have had Uber for about 2.5 years). I can say the biggest difference for me has been a change in the upper end. Say normally a high-hat during a busy song on my HD600s would end up as more of a metallic, less focused, less clear sound. With 4490, I've noticed these sounds have become very obviously more focused, clearer and crisper overall. I have also noticed it's slightly easier for me to understand vocals. It seems to just be a cleaner, focused, and maybe slightly smoother sound overall. I didn't notice any change in the lower end or differences in sound stage, personally, but not saying there isn't. I'd disagree to the notion that this upgrade is not anything as significant of an upgrade as Uber was. I feel that it's roughly similar in terms of overall improvement. 

Feb 19, 2016 at 8:06 PM Post #117 of 467
  I have been running my 4490 upgrade for about 5 days now, coming from Uber (have had Uber for about 2.5 years). I can say the biggest difference for me has been a change in the upper end. Say normally a high-hat during a busy song on my HD600s would end up as more of a metallic, less focused, less clear sound. With 4490, I've noticed these sounds have become very obviously more focused, clearer and crisper overall. I have also noticed it's slightly easier for me to understand vocals. It seems to just be a cleaner, focused, and maybe slightly smoother sound overall. I didn't notice any change in the lower end or differences in sound stage, personally, but not saying there isn't. I'd disagree to the notion that this upgrade is not anything as significant of an upgrade as Uber was. I feel that it's roughly similar in terms of overall improvement. 

This upgrade is much more significant than the Uber was. I heard a little difference with the Uber, and a major difference with the 4490. Mostly smoother top end and tighter more punchy bass.
Feb 23, 2016 at 4:47 PM Post #119 of 467
All of the review of the 4490 have me sold. I had gotten a Modi 2U since some have said it is a mini bifrost but that wasn't the case for me. It did not mix well with my Lyr and HE400. Sound was harsh and bright. Took the fun out my music listening. Currently in the process of returning it back and will soon get the 4490 instead. Looking forward to joining the club.
Feb 23, 2016 at 4:57 PM Post #120 of 467
  All of the review of the 4490 have me sold. I had gotten a Modi 2U since some have said it is a mini bifrost but that wasn't the case for me. It did not mix well with my Lyr and HE400. Sound was harsh and bright. Took the fun out my music listening. Currently in the process of returning it back and will soon get the 4490 instead. Looking forward to joining the club.

yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of the Modi2U.  I mean it was okay, but I drastically preferred the 4490.  What's interesting is I have another DAC that has the same chip as the modi2, my audioengine d1, and I found it to be smoother than the Modi or even the 4490 was (though not as detailed as the 4490 obviously).  

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