REVIEW SUMMARY: A ranking of 32 tube and tube/hybrid headphone amps
Dec 18, 2011 at 9:08 AM Post #466 of 484

If all you plan on ever driving are high impedance cans, WA2 or WA3 make the most sense because they are OTL designs.  If you want the flexibility of low impedance cans someday, the WA6 makes sense because of its output transformer.  
Also, the whole WA2 vs WA3 question can be answered by your cans and budget.  If you drive the 880s, the WA3 is fine.  If you step up to the T1, you may benefit from the WA2.
I have the WA3 and love it.  I drove the 880s for a while before switching to the 990s.  I had no real complaints about driving the 880s, but sometimes, depending on the tube rolling combinations, the 880s sounded a tad cold and dry.  The 990s beef up a little more with some tubes pushing them.  Why am I telling you this?  Because the OTL amps sound more "tubey" than output transformer amps.  Depending on your listening preference, you need to answer this question, "Do you want more of a tube sound or solid state sound?". Then, you can pick the WA3 or WA6.  The WA3 will make the 880s more tube like than the WA6. 


Or get the Woo6se and have the best of both worlds.
Dec 18, 2011 at 6:53 PM Post #467 of 484

If all you plan on ever driving are high impedance cans, WA2 or WA3 make the most sense because they are OTL designs.  If you want the flexibility of low impedance cans someday, the WA6 makes sense because of its output transformer.  
Also, the whole WA2 vs WA3 question can be answered by your cans and budget.  If you drive the 880s, the WA3 is fine.  If you step up to the T1, you may benefit from the WA2.
I have the WA3 and love it.  I drove the 880s for a while before switching to the 990s.  I had no real complaints about driving the 880s, but sometimes, depending on the tube rolling combinations, the 880s sounded a tad cold and dry.  The 990s beef up a little more with some tubes pushing them.  Why am I telling you this?  Because the OTL amps sound more "tubey" than output transformer amps.  Depending on your listening preference, you need to answer this question, "Do you want more of a tube sound or solid state sound?". Then, you can pick the WA3 or WA6.  The WA3 will make the 880s more tube like than the WA6. 


I really appreciate your help.
I've never owned a tube amp before so I'm wary about the "tube" sound. If I only plan on using the amp for high impedance, dynamic headphones (DT 880 at this stage, but perhaps HD 800 or T1 in the future) would the WA3 be the best choice of the two? My biggest concerns are the WA6 sounding better with the aforementioned headphones, and the WA3 sounding too tube-like.
Dec 18, 2011 at 7:24 PM Post #468 of 484
I don't know whether you have posted your comments on the Eddie Current amplifiers or not.
I only see the Eddie Current Lunchbox II in your lists.
What is your opinion on Eddie Current Zana Deux (you mentioned briefly that you have heard only in
the meeting but that's long time ago), ZDT , Balancing Act and the new super 7?
Dec 18, 2011 at 7:57 PM Post #469 of 484
I have never had an Eddie Current product (other than the Lunchbox) for review, although I own and very much enjoy the EC Transcription phono preamp.
Dec 18, 2011 at 9:16 PM Post #470 of 484
I have the WA3 so I can only comment on that one.  You can make it more solid state like with the right tube combination.  You can also swing the other direction and make it bloom in full tube glory.  I wouldn't be too scared about being locked into a particular sound because the beauty of tube amps is the ability to roll and get the sound you prefer.  They are the most flexible amps out there.
I would say your best bet is to go to a meet and listen to some amps before dropping serious bank on an amp you're unsure about.
I really appreciate your help.
I've never owned a tube amp before so I'm wary about the "tube" sound. If I only plan on using the amp for high impedance, dynamic headphones (DT 880 at this stage, but perhaps HD 800 or T1 in the future) would the WA3 be the best choice of the two? My biggest concerns are the WA6 sounding better with the aforementioned headphones, and the WA3 sounding too tube-like.

Dec 18, 2011 at 9:21 PM Post #471 of 484
just throw a 5998 in the WA3 and watch it rock the crap out of you 600 ohm beyers!
lots of synergy in that combo
Dec 19, 2011 at 3:06 PM Post #472 of 484
That's what I run in mine.  It's a nice balance of solid state control with the tube mid tones bloom.  For a very solid state type sound, you can roll in a Sylvania 7236.  This tube is pretty clinical and has good bass slam.  It's also Woo's standard in-house upgrade.  For full tube glow and bloom, roll in an RCA 6AS7G.  This one is cheap and available in mountains.
just throw a 5998 in the WA3 and watch it rock the crap out of you 600 ohm beyers!
lots of synergy in that combo

Feb 6, 2012 at 5:27 PM Post #473 of 484
Hello Skylab
I've sent some personal messages to you,but just now I see that you have no time to answer them.
I always read what you have to say about many things, and I really appreciate your words.
Before buying Triad Audio L3 I read and listened to your words about it.
Now in some few days I will go down to Stockholm,that is if the cold leaves this part of the country so the trains can start running again, to listen to Audeze LCD-2.
I've never listened to open headphones before.
I've read much about them and I'm really excited about it!
If I like them I will start running them with my Triad Audio L3's,but when more money is coming in,I might have to  sell an old tibetan horseshoe ring in 22-23 carats gold with a big red coral,
then I will look for a new amp.
I've read much about this to,and just now I'm very interested in  Darkvoice 337 and Schiit Lyr. Moneywise they suit me. And also what I've read about them.
I have read what you say about Darkvoice 337,and being a dark person myself,  I really like:
"Having finally done so, the 337 is a terrific sounding amp. It has an engaging, dynamic, organic, and slightly dark sound. It has an ultra-wide and deep soundstage, which is well defined. Bass is powerful and punchy Better detail than everything other than the SP Extreme. Female vocals are just spine-chillingly beautiful through it. I use it mostly with the JVC DX1000, and this is a heavenly match, providing truly world-class sound."
I can buy it just for these words!
But....what advice would you give me?
Darkvoice 337 or Schiit Lyr?
I havn't seen a review by you on the Lyr?
But I would REALLY appreciate some words about both of them and maybe something why I should choose one of then for my Audeze LCD-2
Feb 6, 2012 at 5:32 PM Post #474 of 484
For the LCD-2 specifically, the Lyr is going to be the better choice - the DV 337 is not going to deliver enough power into the 50 ohm load of the LCD-2 to work ideally.
Feb 6, 2012 at 10:41 PM Post #475 of 484
Skylab, any luck with the Liquid Fire yet? I have come into owning it for a couple of months now and couldn't be happier. IMO it has surpassed the Leben in some aspects but I still prefer the Leben for soft acoustic female vocal. For pop and rock I definitely prefer the Liquid Fire now. Btw I am using vintage Telefenken CCa tubes for it. A quad costed me over half of the price of the Liquid Fire itself. But the sound is just sublime.
Feb 6, 2012 at 10:44 PM Post #476 of 484
No, I haven't been trying to get one either - I'm not doing any reviewing for the time being...too busy at work.
Feb 7, 2012 at 11:10 AM Post #477 of 484
Skylab: thanks for compiling this list! I only wish you'd have reviewed Little Dot gear. I just got a LD MK IV and I think it sounds pretty great.
Mar 1, 2012 at 12:23 PM Post #479 of 484

How does the Elekit TU-882 fare against the Woo Audio WA6? I would really appreciate anyone's impressions if they've had experience with both.

I've only heard the WA6 briefly at meets, and with headphones that I don't own (HD800 and T1).  I do think the WA6 is a better amp than the TU882 if you want a wide soundstage with clear instrument separation (especially for orchestral music).  The bass extended a little lower on the WA6 than my TU-882 as well. 
I think the TU-882 has a more forward presentation of music, with the mids slightly more emphasized and silky, but with nice depth to the sound. 
Mar 2, 2012 at 5:25 AM Post #480 of 484

I've only heard the WA6 briefly at meets, and with headphones that I don't own (HD800 and T1).  I do think the WA6 is a better amp than the TU882 if you want a wide soundstage with clear instrument separation (especially for orchestral music).  The bass extended a little lower on the WA6 than my TU-882 as well. 
I think the TU-882 has a more forward presentation of music, with the mids slightly more emphasized and silky, but with nice depth to the sound. 

I'm powering my HD800 with WA6. Sounds pretty good with good acoustic music recordings: smooth, warm, good sound staging and fair amount of harmonics coming through. However, low treble still a touch fierce with the average non-audiophile rock recordings.

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