ROCKJAW KOMMAND Review & Impressions Thread
Jan 24, 2015 at 11:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17
Oct 31, 2008
ROCKJAW KOMMAND Review by mark2410
Thanks to ROCK JAW for the sample.

First Impressions:  The box is a rather pleasant affair, nice sturdy card magnetically closed.  On opening that and lifting the lid you can see them in the flesh.  Hmm the buds just look dark more than anything else, I know they are wood but while attractive they just don’t scream dead tree like most wood IEM’s do.  Actually they are really quite pretty things.  I’m really not convinced that the fabulous looking over ear guide thing is going to be good mind.  Its looks great but it’s not looking much in the way of practical.  Hmm.
So in the ears they go and my word they are sprightly little buggers.  I haven’t changed the filter’s so they are the silver ones which are the bright ones maybe?  I think I hope so anyway, much lively, much sprightly and much bighty too.  Ooh I think these may not be the filters I opt to live with long term.  Anyway, burny in time and see if that does anything.

Source: Hisoundaudio Studio V 3rd Anv., FiiO E7/E9 combo, HiFiMAN HM-650, Nexus 5, 1G Ipod Shuffle.
Lows:  Having figured out the filters, gold is the open and trebly one. Silver the closed, so V shaped and black is the open and highs muted so is the flatter one.  It’ll surprise no one that the one I liked best was the black one.  Open bass vs closed bass is always a trade-off, open its more nimble and svelte whereas closed is more punchy and can go deeper.  Strictly neither is “better” than the other but I like that bit more open and better articulated low end.  With the blacks on the bass is controlled, very large and has a relative hint of softness to it.  Comparing to the similarly priced DN-1000 the Kommand is flabbier and rather bigger.  While its quantity is rather much I do like it stylistically more than the 1000.  The bass can roll and ooze in a way the 1000 cant with its rock like hardness and agility.  The Kommand is the eminently more relaxed and pleasurable on the ear, The Beautiful South’s “Your Father And I” is a grin inducing, giggly mass of rumbling thunder.  Swapping to the silvers and the bass doesn’t feel particularly more extended but its really does harden up.  If you want harder more punchy impacts then it’s the filter for you but on “Your Father And I” with its tons of bass, the combination of the quantity produced by the Kommand and its new found solidity I felt was too much.  If you’re going to have tons and tons then a little softness is a kindness to my little ears.    How much I hear you ask?  Well slapping the IE8’s in my ears and the silver tipped Kommands quite easily matches if not exceeds them in bass quantity.  Yes, there is sweary word loads of it.

Mids:  Silver tips in and the mids you might think should be at the bottom of a great V shape but not so much.  Yes the hard and massive bass is quite ahead of them and the rather bighty treble is ahead too but the mids really cut through.  They are somewhat W shaped so mids are a little bit narrow in focus but they are quite well articulated.  Tonally they are a bit on the dry and airy side, only a little though so creamy vocals still sound nice, still they are more inclined to a more breathy and dry artist.  Listening to the likes of Adel and I keep wanting to shout at her to stand up.  She sounds like she’s slumped in a chair, singing well but just not really standing up and giving it her all.
Swapping to the black filters and I am much happier.  She’s gotten up off her back side and begins to really sing out, you can really feel her pain and misery.  It’s a vastly more prominent and emotive rendition.  I’m really impressed for a dual driver being so vocally explicit and nuanced.  Sure it could do with a bit more breadth and depth but hey its only £120.  They are rather more “natural” feeling over the 1000’s though.  It’s an almost Shure like sense of better than real lifeness.

Highs:  Here I really again preferred the black filters.  They have a filter inside them to tame the high end and I’m most glad of it.  The BA in here is clearly an excellent little driver and in the last year or so it seems BA drivers have gotten much better at produce a nicely extended high end, having a more natural feel to them.  This really has a good stab at it.  When there is some pleasantly detailed treble the metallic edge is a hint gentle and they have a great decay to it. The filter does roll it off a bit fast and the edge is a bit artificial, as with all BA’s but its quantity is just about right.  Lots of detail, good abundance and not ear brutalising.  Shimmery and relaxed.
The silver tips.  Well them I like rather less.  The highs themselves are still quite excellent but it makes the BA’s inability to reach the highest highs more noticeable and it introduced a bit of a peak in the lower treble area.  Actually a pair of comply’s aid a little here.

Soundstage:  Rather large.  It’s scaled very well if a little ill-defined about where things are coming from.  They feel like a decent sized room with the sound coming at you from all directions.  Distance is a bit lacking.  Actually I rather like its full bodied and enveloping presentation.  Instrument separation is a bit middling but the payoff tis that it sounds very nicely integrated.  A warm, darkened, good size room that just happens to have a full sized orchestra in there.  I know I should want more distance but it’s quite darkly delicious.

Fit:  I did eventually get them working great for me.  However, I can’t lie, that F-ing ear guide I really could have done without.  Sure its looks funky but I ended up rotating and squeezing the thing until I had it siting so that I could wear the Kommands up.  Once I got it worked out it was a little awkward to get on my ears but once there they actually were rather good.  Still if I had to pull these out every few min that ear guide would really, really get on my ****.

Comfort:  Comfort was actually always pretty good.  Sure the ear guide got in the way of actually getting them on my ears but otherwise the buds are a nice and normal shape.  I defaulted to a pair of comply’s and they sat shallow.  With the ear guides no weight was on the ear tips so it was very comfy to wear all day long.  However I make no promises that ear guide will be as non-invasive for every ear as it was for mine.

Microphonics:  Pretty much none.  Worn up or down they never seemed to transmit much noise up the cable.  Braided cables tend to be good for that but it does seem a shame there is no chin slider anyway.

Phone Use:  Gave it a bash and all seemed good.  I heard them fine they heard me fine.  The play / pause / skip track button worked fine too.
Accessories:  You get a bunch of ear tips, the 3 filters, a shirt clip and a little felt baggy.  Now I can see why a baggy, because those ear guide would make them a bugger to get in a hard case but colour me disappointed.  £120 IEM’s deserve better.

Amped/Unamped:  The Kommands have, I believe, been made with phones in mind.  An attached mic is often a bit of a giveaway.  As such I was pleased to hear than even out of my Nexus 5 it still sounded great.  There were no significant sound alterations between it and much better sources in any tonal sense.  The one area where things did alter notably was that with my preference for the more sedate black tips, that with the phone they did tame a bit.  It was a bit less sprightly and dynamic.  If you pair that up with very relaxed music it all was a bit dull.  Though if you paired it up with much more rambunctious stuff, which is probably the sort of stuff anyone using a phone would be playing anyway, then it was rather well suited.  Of course if you wanted more vigour then you can use one of the other two more lively tips.  Still the fact is once you get to this quality level, it’s probable that the phone becomes the weak link in your audio experience.  It’s not that it’ll suck but if you want to stretch the Kommands legs then it is time to think about an amp or a proper DAP.

Isolation:  Meh.  Even with the sealed silver tips that the Kommand sits rather shallow in the ear combined with the fact that it’s a dynamic means it’s not a high isolation IEM.  Of course if you’re coming from earbuds then you’ll marvel at how much of the outside world it blocks out but……. If you’re coming from sealed BA, deeper seated IEM then you’ll be rather less chuffed.  It is enough for out and about or on a bus but you’ll probably want to not spend a lot of time listen to quiet, delicate classical pieces.  As for Tube or flights, well it’ll be better than nothing or ear buds but its wouldn’t be my first choice.

Value:  Hmm.  Well they have filters and I don’t love filters.  Mostly I always think you’ll only ever use one of them and so add unnecessary cost.  Then there’s that ear guide, while it looks very B&O I just see additional wasted cost.    However, they do look pretty awesome and those filters do mean you are more likely to find a sound that works for you if you’re a bit new to spending £120 on earphones.  On paper these are not the “best” you can get for your money.  So I guess by that definition I can’t really say these are super mega good value.  However at this price as I think about where its competition is and I’m constantly drawn to the IE7.  Never an IEM that was ever thought as awesome value nor exciting but it’s still one of my all-time personal favourites.  I love it as much today as when I got it several years ago.  The Kommand I can easily see slipping into that same long term endearment.  I know I could live contentedly if it was my only IEM for the next 5 years.
N.B. I currently see them retailing elsewhere for just £99.  That quite substantially bumps their value proposition.  I’d be tempted to jump on that in case that price doesn’t last.

Conclusion:   You know it turns out I really like the Kommand.  At first yeah sure I acknowledged it was good and capable but on paper I don’t hear it doing anything that places it on a technically superior level to the DN-1000 and actually I’d have to hand it to the Dunu that it is “better.”  In technical abilities its more close to the 900 which is cheaper.  Then what about the GR07 or the MA750?  God, as I A/B these with the 750 I can’t really say “yep the Kommands are clearly a technically superior IEM.”  I just can’t and as its £40 more I feel that I should be able to do that and do it with some ease.  Sure if I listen carefully I can concede that the bass is better and I can pluck out the mids are too somewhat superior but it’s a closer run thing than it should be.  So you’d be forgiven for thinking I think poorly of the Kommand.  You’d be very wrong however.  Soooooooooooooo very wrong.

I didn’t really notice it at first, sure stuff sounds nice on them, stuff sounds nice on lots of things.  You listen for a while and you find them nice and easy on the ear but you’re not really thinking much about it.  It’s just there doing its thing, it not jumping up and demanding you pay it attention like some needy hyperactive child.  The Kommand simply gets on with the job.  Then one day you stop and realise, my god these actually sound wonderful.  They sound calmly and nonchalantly wonderful.  Granted I spend most of the time with the calmer black tips, the others did go more “listen, listen oooh listen to this bit, see how good I am, see aren’t I good??????”  you know what I mean.  We’ve all heard an IEM that is a little attention seeking, the ones that make such striking first impressions they dazzle you.  The black filtered Kommands are happy to sit back and just play.  They play everything in such a pleasing fashion I find I’m no longer skipping tracks.  I am listening to each and every one and loosing myself in all of them.

I could listen to these every day.  Their oddly darkly symphonic staging, their bountiful yet darkly rich low end.  Their curiously creamy and fluidic vocals.  Their refined and delicately forgiving upper end.  I can see it becoming one of my long term all time personal favourites.  Even with those ear guides (please Rockjaw if you want to do a version without them, that would please me greatly.)  There is just something so darkly sumptuous about them.  So smooth on the ear with such an enveloping aural envelope that makes you feel so safe and comfortable.  Sure the other tips brighten up and have more energy but I can’t stop myself going back to the blacks.  With them in I find I rather adore the sound of the Kommand’s.  it’s not wow’ing or dazzling me but I just can’t help but adore them.  I know it’s early in the year but for me on a personal preference level the Kommands I really feel are going to be the benchmark to beat.  I just cannot stop myself from loving each and every track on them!!!

Jan 24, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #2 of 17

Thanks to ROCK JAW for the sample.
Brief:  Effortlessly grand with ear guides.
Price:  £120 or about US$180   N.B. currently going for just £99 somewhere
Specification:  Drivers: Balanced armature + 8mm dynamic, 3x Interchangeable tuning filters, Impedance: 16Ω, Sensitivity: 110+/-3db, Frequency response: 20 – 20000Hz, Cord Length: 1.2M, MIC with pause/play button – (iOS & Android compatible), Jack type: Gold plated 3.5mm
Accessories:  3 pairs of tips, 3 pairs of sound tuning filters, a shirt clip and a little baggy for keeping it together.  Pretty disappointed with the baggy.
Build Quality:  Very nice.  A combination of ebony surrounding the IEM and the rest being metal it feels premium and it looks premium too.
Isolation:  Meh. They sit shallow, the have a dynamic in them and 2 of the 3 filters have additional venting.  You’ll get by for normal out and about or on a bus use but you’ll be steering away from quiet classical pieces.  Not one you’ll want for Tube commutes or flights.  With music on though, still enough to obscure that car that’s about to hit you.
Comfort/Fit:  Err, well the ear guide just got in my way but with some fiddling I got it positioned so I could wear them up and fitting me well.  Once done comfort was great.  A bit awkward getting on and off but fine once set.  I’d have greatly preferred no ear guide.
Aesthetics:  They look pretty great.  Wood and metal scream fancy yet reserved. Tre posh.
Sound:  Adorable.  Yes you can alter the sound signature with the filters.  The silver is the closed and no high filter so its bass is more hard and punchily aggressive.  The gold is open and no high filter so, its bass is just like the blacks and its highs like the silver.  Both their treble is light and sprightly, being a BA it’s a hint over crisp and its extension trails off quite sharply once you get very high.  Still for a BA it’s got a good level of delicate refinement.  Mids tend to be a little over shadowed on the golds and by highs and bass on the silvers.  On the black though, they are more prominent and are lovely.  The bass is a hint soft and sumptuous, the highs are gently tamed and the mids become more noticeably creamy and flowing.  It’s not an attention grabber but I found it grew on me without me barely noticing and finding that I actually love it.  It’s just so effortlessly easy on the ear I was happily spending the whole day with it and finding myself reluctant to remove them.  It’s a beautifully organic and warmly natural feeling IEM and you could absolutely forget there is a crossover in them.  It’s all so beautifully and smoothly integrated.  I know on paper it’s not “better” than its competitors but I find I am enjoying this much more than its on paper attributes would suggest.  Tonally it pushes all of my buttons, I just love it.
Value:  Well it’s a bit costly, I’m sure you’re paying for its fancy construction, the filters and that ear guide.  So on paper others are “better” value.  However you do get a more probably sound sig match with the filters of your not 100% sure what sound is you.
N.B. I’ve just found them going for £100 to which I say, oh hell yes!
Pro’s:   Adorably sumptuous.  Look impressively premium.
Con’s:  The stupid ear guides. 

Jan 24, 2015 at 3:35 PM Post #5 of 17
Great review Mark - they are something special aren't they?
My review also posted here -
If you want to retitle and make this the "Kommand Review & Impressions Thread" let me know, and I'll post mine here too.
Jan 24, 2015 at 3:48 PM Post #6 of 17
  Great review Mark - they are something special aren't they?
My review also posted here -
If you want to retitle and make this the "Kommand Review & Impressions Thread" let me know, and I'll post mine here too.

hey, sure can do. give me a wee sec and ill swappy that over.
Jan 24, 2015 at 3:52 PM Post #7 of 17
Brooko's Review - posted from :
Pros: Build quality, easy fit (albeit shallow), mobile enabled cable, stunning looks, tuneable sound via filter system, good clarity, 3 year warranty
Cons: Ear-hooks may not be liked by everyone, accessory pack is sparse for price range, needs hard carry case.

For larger views of any of the photos (1200 x 800) - please click on the individual images​


I’ve been working with RockJaw UK for the last 12 months giving feedback on their IEM line, and providing reviews as they get to release point. So it was with great pleasure that I received a courier pack from Bob containing the Arcana V2, Hydra V2, and also their flagship Kommand IEM.  I’ve posted a review on both the Hydra and Arcana earlier – and for the past week and a bit I’ve been able to now concentrate on the Kommand.
RockJaw’s original flagship was actually called the Kontrol – and was supposed to be a dual driver IEM. Unfortunately, when I received them around a year ago, they looked stunning, were really well built, but they sounded pretty average. After a bit of discussion with Bob, he informed me that they were going back to the drawing board with a lot of their range, and would keep in touch with progress along the way.  Fast forward to late 2014, and the Kontrol had been replaced by the Kommand, the dual driver had become a single driver with tuneable filters, and RockJaw was once again ready to see what we thought.
I won’t say too much until the body of the review – but yes, they’ve achieved most of what they set out to do.  The Kommand (IMO) does have a sound signature worthy of its status in their product range.
For those who aren’t aware, RockJaw is an English based audio company which although relatively new to the Head-Fi scene, has already released four IEMs and a full sized headphone. RockJaw’s service and communication in that time has been exemplary, and I really like how they have been interacting with this community to develop their product range.
RockJaw’s philosophy ( is that really good sound shouldn’t be unaffordable, and build quality can be obtained even at budget friendly pricing. A fantastic example of this is their Alfa Genus (, and Arcana V2 ( IEMs – both of which I believe are very good at their price points.
The Kommand arrived almost 2 weeks ago, and especially in the last week, I’ve spent a lot of time with these in my ears – simply because they are a lovely sounding IEM. I’d estimate I have around 30 hours listening time with them so far.
Read on to find out my personal thoughts on the Kommand and who might find them to their tastes.
I was provided the Kommand as a review unit from RockJaw. I am in no way affiliated with RockJaw - and this review is my honest opinion of the Kommand. I do want to take this opportunity to thank Bob – he exemplifies RockJaw’s excellence in customer care in every communication we have.
PREAMBLE - 'ABOUT ME'.   (or a base-line for interpreting my thoughts and bias)
I'm a 47 year old music lover.  I don't say audiophile – I just love my music.  Over the last couple of years, I have slowly changed from cheaper listening set-ups to my current set-up.  I vary my listening from portable (Fiio X5, X1 and iPhone 5S) to my desk-top's set-up (PC > coax > NFB-12 > LD MKIV > HP).  I also use a portable set-up at work – either X5/X1 > HP, or PC > Beyer A200p > HP.  My main full sized headphones at the time of writing are the Beyer T1 and Sennheiser HD600.  Most of my portable listening is done with IEMs - and up till now it has mainly been with the Fidue A83, Dunu DN Titan and Altone200. A full list of the gear I have owned (past and present is listed in my Head-Fi profile).
I have very eclectic music tastes listening to a variety from classical/opera and jazz, to grunge and general rock.   I listen to a lot of blues, jazz, folk music, classic rock, indie and alternative rock.  I am particularly fond of female vocals.  I generally tend toward cans that are relatively neutral/balanced, but I do have a fondness for clarity, and suspect I might have slight ‘treble-head’ preferences.  I am not treble sensitive (at all), and in the past have really enjoyed headphones like the K701, SR325i, and of course the T1 and DT880.
I have extensively tested myself (abx) and I find aac256 or higher completely transparent.  I do use exclusively redbook 16/44.1 if space is not an issue.  All of my music is legally purchased (mostly CD – the rest FLAC purchased on-line).
I tend to be sceptical about audiophile ‘claims’, don’t generally believe in burn-in, have never heard a difference with different cables, and would rather test myself blind on perceived differences.  I am not a ‘golden eared listener’.  I suffer from mild tinnitus, and at 47, my hearing is less than perfect.
For the purposes of this review - I used the RockJaw Kommand straight from the headphone-out socket of my iPhone 5S, X5, and X1.  I also used my Beyer A200p and also the E11K amplifier, but IMO they do not benefit from additional amplification.  In the time I have spent with the Kommand, I have noticed no change to the overall sonic presentation (break-in), but am aware that my impression of their sonic footprint may have changed over time with use (brain burn-in).
This is a purely subjective review - my gear, my ears, and my experience.  Please take it all with a grain of salt - especially if it does not match your own experience.
[size=24.5699996948242px]THE REVIEW[/size]
The Kommand arrived in RockJaw's new retail packaging, which has the same colour combination as the Hydra and Arcana, but a different design. The retail box (140 x 115 x 50mm) consists of a retail outer with a large window at the front, and an inner compartment. A quick note about the outer box – it arrived with a protective screen over the window, to keep it in pristine condition. RockJaw keeps surprising me with little touches like this. They understand about presentation.

Front of retail box​
Rear of retail box​
It’s nice to see. The front of box shows (through the window) the Kommand nestled safely in its fitted foam inner, and the front print just simply states its name, and the fact that it is a hybrid IEM.  The rear of the box has information on the specifications, and sound characteristics.
Box design - hinged lid with magnetic clasp​
Foam top inset with Kommand, hooks and tips​

Lifting the hinged lid on the outer box reveals a fitted foam insert holding the Kommand, tips and filters. Lifting the foam insert out, reveals a lower compartment which has a large felt RockJaw bag, shirt clip and instruction manual.
Lower compartment​
Full package - Kommand + accessories​

The included carry pouch is essentially a draw string felt type bag – but it appears well made and I’ve found a use for it – being around the right size for my X1 and E11K when they’re not in use. Sadly – it isn’t an ideal case for the Kommand – simply due to the ear-hooks. Whilst they are very sturdy and well made, they aren’t removable, and really need more protection than a soft case can provide IMO. Fortunately a standard Brainwavz case is a perfect size, so I’ve been using one since I received them.
Accessories included bag, filters, tips, clip and manual​
Silicone tips​

The accessory pack includes 3 pairs (S, M, and L) single flange silicone tips, a shirt clip, and of course the 3 filters (which I’ll go into more detail on later). The tip selection is very frugal – especially considering the price point (120 GBP or 180 USD). An opportunity missed.
(From RockJaw)
Single BA and single 8mm dynamic driver hybrid inner ear monitor
Frequency Range
20 Hz – 20 Khz
16 ohm
110 dB +/- 3dB
3.5mm gold plated, right angled
1.2m twisted and PVC sheathed, and includes inline mic + button control
IEM Shell
Cartridge shape, tone wood and metal cap (for filters)
3 tuning filters included – bass, reference, neutral
Silver (bassy) filter​
Black/grey (balanced) filter​
Champagne/gold (treble) filter​
I have included 3 graphs provided by Bob from RockJaw which detail the different tuning of the filters. I’ve combined the 3 into a single graph below so that you can see how they differ. Probably the biggest difference between the Kommand and Alfa Genus (which also has a filter system) is the targeted tuning of the Kommand.

I’ve preferred to call the 3 filters “bass”, “reference” (or if you like ‘balanced’), and treble – because that is how they appear to me. Rather than discussing signature in this section, I’ll do so in detail under the sound section below.
When I first saw the Kommand in person, what immediately struck me was an impression of quality and craftsmanship.
The Kommand has a tone wood body with a metal cap (at the nozzle end) and a rotating ear rest/clip at the back. The wood body is stunning – really beautiful finish, with a nice finish which accentuates the grain in the wood.  It is very smooth. There is a single port/vent in the wood body adjacent to the cable exit.
Wood colour and texture is gorgeous​
Looking down on top of filter/nozzle​

The metal cap at the front has an internal thread, and this is where you screw in the adjustable filters. The metal is nicely polished, smooth, and melds well with the wooden body. The filters screw into the metal cap, and essentially become the nozzle of the IEM.
Cable exit and another view of the wood grain​
Ear-hook mechanics are precision engineered​

At the rear of the Kommand is RockJaw’s “ear-hook” assembly. This consists of a single arm from the back of the IEM, joined to another arm with an ear shaped hook (much like a pair of glasses). This is fully adjustable, very sturdy, and incredibly well machined.  It screams quality.
Kommand body vent​
Print (white on gun-metal) is easy to see​

The actual body of the Kommand is approximately 12mm in diameter, and 20mm long from cap to base (without the nozzle/filter – which adds another 5-6mm).
There is a very sturdy metal exit for the cable, and this in term has good strain relief protection – however, I do wish RockJaw would affix the strain relief better to the metal (my right side has already pulled clear once, and will need to be glued - *side note* - I raised this with Bob and they are already looking into it). This is the only blemish I’ve seen so far with build quality.
The L/R markings are in white type on the gun metal cable exits and easy to read. The left ear piece is the only one to have the mic/button control which makes it even easier to locate the correct earpiece.
Side view of Kommand body sans filter​
Filter removed exposing internals​

The nozzles/filters have a generous lip, and are also meshed to protect the drivers. One of the things I love about RockJaw’s nozzles is that they are slightly tapered at the front – which means it is a little easier to get tips in place.
Included filters​
Filter internals - only "balanced" filter has damping​
The cable is brilliant, and again I wish more manufacturers would adopt something similar. It is a twisted pair encased in a smooth flexible PVC sheath which is very pliable, very non-microphonic, and appears to be very strong.
From the left earpiece there is a combined mic and single button control device (1 click pause/play, 2 fast clicks track +1, 3 fast clicks, track -1). This hangs (when worn over ear) about half-way between my jaw and shirt collar.  The microphone is a good for audio and in my testing voice came through loud and clear. For those preferring a chin slider/cinch, the mic unit is the reason it is missing – but a shirt clip is included instead. Small note here – the button control works well with my iP5S, and (surprisingly) also with my Fiio X1 (although it was occasionally flaky with the X1).

Very good quality cable​
Microphone and remote button​

The Y-split is very generic / no frills, but has reasonable strain relief at the single exit. The jack is right angled, 4 pole, very slim (ideal for smartphones with cases) and at my preferred 90 degree angle.
Jack and Y-split​
Combination of modern style, and industrial precision​

Overall the build quality is an extremely good standard.  Apart from the strain relief issue, I can’t really fault them at all.
I have one ear canal slightly different to the other one (my right is very slightly smaller) - so I tend to find that usually single silicon flanges don't fit overly well.  I initially tried the included large silicone tips, and couldn’t get a seal (at all). Because there are no other tips included by RockJaw, I immediately reverted to my large tip collection, and tried some large bore silicones, large dual flange, large Sony Isolation tips, and also some large Comply tips.  The reason I was using large rather than medium was simple – the ear-hooks don’t allow (for me anyway) a deep seal. Anyway – the best seal (and sound) for me was a pair of Comply tips or the Sony Isolation tips – so I used these for the remainder of the review.
Comfort is actually very good and they are light weight, and easy to fit (once you have the right tips, and master the ear hooks). Surprisingly, I can wear these lying down, but they aren’t as comfortable as my A83 or Altones when lying on my side.  Although I have slept with them in, a lot will depend on your ear shape and how well these fit.
Cable down and ear hooks engaged​
Cable up and ear hooks engaged​
The ear hooks for many are going to be a love ‘em or hate ‘em relationship.  For a start, I found them cumbersome, unwieldy and frustrating.  However, once I got my tip selection right and mastered the knack of correctly twisting the hooks over my ears, fitting became rapid, consistent and comfortable. It takes a little adjusting first to get the angles of the arms correct, but once you do, the set-up stays nicely and firmly in place.
The Kommand can be worn cable over ear or cable down – simply by rotating the nozzle to point the cable exit up or down. This is shown by my daughter Emma in the photos above. If you look closely at the right exit, you can see where the relief has come out of the exit tube – and it’s this that I need to fix with a little glue.
Isolation with a good insertion and correct seal is average for an IEM, mainly due to the dynamic driver port and shallow fit. With music playing, most ambient noise is filtered out, and there is not a great deal of noticeable leakage at normal listening volumes. These would not be my choice for a long haul flight though.
I asked Bob if it was possible to remove the ear hooks, and he showed me how (see photos).  Effectively you’re breaking the screw into the rear cap – which then allows the arms to be removed. Because the screw is attached from the inside, the remainder is left exposed through the rear of the IEM.  A small drop of hot-glue seals the hole, and effectively holds the remaining screw piece in place.
Tool required​
Engage at the base of the Kommand ​
Screw broken, hooks removed​
The Kommand (for me at least) was then very easy to fit, very easy to get a deeper seal, and still sounded as good. Now please note – my Kommand (despite the photos) is still in one piece.  I had a faulty earlier model which I removed the cap from to take these photos. I wouldn’t dream of doing it to the sample I have now because IMO the ear hook assembly (now that I am used to it) actually works pretty well.  But the option is there if needed.  Just remember though, it probably kills your warranty – and it is definitely non-reversible.
Dab of hot glue to secure remainder of screw​
Komamnd minus hook assembly​
Hooked vs non-hooked​

I have spoken to Bob about researching a design where the ear-hooks could be removed or reattached easily – and hopefully this might be a change coming for the future. To me it would definitely add value.
Like RockJaw’s Alfa Genus, the Kommand comes with 3 different user-fitted filters. Just a small note here – RockJaw lists (on the plate inside the packaging) the black/grey as reference and the gold as neutral. The 3 filters are actually what I would call:
  1. Silver = bassy, and most V shaped
  2. Gold = very bass light, treble oriented – clearly the “treble” filter (I wouldn’t call it reference)
  3. Black/grey = most balanced filter – still a little bassier than neutral, but not over-done.

Silver bassy filter - no vent​
Black/grey "balanced" filter - with damping​
Champagne/gold treble filter - no damping but vented​

On all 3 filters, the mid-range is very similar (this shows in the graphs too) with the biggest changes coming in the bass (mainly in sub-bass, but some effect in mid-bass as well), and also in the upper mid-range. On all 3 I have noticed a comparative dip in the lower mids (compared to other frequencies) and this has the effect of making vocals sound a little more relaxed or further back in the mix. This dip is least apparent with the gold filter, and occurs more with male vocals than female.
The bassy silver filter is actually one of the first bass filter systems I would have no problems living with. It just has a clear nozzle with no internal acoustic damping, and no vent. It effectively adds a lift in both bass (mainly sub, but some mid) and also upper mid-range. This gives a subtle nudge to bass impact, but also maintains a lot of clarity through the vocal area, and makes quite a V shaped sound, but one which sounds both smooth, and clear at the same time.
The bass-light gold filter is the one filter (this time) that definitely wasn’t to my taste. Like the silver filter, it has a clear nozzle with no internal acoustic damping – but this time has a small vent. It has very clear vocals, and sounds very fast. But the bass is just AWOL.  I mean it’s still there, but it has no real impact, and kind of reminds me of the old ATH A700.  You can get used to it – but it always sounds as if something is missing. For me (as a borderline treble-head) to not really like this filter is a telling sign. It just needs a little lift in the bass (a small adjustment).
The grey/black (sort of gun-metal) filter is the only one with a filling inside it. This looks like a convex membrane of some sort. It also has a small port/vent. It is a nice balance between the two other filters having a good bass presence, but also a little less peakiness in the upper mid-range. The sound is still mildly V shaped – but impressively clear.


The following is what I hear from the Kommand.  YMMV – and probably will – as my tastes are likely different to yours (read the preamble I gave earlier for a baseline).  Most of the testing at this point was done with my Fiio X5 as source, no EQ, and Comply tips. From this point on, all testing was done with the grey/black balanced filter.

Tracks used were across a variety of genres – and can be viewed in this list
Thoughts on General Signature
I already covered a little of the signature descriptions above in my filter summary – but if I was to describe the default signature with the black/grey in a few words – I’d choose the words “clear”, “smooth”, and “organic”.
The Kommand has a signature which mixes clarity in the mid-range with nicely balanced but impactful bass and a smooth top end. The resultant combination is a nicely balanced overall presentation which has plenty of detail and clarity, but is also quite smooth.
Overall Detail / Clarity
For this I always use both Steely Dan’s “Gaucho” and Dire Strait’s “Sultans of Swing” as there is a lot of micro detail in both tracks, and the recording quality for both is excellent.
First up was Gaucho, and what a lovely presentation. The sax intro is nicely detailed, and all the normal detail of the track is there, and more importantly separated nicely. Bass is very good on this track – perfectly balanced.
Moving onto “Sultans of Swing”, and once more the separation of instruments, clarity, and overall presentation of the Kommand is brilliant.  The bass is quick, sounds natural and compliments rather than overpowering. Bass guitar is perfect.  Vocals are clear – just slightly back a little – but easy to follow. Knopfler’s guitar sits out in front, and has good edge and crunch. Cymbals are there but not overdone. There is no evidence of smearing on any track I’ve listened to so far.
What I am noticing (after listening to Lofgren’s “Keith Don’t Go”) is how well the Kommand portrays guitar – especially acoustic. It’s certainly an organic sound.
Sound-stage & Imaging
For this I use Amber Rubarth’s binaural recording “Tundra”.  I use this because it’s a pretty simple way to get comparative data on sound-stage.
It’s usually difficult to get a reasonable stage size from an inner ear monitor.  The stage is often quite small / close – with an average impression of space.  The Kommand has an average stage for an IEM, and with this track extends just out of head (not by a large margin though).  There are good directional cues and both width and depth are represented well – just a little closer and more intimate.
Next up was Loreena McKennitt’s “Dante’s Prayer” and the Kommand shone once again here. Not so much the impression of stage/space – because that was merely average / intimate. But the portrayal of piano, cello, and Loreena’s vocals together was captivating. Imaging in this track is OK, nothing stunning, but clarity and separation (without losing that sense of smoothness or refinement) remains very good. A beautiful and natural rendition of tone and timbre. In this track, the applause at the end can be so well presented that with some headphones (HD600) I can actually close my eyes and imagine myself in the crowd.  With the Kommand, I’m definitely in the crowd (the applause is around me). It is close, but it feels real, and it’s pretty impressive.
Bass Quality and Quantity
The Kommand has bass that is slightly north of neutral in quantity but quite agile and generally clean. It’s definitely not overdone, and hasn’t overpowered any tracks I’ve listened to so far. It does seem to present a quite natural sounding decay – especially in the very low bass, and this just gives it an added sense of realism – although it can make really bassy tracks a little boomy (this is pretty infrequent though). When the bass is present in a track though, the Kommand can go impressively low, and it has good impact (even better with the silver filters).
Amongst my test tracks is “Muddy Waters” by Mark Lanegan.  This blues rock track is quite dark and brooding anyway – and is often a good test of bass bleed. The Kommand had impressive thump with a little bloom, but didn’t impact on Mark’s vocals (which had great timbre and plenty of the “gravel” he’s well known for). The bass delivery is controlled, and enjoyable.
Switching to Lindsay Stirling, and the Kommand is really good with this electronic/dub mix. This time the bass is tight and punchy with very good depth. And it really contrasts nicely with the clarity of the violin.
Female Vocals – A Special Note
I have added this section simply because around 60-65% of my music revolves around female vocals – be it jazz, pop, rock, electronic, or even opera.  I’m an unabashed fan.  For me the sign of a successful IEM is how successfully it conveys emotion and timbre with my female vocalists. Other IEMs I’ve owned in the past had sometimes struggled with some of the artists I like – and this includes IEM’s like Shure’s SE535 LE (upper-mids on the SE535 LE are quite forward).
This was always going to be an interesting test for the Kommand because whilst they have an upper mid-range bump, it also seems to have a bit of treble roll-off (perhaps this is why they are quite smooth), and I wasn’t sure how the recession in the lower mids would translate to some artists I have. Artists like Agnes Obel can become quite strident or shouty if the mids aren’t presented quite right. With Aventine, her vocals were very good – but some of the opening background music (centered mainly on the lower mids) was a little hollow sounding. It is forgivable though as it is such a hard track to get perfect. Obel’s vocals weren’t quite as euphonic as my A83 or Altone200, but no problem to listen to overall with the Kommand.
I then proceeded to play my normal medley of other tracks from artists including Christina Perri, Julia Stone, Gabriella Cilmi, Florence and the Machine, Feist, and Norah Jones. In each case, the Kommand was a joy to listen to, though if I was comparing side-by-side with my big 2 for female vocals (A83 and Altone200), the Kommand would not beat either for my tastes. It is still a hugely enjoyable listening experience with female vocals though – and both Feist’s and FATM’s tracks were hugely enjoyable (mix of great vocal presentation and almost perfect bass contrast). Cilmi’s “Safer” was a standout though – great tonality, and so smooth.
Male Vocals
At the other end of the scale sits a lot of my rock tracks. 
The Kommand was very good with pretty much everything I queued. Vocals were clean and clear, guitar had good edge, and the bass was fast and had some nice impact. With acoustic rock, the Kommand seemed to go into another gear, and once again with Seether’s “Immortality” I was struck by how natural and organic it sounded.
I went through my usual track list and even the faster paced Diary of Jane couldn’t upset RockJaw’s Kommand performance (excuse the pun). Smearing was nowhere to be heard, and that is quite an accomplishment with this often congested track.
Time for what has become my litmus test with male vocals – Pearl Jam. The Kommand aces it – great tonality, and the ability to convey emotion.  Detail contrast is very good.  Bass is there and in perfect proportion. This is definitely my kind of sound.
Genre Specific Notes
Again for tracks, albums, artists – please refer to this list:
My reviews have tended to get a bit long winded recently so I’m going to try and condense this section to very short summaries.
Rock – already covered with the Male Vocal section above.  The Kommand does rock well. Especially anything acoustic.
Alt Rock – Very good with Porcupine Tree’s “Trains”. Great impact. Nice tone. Very smooth, but not lacking any detail. Bass was tight and quick – the way it should be. Floyd’s “Money” was good – but slightly hollow. Easily fixed by bumping the low treble a bit. Sax presentation was brilliant though.
Jazz / Blues – Both Portico Quartet and Miles Davis were very easy to listen to. Very good contrast and nice presentation of micro detail. Davis was exceptional, although when comparing the filters, Jazz was one of the genres I preferred the silver filter. With Blues, Beth Hart’s “Lift You Up” was raw, emotional and powerful – the way it should be. Really nice backbeat with this track too – and once again guitar was presented beautifully. Likewise Bonamassa’s guitar and vocals shone with the Kommand – enough for me to queue his entire “Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House” double album, and listen to it twice!
Rap / EDM – Absolutely shines with these genres – but again the silver filter was my preference. There is something about a V shaped frequency response and EDM. Little Dragon was magic – as was the Flashbulb.
Pop / Indie – Pretty good with mainstream artists like Coldplay and Adele. Norah Jones “The Fall” album was pure liquid joy for the ears. Yesper’s “Cannibal King” was equally as enjoyable, proving to me once again that the Kommand really does guitar stunningly well. The Kommand (like the Arcana before it) does Indie incredibly well.  There is something about its mid-range which is captivating with this genre.
Classical / Opera – Not really surprising, but the Kommand aced this as well. Standout for me was Kempff’s piano solos and Zoe Keating’s cello. Both had amazing timbre, and very easy to lose yourself.
I covered this in the introduction – but to me the Kommand definitely don’t need any extra amplification. They were easily powered out of all my portable devices, and with the X5 I rarely go above 30/120 in terms of volume for mainstream music. With classical I had to bump the volume a little – but nothing onerous (around 45/120 for Fischer), and even the iPhone was nowhere near maxed in all the time I used it. I also performed my standard test and volume matched, and then compared the X1 and X1+E11K. Apart from a slight change in tonality (minimal) there was no real change in dynamics to these ears.
The Kommand don’t really need it, and most people will simply change the signature by changing the filters. But I did try EQ with the treble filter (lifting the 30-150 Hz range a little – more sub, a little less mid), and it responded well.  Likewise, little adjustments when I thought it was needed (bumping the low treble for a little more contrast with “Money”) gave great response.  In Kommand, RockJaw has a driver that copes really well with tweaking.


Sonically, the RockJaw Kommand is a well-tuned and versatile IEM. It portrays most genres very well, and IMO excels with both acoustic and also EDM or other electronic based genres (especially with the silver filters).
It has a reasonably solid build and is stunning aesthetically (love that wood and metal combo with the ear-guides).  It has a very good cable, fits nicely (once you master the ear guides), and is both light weight and looks to be reasonably durable in the long term.
The ear-guides are going to be a question mark for many – I hope people do give them a decent go though, because once you get the hang of the fit, it actually is pretty easy to maintain.
The “not so goods” are pretty minor, and exist more around what is missing rather than something implemented badly. First up – a hard case is needed – especially to protect those ear hooks. Next, at $180 USD I personally would expect a better tip selection – especially if you consider what RHA offers with their T10i for similar money. Of course I much prefer the Kommand’s tuning – but even with its superior sound, the accessory pack should be better. Lastly – please – glue those strain reliefs properly. I had the same issue with my Alfa Genus. It’s not something I should have to fix myself.
As far as future improvements go – it would be great to have the ear guides as both easily removable and re-attachable. This would add a measure of versatility that would definitely be ahead of the competition. Secondly – I’d look at slightly retuning the gold filter. I just can’t see anyone using it in its present form. It doesn’t need much – just a touch more bass.
Otherwise the Kommand is very good.  Fix the accessory package and the strain relief and you definitely have an IEM that is worth the asking price, and is comparable to the competition.
Thanks once again to Bob and the RockJaw team for giving me this opportunity.

Jan 24, 2015 at 4:01 PM Post #8 of 17
  Great review Mark - they are something special aren't they?
My review also posted here -
If you want to retitle and make this the "Kommand Review & Impressions Thread" let me know, and I'll post mine here too.

im just reading through yours and bugger me!  talk about having heard the same things, both liking the blacks, both throwing in a Shure like mid reference, some spooky stuff in there.
Jan 24, 2015 at 4:11 PM Post #9 of 17
Yup -  I read through yours and it was definitely the same IEM we were describing :)
I liked your bit about the vocal tone sometimes being a bit darker. It's an interesting signature in that the upper mids play with acoustic instruments really well, but that dip in the lower mids can still create some distance depending on the singer. You worded that perfectly. I smiled when I saw it because it conveyed exactly what I was hearing with some singers.
They do have an organic tonality though eh - almost reminds me of HD700 in tonality, but smoother (not so peaky). 
Jan 24, 2015 at 11:42 PM Post #11 of 17
I've posted my impressions for my Rockjaw Kommand in a different thread, but it would be nice if it could be compiled into this thread.
When Rockbob posted the “Name our latest soon to be released product from ROCK JAW” thread for the Kontrol replacement, I took the first chance I get to enter. Several agonising days of waiting until the closing date, and finally the announcement, I was greeted by a PM from Rockbob himself advising me that I had won the contest. Honestly it was glorious and I had never really won anything big before so this is a big deal for me. We emailed back and forth regarding the prize and a few more agonising months of production plus shipping, I received it in the mail. And thus, the Rock Jaw Kommand was born.
I was provided with the Kommand as a prize for the contest and I am in no way affiliated with the company. This impression is posted as my honest opinion about the product. Thank you very much to Rock Jaw and Rockbob for this opportunity.
First off
I don’t consider myself as an audiophile, but rather an avid music listener instead. Owning one of the first production run Rock Jaw Kommand, I felt like it’s my responsibility to give my impression of this pair of IEMs. My history with audio gears is listed in my signature/profile, and currently my main listening rig consists of a laptop, Aune T1 with MK2 DAC board, Lovely Cube Premium amp, Goldring DR150, and JVC HA-S500. I believe music should be listened how you want it to be, because when it comes to head-fi, it’s about personal music. I myself don’t have the goal to pursue the most accurate and neutral sound (like studio grade monitor speakers with neutral DACs and amps), but rather pair my gears to suit the music to my tastes. I also probably won’t be using audiophile lingos or vocabularies because I’m pretty much a layman, so I’ll be using layman’s terms. This impression is a personal opinion and shouldn’t be taken as fact or guidelines. Also English isn’t my first language, so, meh.
The IEM comes in a beautiful black box with a magnetically fastened lid. On the front, the plastic window shows the contents of the package with the IEMs spread eagle as if it’s a framed work of art. There is only the Rock Jaw logo printed on the right, left, and bottom sides of the box, while the top has a retail hook. On the back you can see the literature for the IEM such as the frequency range, sensitivity, impedance, etc.  Personally I think that the printing on the back is aligned too close to the top, if it was centred vertically it would probably look better. You can see in the newer packaging they have edited the printing and centered it vertically nicely. Some difference in the IEM arrangement inside the box is also different.
The package inside the box consists of:
  1. 3 tip sizes: S, M, L
  2. 3 tuning filter nozzles: Bassy (silver), Neutral (champagne/gold), and Treble (black)
  3. 1 carrying pouch
  4. 1 shirt clip
  5. Rock Jaw Kommand IEM
Of course, mine was a prize so it comes with a printed plaque of my name and serial number. I’m not sure whether other Kommands will come with a serial number plaque like mine, though an engraving on the IEM itself would be really nice. There is also a literature sheet listing out the care instructions, filter instructions, and a warning about loud music volumes. Another piece of paper was a thank you and congratulations note by Rock Jaw and the whole team, complete with signatures and a small doodle of Rockbob’s face worthy of being placed on the fridge for all eternity.
I think the Kommand requires a hard case instead of a soft pouch as it has those ear hooks that look pretty fragile. They are however aren’t fragile but pretty tough and flexible. The ear hooks provide extra tangle opportunities for the little leprechaun inside our pockets that like to tangle IEMs/earbuds cables up, so usually when I carry them I’d roll the cable up into my pants pocket and hook the IEMs onto my belt loop.
On my way to steal yo girl
And when I find my pockets filled with other stuff and can’t fit the Kommands in there anymore, I fashioned myself a hard case made of broken hopes and dreams.

Pika you heartless woman
Kidding. I got these 4 per pack containers for about 5 bucks and it provides good protection from moisture and impact. I really think Rock Jaw should bundle up a hard case to go along with the Kommands because of the fragile-looking thin ear hooks protruding from the housing.

• Drivers: Balanced armature + 8mm dynamic
• 3x Interchangeable tuning filters
• Impedance: 16Ω
• Sensitivity: 110+/-3db
• Frequency response: 20 – 20000Hz
• Cord Length: 1.2M
• MIC with pause/play button – (iOS & Android compatible)
• Jack type: Gold plated 3.5mm
Opening up the box and taking the IEMs out from the foam impression, the IEM feels really premium in the hand. The housing is made of a mix between ebony wood and metal, with an exception of a little bit of plastic for the ear hook hinge. The wood grain is beautiful, and it runs lengthwise along the IEM. The strain relief, cable, mic, Y-splitter, and jack seem to be the same quality as the other Rock Jaw IEMs. There’s however some glue residue transferred onto the housing from the foam impression. Nothing major and wipes off easily
The cable has a nice texture to it and is really soft. It has little memory so you can roll them up tight and unroll them without the cables fighting back to their original bendy state. Strain relief on the earpieces were done really well. The cable is sleeved inside a rubber wrap and fed through a metallic tube, rendering the microphonics minimal. I would say the microphonic level is a notch or two below over the ear IEMs. The ear hooks however doesn’t permit you from wearing them over the ears, I don’t find this as a drawback because of the low microphonics.
Moving along to the microphone - I’ve never tried listening to my own voice using them, but I have good experience using it for Skyping my friends in a group chat while playing Payday. They claimed my voice was clear and the mic can still pick up background noises. The button functions as a Pause/Play, answering call, and voice command for my BlackBerry Z10, and it works fairly well.Y-splitter is made of hard rubber and does its job well.
The jack is a TRRS jack that provides connection for both the mic and earpieces. Using it with my phone and laptop is fine as both devices support TRRS style jacks. Ipod and Sansa Fuze works well too even though they don’t support the extra microphone connection (I think). One problem for me is when it’s used with a mini to quarter inch jack converters. The Kommand’s jack doesn’t work as well with both of the connectors I own, on both the Lovely Cube Premium amp and the Aune T1 amp. If it’s plugged in fully into the converter, the centre channel (mainly vocals) will disappear into an echo, so I have to pull it out by around 2mm until it isn’t secured fully into the converter jack. I’m not technologically inclined, but I think it has something to do with the grounding of the converter jacks and the extra connector on the IEM jack. This is my only experience using a TRRS jack, and I have no such problems with other headphones or IEMs with TRS jacks.
Build quality for the jack is a little shoddy as well. The connector isn’t straight. When plugged in, it looks bent out of shape so my itchy hands tried to straighten it. Now one of the mini to quarter inch converter is loose and has a glitchy connection.

Eartips, Fit, and Isolation
First row: bass filter, treble filter, neutral filter is being used.
Second row: S, M, L ear tips
Third row: VSD3S tips S, L, Foam, Bi-flange
I have small ear canals with medium sized outer ears, so I had never had any problems finding a pair of comfortable headphones. The Kommand however has large nozzles to begin with, resulting slightly larger tips. Comparing it with my VSonic VSD3S, the medium sized tips are as big as the large sized tips, and the small sized tips are around the same size as the medium sized tips. When I first got them I tried to wear the small tips, but the clearance between the nozzle and the flanges were too small so I can feel the metal nozzle through the tips. After a while of accustoming myself with the small tips, I find that they don’t provide the right fit for me, so I moved onto the medium tips.
The medium tips provided ample fit, and I find that I have to press the IEM all the way inside my ear canals to secure it or else it’ll feel like they’re gonna fall out. I’ve tried bi-flange tips from my VSD3S but there was no discernible improvements, and it hurts my ears. Foam tips can’t fit over the nozzle as the nozzle is too big.
The isolation is below average as the IEM housing and nozzles aren’t fully sealed. There is one small hole on each nozzle, and one small hole on each housing. They provide good isolation for home or office use where noise is kept at low levels, while in the outdoors you might need to crank the volume up a bit. The ear hooks also secure the IEM to your ears, but I wouldn’t advise you to use them for sweaty activities like jogging or going to the gym since they’re not sealed. Also, you wouldn’t want to stain the gorgeous wood housing now, would you?

Sound quality
Out of the box, I loved how good it sounded. The mids were sweet and reminded me of my first love back when I was in school. She was a cute girl with jet black hair and round eyes, she has the cutest laugh and her voice sounded like a choir of angels. I find myself using it exclusively outdoors while only listening to them at home occasionally. After the new toy syndrome had passed I compared it with my other cans – Goldring DR150, JVC HA-S500, Sennheiser HD650 (sold since), my friend’s Hippo Pro One, and I started to notice the congestion in the treble section. The highs were in a mush and the lows were boomy, the only thing nice is the partly clouded/veiled sweet mids. Even then, female vocals has a sort of raspy quality to it, as if the singer is exhaling too much air and you can hear the air rubbing against the back of her throat. Imagine playing the same song through two speakers, where one is good while the other is tinny. The soundstage was also small, and it’s a little hard to pinpoint specific instrument placements.
I brought the Kommand to a local head-fi meet for some second opinions. The feedback were almost similar but there was a glimmer of hope. I was advised to burn the IEMs in for a little bit more to open up the sound and soundstage. I would like to not that the literature that comes with the Kommand also suggests that all Rock Jaw in ear headphones require upwards of 100 hours of usage time before they are at their best sound. After the meet, I placed the Rock Jaw Kommand on burn in almost non stop - almost being that it goes on and only interrupted for a few hours every several days and 2-3 cumulative days of listening on the go outside. I started it off with only a mix of the more aggressive music I've been listening to maximize drivers' movement. For the final 5 days of burning in it was been burned in with pink noise. If I were to estimate it would have been burned in for an average of 18 hours a day, about 234 hours in total. The suggestion to burn them in for a lot longer than how much I've burned them in prior to the meet up (about 30 hours~) so in total it has 260+ hours of usage, plus minus actual listening to them, maybe 270 hours of total play.
The soundstage opened up magnificently following the burn in, it expanded wider although the depth feels pretty shallow. It’s almost like theres a flat wall of sound coming towards you where the sides are further away but the center is closer to your face, compared to other parabolic shaped soundstages. Previously the instruments sounded like they're blended together and compressed, perhaps compressed isn't the right word, maybe congested describes it better. After burning in, the instruments are now at their rightful places on the stage, I can pick out the instruments' locations very easily. Close your eyes and you can feel as if there’s a holographic projection of the stage going on in front of you. On The Run from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the moon sounded amazing, and you can feel the footsteps of the running person go from your left into your head and to your right, and come back again.
The mids is sweet and but it reminded me of my high school sweetheart instead of my first love. It sounded mature, controlled, and detailed. Mids is very intimate and close, as if the singer is singing in the foreground while the other instruments are beside them to accompany the vocals. Rainy Night in Georgia by Randy Crawford sounds intimate and romantic, as if she’s singing it personally for you. There’s something about this particular pair of IEM that makes old recorded songs sound sweet and lovely like Julie London’s Cry Me a River and Dionne Warwick’s Walk On By. Not to forget The Beatles as well, their voices sound pure and real like they exist and singing inside your head.
Highs extend far and there is a hint of sparkle on top. The detailed BA driver does its job very well and I have zero complaints at all. You can hear and feel every high note and high hat crash through the sweet mids, and on some tracks you can hear the sound of the singer’s lips opening and closing. I’ve listened to Zee Avi’s Ghostbird album and I know it like the back of my hand, but with the Kommand I started to discover other smaller details in the background – sound of rushing wave, a musician picking up his instrument, accidentally plucking their guitar, someone’s breath while the singer is singing. It’s phenomenal.
One 8mm dynamic driver is placed in conjunction with the BA driver to further round up the lows. For the bass test I put on Bassnectar’s Time Stretch. At the 26 second mark of the song there is a drop to the lowest bass frequency, and with the proper pair of IEM it will sound like there’s literally an earthquake going off. Sadly for me the only time I had gone through that experience was when I had my $6 Cliptec Metallica IEM. The Kommand has proper bass texture, where bass guitar plucks sound detailed. The amount of bass can be controlled by changing the nozzles – which will be covered in a bit, so you can tune it to your liking.
Since it is made for portable use, I used it a lot with my BlackBerry Z10 on the go. Although the sensitivity is rated at 110dB, I still have to turn the volume up between maximum to two notches below max. This is largely because of the below average isolation it provides. In the bus or on the sidewalk, the low frequency engine rumble will cancel out the lows of the Kommand, a similar effect can be heard if you wear an on ear headphone with average isolation.
Amping benefits it by filling the bottom end and increasing the overall dynamic range. Straight from my phone, loud passages in Don't Know Why sounds as if clipped, especially her vocals. From the laptop however, it sounds good enough without amplification.

All filters has this mesh to protect the IEM from any foreign objects entering, eg: earwax.​
The nozzles do their job fairly well and they’re easy to change. Simply take off the tips and twist the nozzle counter clockwise to take them off. Screw them back in clockwise and put the tips back on and you’re good to go. Just make sure not to over tighten them as the threads are fine and can be damaged from over tightening.
The membrane in the bass filter.​
My favourite filter is the bassy filter. I find it strange how I prefer this over to the others as I’m not a basshead. The bass filter seems to be made with a passive membrane that vibrates along with the sound vibration thus amplifying the lower frequencies while allowing higher frequencies to pass through. It does not seem to add any texture to the bass or increase the bass extension. The bass bleeds a little into the lower midrange but just a little making it sound warm-ish. This is the only acceptable filter to be used outdoors as the neutral and treble filters doesn’t have enough bass to counter the external ambient noises. This is a great filter for Daft Punk, I enjoyed Give Life Back To Music and Get Lucky so much with them. It sounds like there’s an actual concert going off in my head. The lower mids bleed causes Pharrel’s vocals to sound a little veiled but this isn’t much of an issue as the Neutral filter is available. Norah Jones’s Don’t Know Why sounded thick and lush, like stirring a bottle of honey.
The foam/sponge in the neutral filter.​
The neutral filter gives you sweeter and more accurate mids while allowing the treble some room to breathe. The bass for me is anaemic and little too light. It does turn the Kommand into a more aggressive IEM. The filter seem to be built by stuffing the nozzle with sponge. I didn’t try to disassemble it for fear of there might be other elements to it and ending up breaking them. I find the neutral filter sounds excellent with Eagles. The highs became more prominent and the depth in the soundstage increased a little. The center channel no longer sounds inside your head but instead in front of you. Vocals however took a step behind from the bass filter and the treble steps forward.
The hollow treble filter.​
Treble filter is just a hollow nozzle with the metal mesh, and it sounds very thin. They’re my least favourite filters because it increases the treble a lot. I am particularly sensitive to treble and sharp highs. They do however sound good with Electric Light Orchestra, Telephone Line sounds natural and realistic. I can see how this will appeal to trebleheads and progressive rock bands like Alan Parsons Project. They do sound very bright and probably aren’t good for long listening sessions. I’ve just went through 3 songs and I have to take a break because of ear fatigue. Bass impact is weaker and there is still bass, but now it’s just more of a background filler kind of thing. Soundstage does open up one level above the neutral filter, but I don’t really want to trade a better soundstage with a fatiguing sound.
Like I said before, the nozzles and tips are large, but after a while they will start to feel a lot more comfortable and you can forget that you’re wearing them pretty easily especially when you’re outdoors. The big soundstage also helps you forget that you’re wearing them.
At the time of writing the Kommand sells for £119.99 (US$187) and only available as pre-order from the Rock Jaw Audio website. To me the Kommand is worth the money and I happily recommend them to anyone looking for a pair of hybrid IEMs. They are dynamic and engaging, and with the user replaceable filters it’ll be as if you have bought three IEMs. Just remember to burn them in.
Jan 25, 2015 at 12:54 AM Post #12 of 17
@penmarker - we should note that the filters you had are now quite different to what Mark and I had.  For us:
  1. The bass filter was the silver with no damping and no vent.
  2. The neutral or balanced filter was the blac/grey - this has a membrane/internal damping
  3. The treble filter is the gold/champagne with no internal damping, but does have a port/vent 
Jan 25, 2015 at 11:14 AM Post #13 of 17
For me the Treble is the Black filter with no damping, no membrane, and no vent.

The Neutral is the Gold filter with sponge like damping and a vent.

The Bass is the Silver filter with a membrane and a vent.

I guess Rock Jaw had made several updates to the Kommand. I hope mine still sound as good as the newer iteration.
Jan 25, 2015 at 7:05 PM Post #14 of 17
lol, yes filters, that and other things being different from a different model but that happened to have the same size filters and then another one which had completely different filters had me on several occasions double taking.
plus i think the current names they might be due for changing.  personally id have called of any of them, the bassy one as being the black (with the high filter) so it being competitively more bass.  whereas the silver had lots of bass but lots of treble too, so much more V shape than a bassy, if you ask me anyway.
Jul 16, 2016 at 2:23 PM Post #15 of 17
How do these compete with Trinity Audio Deltas in terms of sound quality? I came across the Ks on Amazon for under £40 which seems great seeing as they started off over £100 in 2015. i noticed Rock Jaw don't sell them anymore on their website though, instead their flagship seems to be the Alpha Genus V2. Any ideas why they stopped selling their one time flagship?

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