sad death to my er-6's + dissection
Aug 2, 2006 at 10:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 24, 2003
been a while since ive posted around here guys but its good to be back. i had to stop reading because my wallet was getting a bit scrawny...

now, with the sudden death of my etymotic er-6' first set of hifi ready to open my wallet once more.

but first, some details on the death of my ety's. im wondering if anyone else has experienced this. keep in mind, my babies were just 1.5 years old and i always kept them in their pouch:

about two months ago my right bud started cutting out (or what sounded like cutting out) randomly. i say randomly becuase although it sounded like a loose connection i couldnt recreate the disconnection by playing with the wire. also, i never tug on my wires (although they have been caught on things once in a while) and i always treat my buds with care so i wasnt sure how this happened...

finally, a couple days ago, the right bud just died. i realized a bit later, however, that its not really dead, the sound is just really really really soft. if i take my left bud out of my ear and crank up the sound i can hear the right bud just fine. my first thought was, oh, must be the filter, this must be some freak filter incident. so i changed the filter, but nay, its still dead. i called etymotic and they gave me an RMA number along with some bad news: because its out of warranty there is really nothing they can do but sell me new buds at a lower price (around 66 bucks for new er-6's, just the buds, no accessories, damn good deal id say) and nothing else. well that made me sad. but it also allowed me to finally take these things apart!

as promised by the topic, i did a little dissection. these things are more black boxed than they look so there isnt much to see but i did take pictures. unfortunately, im at work and i cant get the pics off my camera, but i WILL post them either tonight or tomorrow night. but im posting this now becuase id like to know if anyone else has experienced this sudden death syndrome (SDS) of their ety's. i loved my er-6's and im considering upgrading to the er-4p but i don't want to take that dive unless i can be sure they wont experience SDS.

all advice is appreciated. if you had er-6's and moved on to bigger and better things, lemme know =D

pictures on the way as promised...good to be back fellas.
Aug 2, 2006 at 10:06 PM Post #2 of 3
Sorry to hear that; the loss of a loved one sucks, doesn't it?

(btw you might want to change your sig

Never seen inside an Ety before...should be fun. How did/do you plan to take that lil guy apart though?
Aug 3, 2006 at 1:07 AM Post #3 of 3
My ER6 died an unexpected death as well. That silver stem piece that connected to the driver broke for no reason. I never really used them much, maybe 150 hours. Never abused them or anything of the sort. No reason at all that I could see for that to happen. Mine were just out of warranty too. I called Etomotic, & even emailed pix trying to avoid wasting my time & money shipping them in. After checking my pix, they told me to send them in for repair. After they received them I was told they could not be repaired, & offered me a new pair for like $80. I passed. Left a bad impression on me regarding their build quality, as well as wondering why they told me to send them in to begin with? I now own a UM2 which basically crushes the ER6 in sound (of course they cost at least 2x as much), as well as much better comfort. I would look at another IEM, but that is just me. Anway good luck.

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