Rockna Wavedream DAC
Nov 8, 2017 at 3:53 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 405


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 21, 2011
I've been comparing a Rockna Wavedream dac to an Yggdrasil and a Directstream dac for the last few weeks. Very impressive piece of equipment. It easily surpasses the Yggy and the Directstream. Super high resolution, yet not a trace of digital glare. Wonderful weight and presence to the instruments being played. I'm kinda surprised that more has not been written about it, though it is on the pricey side. Any other folks here that have tried it?
Nov 12, 2017 at 12:14 AM Post #4 of 405
I replaced my yggdrasil with a rockna wavedream Platinum balanced dac. Never felt the need to look for another DAC ever since. It sounds so natural and realistic without any glare. Yet it is detailed unlike my previous tube DAC DP-777 which smoothed out too much to my liking.
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Nov 20, 2017 at 2:06 PM Post #5 of 405
What is the price on this?

Prices: (In AUD)

Platinum SE Model - $8,085 inc GST

Platinum Balanced Model - $11,535 inc GST

Signature SE Model - $16,335 inc GST

Signature Balanced Model - $19,635 inc GST

Basically this DAC approaches MSB's pricing metric.
Aug 9, 2018 at 9:13 AM Post #6 of 405
Here is the Rockna Wavedream in action:

Yeah I know this is an old thread however doing a search for the Rockna dac I came across this and it’s Great !
I purchased the Rockna Wavedream that will be delivered by end of August .

And finally if anyone is curious of price the Rockna Wavedream DAC SE is $6,000.00 USD , full retail price .
The dac fully balanced model is about $1,500.00 more .
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May 18, 2020 at 5:23 PM Post #9 of 405
well, new owner in 2020. it's been a bit more than a month with my Rockna Wavedream signature balanced.

all I can say, what an absolute winner of a DAC! I think I have landed my end game here. I got so impressed that I had to register to leave my feedback, as I felt not enough information is available on the forums about this awesome DAC.

I haven't heard every converter out there, but I had a denafrips terminator for a year and a half, heard chord Dave extensively in my setup, and I know two people who own AC kassandra ref ii which is very well regarded as a top DAC. I have heard their system many, many times enough to formulate an opinion.
I preferred the sound of Rockna over all of these, as it struck a perfect balance to me, and was the most life-like out of all of them. no additional beautification/ euphoric sound, no lack in any aspect, not mechanical nor clinical, not exaggerated, very "musical" and organic yet very detailed and dynamic. just an extremely pure and truthful rendering of any track you throw at it! the main job of a DAC, executed perfectly nonetheless.

I believe this company deserves much more exposure for such performance/sound. maybe such positive feedback I just wrote would help. yes, I would recommend this DAC to a friend, actually, would highly recommend it!

I've just ordered the accompanying streamer, Wavedream NET, to have a pure I2s source (currently singxer SU-1 and laptop after I sold my Aurender N10), which according to what I read elevates the performance even more. is that even possible lol? anyhow will post an update when I get that. another month of wait...!

May 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM Post #10 of 405
Nice system Saleh. I received the smaller Wavelight a few days ago and like what I'm hearing so far. I may end up w/ the Wavelight server for I²S connection, I'm awaiting the details to be released in June. What are your thoughts on the filters? I'm mostly leaning towards NOS.
May 18, 2020 at 6:07 PM Post #11 of 405
Saleh84 I just received a notification of this thread ,congratulations on the Rockna Signature , I have to suggest the Rockna WaveDream Net to go along with the Signature , the pair are mind blowing good !
Beautiful system , I have arranged to listen to the Cube Audio Nenuphar and I’m getting very excited, so much about these speakers that is interest me .
May 18, 2020 at 6:11 PM Post #12 of 405
Nice system Saleh. I received the smaller Wavelight a few days ago and like what I'm hearing so far. I may end up w/ the Wavelight server for I²S connection, I'm awaiting the details to be released in June. What are your thoughts on the filters? I'm mostly leaning towards NOS.

Thanks for the complement! Well, I have played a bit with options, this is what i ended up with:
-Input i2s from singxer. Sounded the best on all aspects. More lively and energetic, more detailed. Even larger and more spacious. AES was more polite somehow, but with this kind of purity in sound, you want the input that dug deepest. I didn't even bother with USB, I hate it.
-i tried NOS, its nice, but i settled for hybrid. Things just sounded right and timed better. Also, more details without losing the organic feel, as it was the case with my previous dac once you leave NOS.
-dither off. Felt more natural.
-clock local. I preferred it, then Nucu explained it should be better from a well clocked source. Stream option makes the dac work with a bad source better.
-dsd options, i didn't bother. Most of my listening is qobuz and tidal, PCM.
Your mileage might vary depending on your system/taste, but that what i personally preferred ))
May 18, 2020 at 6:32 PM Post #13 of 405
Saleh84 I just received a notification of this thread ,congratulations on the Rockna Signature , I have to suggest the Rockna WaveDream Net to go along with the Signature , the pair are mind blowing good !
Beautiful system , I have arranged to listen to the Cube Audio Nenuphar and I’m getting very excited, so much about these speakers that is interest me .
Thanks for the confirmation about the wavedream combo, I heard a lot about the effect of adding the NET, and saw on a forum someone saying that the dac without its just "fine", and becomes unbelievable with NET (!). So yes very curious, kind of regret delaying the order till last week )) now i have to wait and wait. Everything is made to order at Rockna. Hope no longer than mid June thou!

You won't go wrong with Nenuphar. Dead neutral, very transparent and fast. I heard it at friend's first, i thought i need subs with it for my own taste, not that i doesn't do bass - it does in spades. Top driver, clever cabinet design. But i like when 40 hz - 25hz are not in -db. So i got myself a pair of the new cube sub 12s. Fantastic integration (was tricky at start, and yes they needed to break in to feel the blend-in perfectly. After two weeks of training they turned into a non disposable addition, at least for me. Have two more friends with cube, no subs. That would be up to you moving forward.
May 18, 2020 at 7:43 PM Post #14 of 405
I bought the Net used just recently, very rare to see on the used market though I did listen to the Signature and Net together and was about to place an order when the one I bought came in on consignment at the dealer .I love it and I’m completely satisfied with playback now , no more wants or wishes for the source.
I haven’t had a high efficiency speaker and tube amp for a very long time and was invited to listen to the Nenuphar I was never aware of this brand of speaker . i listen to them next week if all is still on schedule and I’m really excited,.
May 30, 2020 at 3:22 AM Post #15 of 405
Rockna is more loved than slice bread on our Sonic Visions discord. I always wondered why chord dave was praised so much yet not Rockna. Saleh truly amazing front end! Rockna coming out with a cheaper streamer soon, looks interesting.

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