REVIEW: KingRex UD-01 with PSU
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 9, 2008
Ok i must admit this is my first review of any audio product, so i hope it doesnt pan out to bad
I also know Skylab did a review a few weeks back, but i thought i would put my thoughts out there to.

I bought both my UD-01 and PSU from COEMAudio on the east coast of Australia, not bad pricing since it came with free shipping to WA, just over $500AUD. Purchased the UD-01 first, having no idea that the PSU was compatible until reading a few things on the web and Skylabs review. OK down to the nitty gritty.

Packaging and Build Quality:
Both the DAC and PSU came nicely boxed up, the UD-01 recieved in a plain old box with a little label on the side, no biggy really. With the PSU it came in a nicely labeled box. Both items packaged away inside with bubble wrap and manuals in good order.

I must say that the UD-01 is quite a looker for a DAC, nice buffed back titanium look and is very sturdy feeling. No drama's with movement on the socket's and has a normal eye piercing blue LED light. The PSU on the otherhand is a nice dark green/grey. Quite solid feeling and good finish on construction, also comes with a bright blue LED. When the PSU arrived i was quite shocked with how heavy and compact it actually is, seeing as pictures dont justify how tiny it really is. Other people may think differently ;P

Sound Quality and Soundstage etc:
Owning the UD-01 for about 3-4 weeks before actually getting the PSU, i got a good understanding of how a Power Supply can make quite a big difference to what you are hearing.

Not to say i didnt like the UD-01 sound, as im a bit of a treble head the sound was very forward which i like. Could have something to do with my phones to :p. Instrument placement average, Bass a little to basic with ok impact and an acceptable soundstage. As i dont have anything to compare this to, alot of people may think differently. Basically the UD-01 did its job fine for me and my music. One thing that i had a little trouble getting used to was this sort of layer over the music, some tracks i played sounded a little muffled and grainy.

When the PSU arrived i couldnt wait to connect it up, like a kid with a new toy of course
Once it was all connected up and ready, i kicked back and played all my favourite tracks. Some Goldfinger, Weezer, Phil Collins, Incubus, a good variety of other genres. Wow!

The change in clarity!, hardly any grain, Bass had alot more body and impact now, Soundstage considerably bigger... Hearing a few finer details in the music which gives me good ole ear tingles now
. Im actually bopping my head around to the music i was only listening to a few hours before. Quite a large improvement in all area's i must say.

I'll have to recommend this to people out there, its great little combo. I know i havent had much to compare it to. Dont shoot the messenger :p Hopefully sometime down the track i will get my hands on a MF V-DAC to compare.


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