Replacement for Shure E2c's
Jun 5, 2008 at 10:33 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 27, 2006
Recently my E2c's cable has broken and since Shure won't fix them I'm shamelessly using that as an excuse to upgrade

I bought the Senns CX-300 hoping they would suffice (I'd read they were almost as good as the E2c's, and they were cheap) but they sucked.

Less detail, muddy sound, insane out-of-control bass, not that much better than sony mdr-ex70 (for which I paid less years ago). Thankfully I can return them.
At this point it was clear that the only way to go was up, and my bank account would suffer. But I've accepted this fact and now I'm searching for candidates.

I listen mostly to electronic music, drum and bass, house, trip-hop but also rock and some jazz. Detail is essential, I can manage with E2c-like bass but the CX-300 gave me a taste (more like shoved an insane mouthful) of what I could have.

I set the price range around 100€ to 150€ if REALLY worth it. The problem is not so much choosing one but also finding a model that is easily shipped to Portugal (preferably not from US, huge customs taxes
Right now I'm thinking about UE 5 pro (130€ shipped from ebay) or JAYS d-jays (98€ w/o shipping from Jays), more inclined to buy the Jays, cheaper and I can get them from Europe.

How do they compare? is the price difference worth it?
Hoping you guys could give some feedback and/or suggestions as well
Jun 5, 2008 at 11:08 PM Post #2 of 5
My e2c cable failed and Shure wouldn't fix it either, so I'm now waiting for my SuperFreQs.
Jun 6, 2008 at 3:33 AM Post #4 of 5
Well, I've heard the UEs and they gave a more exciting (peaky) type of sound that is (IMHO) a nice sound signature for electronic music (synths etc), and bass is definitely not lacking. Another plus for the UEs is of course the cables are replaceable and often modded with other types (the Westones being one, but care is needed for that one!)The Jays on the other hand simply left me cold for some reason, but smoother and more balanced sounding. The only problem is the sound and fit of the UEs may be fatiguing for longer listening sessions
Jun 6, 2008 at 12:23 PM Post #5 of 5
@tjohnusa - yeah, I've considered them, but I wanted the sound isolation, so I'm going for IEM's

@rapier84 - hmm, I've read the 5 pro's fit is not for everyone, and some people have a hard time getting a good seal.

I've also been looking at the Future Sonics Atrio, they seem more comfortable, and from what I've read the dynamic drivers have some nice bass.

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