REVIEW: Firestone Audio iCute Headphone Amplifier and Fubar III USB DAC/Headphone Amplifier
Apr 22, 2008 at 10:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


Reviewerus Prolificus
Apr 30, 2005
The Court of the Crimson King
I was asked by Miniature Audio (Welcome to Miniature Audio -Firestone Audio -USB DACS -Headphone Amps) to review the Firestone Audio iCute headamp and Fubar III USB DAC/Headphone Amp. The iCute is a small footprint home headphone amp with RCA inputs, a mini-jack headphone output, and a high/low gain switch.

The Fubar III is a USB DAC that has RCA analog OUTPUTS as well as a mini-jack headphone output. There is no input other than USB.

Both products use a 24V wall wart power supply.





I listened to both using my S2-Audio modded Ultrasone HFI-780’s, Audio Technica AT ESW9’s, and Denon D5000’s. I played music from an iMod ipod for the iCute, and from my PC using lossless files for the Fubar III.

I owned a Fubar II a year or so ago, and liked it. I have since sold it, so I cannot do any direct comparisons. But what attracted me to it at the time was that it was considered to offer very good sound for the price. And that is how I would characterize both of these devices – they offer very good performance for the money. There are some qualifiers, though.

The iCute, IMO, offers much higher headphone amplifier performance than the Fubar III by itself. I fed the analog outputs of the Fubar III into the inputs of the iCute, and this provided better headphone sound than the Fubar III’s headamp did. Further, I felt that the Travagan’s White, which I had on hand and includes a USB DAC and an analog input provides better headphone sound than the Fubar III does, for about $70 more.

Unfortunately, I did not have the Travagan’s Red to compare to the Firestone iCute. The Red has a different feature set than the iCute, but they do share some significant similarities in terms of design. Still, in terms of my memory at least, the iCute seems a little warmer and darker than I recall the Red being, which I recall as being a little brighter and lighter in terms of sound. Still both provide excellent sound. Also, for an extra $90, the Meier Arietta offers better performance than the iCute (or the Travagan’s Red). But in this price range, a few dollars mean a lot, and the iCute is well built, sounds great, offers excellent performance for the money, and is a better choice for bright headphones than the Red.

I enjoyed the iCute with all of the headphones I tried it with. Compared to my more expensive SS amps, it lacks transparency, has a narrower soundstage, and is somewhat less neutral. However, it outperformed the portable amps I had on hand, although not by a super-wide margin – but I have only the truly excellent 2Move and iQube to compare it to, both of which cost more than the iCute! If you don’t need portable, I would choose the iCute over these.

The Fubar III is a little harder for me to be enthusiastic about as a headphone amp. At $230, it’s certainly a good value, but I prefer the sound of Travagan’s White by a notable margin as a headphone amp, and think the $70 is easily worth it since you get a stepped attenuator, analog AND USB inputs, and a better headphone amp than is built into the Fubar III. Further, in comparison to the only $11 more expensive Travagan’s Green (which I do have on hand), the Green’s headphone amp offered slightly better performance, and the Green can drive speakers. HOWEVER, the Fubar III has analog OUTPUTS, whereas the others do not! So for use just as a USB DAC with a decent-but-not-fantastic headphone amp, the Fubar III is a good choice. It’s nice that these products all have different feature sets so that we as music lovers get a lot of choice!

All in all, these are solid, high-value products from Firestone Audio. Budget-conscious head-fiers, take note!
Apr 22, 2008 at 11:02 PM Post #2 of 14
Awesome review as always Skylab.
Here's the question. I have the Icute in mind also the Octavart 01.
Can anyone compare the two? The 01 is running for $99 and the Icute is what? $170? For $70 more does the Icute offer up much more besides being able to change opamps? I admit the Icute does looks alot better then the 01. But looks and op swap doesn't mean jack if the 01 out performs the Icute...
Apr 23, 2008 at 6:13 AM Post #3 of 14
As a previous owner of the Cute I agree regarding the neutrality, soundstage and transparency issues.

I would add however, that the Supplier Power Supply really brings this amp to life and makes it sound much more neutral with better bass resolution, less lower midrange cloudiness and a more cohesive soundstage. It also reduces mains induced noise if that is a probem to begin with. I was really surprised at the improvement when I first plugged it in, but I guess YMMV.

Then again, the "amp with a wall wart" approach is seemingly popular with the lower priced and low-middle range amps such as these, Xcan, etc. And it means that one can really improve the sound down the track without having to replace the original equipment. And get the original amp more cheaply to begin with.

I actually replaced the original 2227 op amp in my cute with twin AD797s - which smoothened out the sound and improved clarity. But after I got the Supplier, it was the original 2227 that sounded the best.
Apr 23, 2008 at 6:28 AM Post #4 of 14

Originally Posted by ADD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would add however, that the Supplier Power Supply really brings this amp to life and makes it sound much more neutral with better bass resolution, less lower midrange cloudiness and a more cohesive soundstage. It also reduces mains induced noise if that is a probem to begin with. I was really surprised at the improvement when I first plugged it in, but I guess YMMV.


I mainly used the iCute through the Firestone Power Supply during a month and it was pretty amazing for the size and price.

Using the Power Supply with the Fubar3 didn't change the sound a lot in comparison.
Apr 23, 2008 at 12:42 PM Post #6 of 14

Originally Posted by pp312 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Am I wrong, or is it simply "Cute", not Icute? Nowhere do I see an 'I' in the name except on HeadFi.

the little dude looks like an i to me.
Apr 23, 2008 at 12:45 PM Post #7 of 14
Right - looking at the front panel is what made me assume it was "iCute". Perhaps that is not the intent...
Apr 23, 2008 at 2:26 PM Post #8 of 14

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Right - looking at the front panel is what made me assume it was "iCute". Perhaps that is not the intent...

To my eyes it's just a little guy looking coy & cute.

I currently have two Cute Beyonds, though, since I don't have two heads, one is on Ebay. I wish I could comment on sound quality but these are my first dedicated amps, and their effect has simply been to make me crave better (I've now ordered a Little Dot V)---not because they're bad but because they're so good. If I can get this quality at this price, thought I, how much better it must be at twice or thrice the price. (That's how I think--in rhyme, and with no regard for the law of diminishing returns
). There'll be no next step after the Little Dot though, unless it's a sideways step to tubes, which I dislike on grounds of practicality (they're too vulnerable and heat up the room in Summer). One truth I discovered long ago with hi-fi is that there's far more variation between CDs than between components, and that even the best component can't make a crap CD sound good, though it may make it a little more bearable.
Apr 23, 2008 at 6:58 PM Post #9 of 14
I use a Cute Beyond (no supplier) + Fubar II at the office. I feel that it drives my HD580 quite nicely. Since I am mostly listening to "background" music while I work at the office, it is the perfect combination of cheap/nice sound and small footprint!
Apr 23, 2008 at 9:29 PM Post #12 of 14
Skylab, is it a Cute Beyond you tested? Beyond is the class A version, they have another one called the Encore.

I have a Cute Beyond which I really love. For the money its amazing, definitely better than the supermini3 and Tomahawk. I played with op amps when I first got it, I tried both OPA2111 and OPA2107 and settled on the 2107.

I also use the supplier but did not notice a huge difference without it, but that was a couple of years ago and I think my ears are better now.
Apr 23, 2008 at 9:41 PM Post #13 of 14
Yes, mine was a Cute Beyond. And it's on its way to Mrarroyo for his reviewing pleasure.
Aug 19, 2008 at 1:20 PM Post #14 of 14
just as an FYI for those who wants to know...

the Fubar III is a combination of the Fubar II USB DAC and the Cute Battery II headamp

both of which i happen to own and have been very happy with for about 2 years now. especially after shoving in 2107 and 627 opamps in them

EDIT: also forgot to mention...that the cute beyond has always been regarded as a better amp than the Cute Battery II. which is most likely why Skylab commented that the amp in the Fubar III isnt as good as the Beyond.

n in case anyone is wondering, the Cute Battery II (aka Fubar III's headamp) drives my DT990 250ohm easily.

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