Scherzo Audio Andante: First impressions
May 18, 2010 at 3:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 12, 2005
Hurricane Central, FL
While I probably own more amplifiers that I have need for, both desktop and portable, I am always on the lookout for new or innovative products
that do well their intended purpose, namely reproducing music at the output that mirrors that which is presented to the input.   
Some time back, I happened across a single review of the Andante, manufactured by Scherzo Audio, located in Kissimmee, Florida.  The review was quite positive, so I visited the company website to gain further information.  There was not a great deal of technical information to be found on the website, other than the fact that it is powered by SLA rechargeable batteries with a play time of approximately 60 hours and the normal specifications commonly found in amplifier listings.
An interesting bit of information that caught my eye was that the Andante is DC-coupled and there are no capacitors at the input of the amp; this should result in excellent low-frequency response. 
While spending some quality time pursuing one of my favorite pastimes, (perusing the Head-Fi classified threads), I happened to spot an Andante listed for sale.  After exchanging a few emails and PMs with the owner, the amplifier became mine and shortly thereafter, appeared at my doorstep.
I have since spent considerable time auditioning this unique amplifier, using a variety of music genres and many headphones of differing impedances and sensitivities.
I can say at the outset that the Andante has exceeded my expectations in every way:  quality of construction, size, faithful reproduction of all types of music; vocal, instrumental, classical, handles them all with grace and aplomb, performing well above its price point.  For those who consider this an important consideration, the amplifier as well as the components used therein are manufactured in the USA! 
The first and most obvious impression at first listen was how full and rich this amplifier sounded.  Bass is almost palpable, effortlessly reaching the lowest registers of the recording.  It is not blooming or thumping, just full, lifelike deep bass.  This is, undoubtedly the result of the direct-coupled design.
There is no smearing of instruments and timing is excellent.  Midrange frequencies are uncolored and high-frequency detail and harmonics in such instruments as triangles, piccolo, violins, etc. are reproduced in a most realistic manner but without sibilance.  One caveat is that any shortcomings in your recordings will also be faithfully reproduced!  This is a revealing but not overly analytical amplifier. 
As can be expected from an "off-the-grid" amplifier, with no input signal, there is an absolute lack of hum or noise, even at full volume.  In this respect, the amplifier is similar in function to my Redwine Audio Signature 30.2.  The background is totally and utterly black. 
While the Andante was designed for 32 ohm impedance phones, it has been able to handle all of my phones with aplomb, even my HE-5LE's, which have quite a low sensitivity.  Gain is fixed at 10.5 but a higher gain is available on request.  As the amplifier is DC-coupled, any input device should be checked for excessive DC offset.  Even when running at very high settings on the volume control, there was no evidence of strain or distortion. 
I have exchanged several emails with the builder, as I had a number of questions that were not addressed in the Scherzo Audio website.  Some of the details are as follows:   The SLA batteries are of a high quality, similar to those used in medical devices, etc.  They have an estimated life of approximately 5 years, but are not designed to be user replaceable.  The L-R amplifier modules are potted and are of discrete components.  This is not an opamp-based amplifier.
The batteries are maintained by a sophisticated battery-management circuit which warns of low battery charge, and will enable the amplifier to enter a suspended state if battery voltage decreases to 11 volts.  The amplifier can be operated while recharging, if desired.
It is not my intent to write a full and detailed review, but rather to present my first impressions so as to bring this somewhat obscure, but very high-quality amplifier to the attention of the Head-Fi community.  Please note the fact that I am in no way affiliated with Scherzo Audio, but rather a very satisfied owner of the Andante. 
While not a true portable, the lack of an AC input allows the Andante to serve as an ideal movable desktop or bedside amplifier.  The weight of about 2 lbs and the small non-skid feet are more than adequate to keep the amplifier securely in place, even with cables and headphones attached. 
The Andante is available from either the Scherzo Audio website or the builders AudioGon listing.  Price is $390.00,  3 year warranty.
For additional information: 

May 18, 2010 at 4:56 PM Post #3 of 16
I personally prefer the Andante over my KICAS Caliente.   In side by side comparisons, I find that the Andante has a more 3-dimensional and expansive soundstage as well as more of that very elusive "you are there" quality.   I think the KICAS might match the Andante with more assertive phones (Grado), whereas the Andante will definitely compliment phones such as the Senns. and Denons. 
The fact the Andante can operate without an AC connection is a big plus to me.  They are comparable in footprint, although the Andante is only about 2/3 the height of the KICAS.

nice review.  this is an attractive little unit.
how does it compare to the KICAS?

May 19, 2010 at 11:30 AM Post #5 of 16

How is it with IEM, like ES3X and such?

With no input signal, the Andante is dead silent, even at max volume with my ES3X.  There is only the tiniest turn-on tick.  The soundstage of my ES3X is even more expansive with the Andante and  the deepest bass is rendered better than that of my other bedside amps.  I has an almost visceral impact but without intruding on the higher mid-bass or midrange frequencies.
This amplifier does, however, require the use of high-quality phones that can reach the lowest octaves of bass, otherwise the frequency balance can be shifted more toward the mids and highs, resulting in a somewhat bright sound.  With the ES3X, this is not the case, and they sound superbly balanced across the entire audio frequency spectrum.   It is not an amplifier to pair with mediocre headphones or IEMs.
May 30, 2010 at 3:02 PM Post #6 of 16
Any experience with this as against the Alo RX?  I know they're not exactly designed for identical purposes, but just out of sheer curiosity?
Jun 10, 2010 at 9:03 AM Post #8 of 16
Seems like a promising amp. How would you describe the overall sound signature? Is it like the Caliente in that respect - shifted towards warmth?
Jun 10, 2010 at 6:46 PM Post #9 of 16
The Andante does not sound like my Caliente.  It is overall more neutral, and not shifted toward the warm side.  That said, the bass reaches deeper than my Caliente and seems to have more headroom, which is not surprising, as the SLA batteries can provide a huge amount of current on demand. 
While designed for 32 ohm phones, the amplifier can drive my HE-5LE's to a satisfying level, albeit not to the level of my T-amps.  It does not, however, sound strained when driving the LE's. 
As best I can describe the sound signature, it is like the proverbial "wire with gain" and will accurately reflect what is present on your source, good or bad. 
Here is another recent review of the Andante that is, perhaps, more eloquent than mine:
Seems like a promising amp. How would you describe the overall sound signature? Is it like the Caliente in that respect - shifted towards warmth?

Jun 10, 2010 at 7:50 PM Post #10 of 16
Thanks HiFlight, 
One more question as someone looking for an easily transportable amp for the HE-5LEs. How does the Andante compare to the RSA Protector with these phones? I have heard that the RSA's balanced out (but not the 1/4" plug works well with these headphones (which I am still wrapping my head around in terms of amps other than the EF-5). 
Jun 10, 2010 at 9:39 PM Post #11 of 16
Well, I compared both the Andante (SE) vs my Protector (balanced) using my iRiver H120 as source and HE-5LE as phones. Both sound very good, with the Protector having a bit more expansive soundstage. OTOH, the Andante has more dynamic "meat" to the sound and seems to have more reserve power. The Andante is a little more musical and the Protector a bit more analytic. As the 5LE's are not efficient speakers despite the low resistance, both amplifiers needed about the 2-3 o'clock position of the volume control for normal listening volumes. With the 5LE's, my personal preference is the Andante, but the Protectors diminutive size might be an over-riding factor if absolute portability is of prime concern. The battery life of the Andante is over twice that of the Protector, and the Cardas RCA inputs on the rear plus the 3.5mm aux input on the front adds more flexibility if one needs a single amplifier to serve both desktop and portable (sort of) roles. While self-contained as far as power, the Andante is about the size of a portable CD player compared to the Protector which is smaller than a pack of regular cigarettes. Ron
Jun 11, 2010 at 2:58 AM Post #13 of 16

Many thanks Ron. Good times researching amps for the HE-5LE. Not many with battery power that can drive them. The well-reviewed Arrow for example was said to be a little underpowered on the HE-5LEs.

I find that when used single ended the Protector lacks the power to properly drive the HE-5 LE, but using a balanced > 4-pin adapter the Protector sounds great with the HE-5 LE (and the HD600).
Jun 11, 2010 at 10:11 AM Post #14 of 16
Pretty much my impressions also.  The Andante has more headroom and sonic heft than the balanced Protector.  Both are capable of driving the LE's to a comfortable and safe level.  For those who like head-banging volumes, I would suggest looking elsewhere. 

I find that when used single ended the Protector lacks the power to properly drive the HE-5 LE, but using a balanced > 4-pin adapter the Protector sounds great with the HE-5 LE (and the HD600).

Aug 20, 2010 at 10:11 AM Post #15 of 16
I finally took the plunge and bought one of these, and I have to say I'm incredibly, incredibly impressed.  Hoping to get a chance to do a full writeup in the next week or so, but quite the only amp I've ever heard that probably tops this one (at least as far as my preferences are concerned) is my father's Red Wine Isabellina HPA.  And that's pretty darn high praise...

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