Review: Comply Tx-100 Foam Tips
Jul 5, 2010 at 4:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


New Head-Fier
Nov 20, 2009
So here's a quick review of the Comply Tx-100 IEM tips I just received. I will write down my thought based on category.
~Background Info~
I am testing these with a set of Klipsch Image S4 IEM's. And comparing them with the included tips that originally came with the buds. I am testing with various genres of music being played through both my computer (HT Omega Claro Halo XT sound card) and my PMP, the Cowon D2. All files are encoded in FLAC, although source shouldn't be much of an issue when I am doing a direct comparison.
To start off, comfort is obviously important to most of us. If I am going to spend several hours of most days with these in my ears, a comfortable fit is a must. The included tips with the Klipsch S4's were very comfortable, they created a good seal for me, and could be worn for extended lengths of time without causing fatigue to my ears. The only issue I with the included tips was they would fall out, or just loosen enough to loose the seal very easily. I found my self reaching up to adjust them frequently. The Comply tips are equally as comfortable, but they stay in place very well also. My only minor draw back is that being foam, you have to "roll" them to compress the foam before placing them in your ears, and then wait 15 seconds or so before they fully expand again to create a proper seal. But this is this is to be expected from foam tips
As mentioned in the above section you have to compress the foam, to insert them and then wait for them to expand before full isolation potential is reached... BUT once that stage is reached, the isolation on these are fantastic.They block out exterior sounds very effectively. I could get a "good" seal from both my Sennheiser buds and the tips included with the Klipsch, but no where near as good as these for blocking out ambient sounds. Most of the time this is a good thing, but it just means you have to be all the more careful in any situation where hearing things around you is important. 
~Sound Quality~
These tips do alter the way the IEM's sound. In my case fairly dramatically. I found that the high mids and highs (3-15Khz) felt more recessed, or laid back. They were's as upfront, almost as if they were slightly veiled. Also the bass response was increased. Most of this is most likely caused by the more complete seal of the tips, though the wax guard in the tips could also have some influence. Unfortunately i can't help but feel like I have lost some clarity. These tips certainly require a completely different EQ than the original ones. So i wouldn't say the sound quality is worse than with the original tips, but i can't say it is better either. After I have some time to refine my EQ setting I may be able to bring out what is missing. Also in defence of the Comply tips, it is worth noting that i have had lots of time to refine my EQ with the included tips, whereas I have spent only a relatively short time adjusting the EQ to suit these tips. 
In conclusion, despite the fact that the sound felt less "upfront" and slightly lacking in clarity, the excellent isolation and comfortable fit have won me over. Also i am greatly enjoying not having to readjust my buds every few minutes as i did with the stock Klipsch tips. I hope that over the next few days I will be able to tweak my EQ setting and further reduce the difference in sound quality.
Feel free to ask me any question you may have,
Jul 6, 2010 at 5:38 PM Post #2 of 18
Following up on the review; I am enjoying these tips more and more. When I performed the original comparison I was listening at a lower volume level than I typically would. This was partially why it felt as if the music was veiled. Now listening at my more regular volume level the veiling has practically disappeared; though it is still present very subtly. They continue you to be very comfortable and give exceptional isolation.
Jul 14, 2010 at 7:03 AM Post #4 of 18
While they do soften the treble just a tad, I think they give most all IEM's a more natural sound than all other tips.  Just EQ that treble up a notch.
Jul 14, 2010 at 1:19 PM Post #5 of 18
I was a long time user of the Shure black olive but have now been using the Tx100 exclusive for at lest 6 months with my ER4 and HF2 and like them a lot. If they cut the sparkle it is minute. Oh, and I dont rollthem, just shove them in as I did with the olives. I think that the olives were a bit more durable but I really like the wax guard
Jul 14, 2010 at 5:51 PM Post #6 of 18
Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to compare these to any other foam tips. My only references were the stock Klipsch ones, and the ones included with the Sennheiser CX300's; both of which are made of a rubber compound.
I agree with what you mentioned Spyro, now that i am used to these tips I am finding them very natural. I have bumped up my highs just a tad using eq, but only slightly.
I sometimes have a little difficulty getting the right seal, though when i do get it it sounds great. I will have to try just inserting them with out rolling first.
Jul 21, 2010 at 7:40 AM Post #9 of 18
Is there such a thing ?
Jul 21, 2010 at 7:49 AM Post #10 of 18
I have used both the Shure olives and the Complys with my ER4Ps and I prefer the olives.  The olives provide a bit more isolation and boost the bass a bit more and are far more durable.  From a comfort point of view the Complys are better, but I got sick of replacing them on a regular basis.
Jul 21, 2010 at 11:12 AM Post #11 of 18
I liked the Comply tips that came with the Audéo PFE and I was searching for some Comply tips that would fit on the Hippo VB...
When I came across this:
I will never ever use anything else again! Bestest cheapestest awesomenessest tip replacement ever. Ever.
Cut the Ohropax short enough to not alter the sound and you'll fall in love with your IEMs.
Jul 21, 2010 at 12:10 PM Post #13 of 18

I liked the Comply tips that came with the Audéo PFE and I was searching for some Comply tips that would fit on the Hippo VB...
When I came across this:
I will never ever use anything else again! Bestest cheapestest awesomenessest tip replacement ever. Ever.
Cut the Ohropax short enough to not alter the sound and you'll fall in love with your IEMs.

Ha ! Brilliant !
Thanks for the link.
Jul 21, 2010 at 12:18 PM Post #14 of 18
I use these with my MTPG and I love them. The seal is great and so is the noise isolation. They are most certainly not the most durable things though. I've already ordered replacements for the set that came with my 5 day old MTPGs.
Jul 23, 2010 at 12:23 AM Post #15 of 18

I use these with my MTPG and I love them. The seal is great and so is the noise isolation. They are most certainly not the most durable things though. I've already ordered replacements for the set that came with my 5 day old MTPGs.

So far, I've not had a single set of Comply tips fall apart.  Every week or so, I change them out, wash the dirty ones with hot water, then let them dry out until they get switched the next week.  I used to use a mild soap but found the hot water to be sufficient by itself.

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