Recommended Movies
Jul 15, 2001 at 11:54 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 49
Jun 22, 2001
Lately I have been catching up on all of the movies I missed in the last few years [yes, it's summer break and i'm bored as hell]

There are some movies I have seen in the last few months that I REALLY HIGHLY recommend. These are some of my favourite movies and would probably be suitable for any ages here at Head-Fi. I'm gonna list them in order, and it's really hard for me to do this since I love them all a lot.

First off, the smartest movie I have ever seen, done in a film-noir fashion, and is expected to be up for a couple Oscars, maybe even nominated for best movie, and best actor (guy pearce, from LA Confidential) is simply my favourite movie ever:

1] MEMENTO - you HAVE to see this movie! I swear, you see it once, and you will want to see it again! A bit hard to follow, because the movie is presented backwards; as if you read a book starting from the last chapter and made your way back to chapter one. Very involving, very entertaining and has a lot of emotion. After you are finished the movie, you keep piecing bits of the movie together and discovering the real story. I REALLY RECOMMEND MEMENTO, cuz I doubt you will be disappointed, only a bit confused, but if you see it a second time then you will absolutely love the movie. Keeps you guessing to the end even though you already think you know what is going on. Very believeable acting and flawless editing. With a movie this complicated, often there are bound to be lots of plotholes. I don't think I could even find one!
Note this: Memento requires non-stop attention to really understand it.
This movie is recommended to anyone, and is truly the smartest most complicated and flawless movie i have ever seen. Pure genius. Do yourself a favour and see this movie. Then see it again.

2] USUAL SUSPECTS - filled with good performances, especially by kevin spacey as verbal kint, it won a few oscars and is a pretty damn smart story. Written well, and presented well.

3] AMERICAN HISTORY X - a very good movie that persuades you to look at things from all angles; has a good message underneath the violence and swearing that shows that it's wrong and ignorant to have racism, hate, and discrimination in your life; brings up some very good points; in-your-face visuals; edward norton gives his best performance yet. Tragic yet hopeful, this movie really makes you think, and is really quite inspiring if you get the message.

4] THE FIGHT CLUB - Very contriversial, very good performances from Edward norton and brad pitt; very stylish; very dark; has a lot of different angles; very entertaining; makes you think; not the kind of movie that your parents would approve of; not for everybody

5] SNATCH - A very entertaining story with brad pitt, benicio del toro, vinnie jones, etc; directed by guy ritchie; dark yet very funny and stylish. Good bang for the buck

6] REQUIEM FOR A DREAM - I never knew that Marlon Wayans could act. No, im not kidding , this guy is good! Requiem is a disturbing sort of tale about addiction of all types, addiction to drugs, pills, chocolate, and even tv. Ellen Burstyn really did deserve an oscar for this in my opinion, but hey julia roberts was good in erin brokovich too. Wanna get scared away from drugs? Watch this movie. [Note: It was originally rated nc-17, but was since toned down to a R so that it could be seen by more people and get oscar recognition, which it did. ; not exactly a family movie]

7] THE MATRIX - We all know why this is a good movie!!!

8] GO! - Stylish and fast-paced, this movie is very entertaining and often very funny, and pretty smart. too bad it was 18A, or else it would have been really big with the younger folks. It has a very hip cast and some pretty good acting. Has a sort a
Pulp Fiction-like setup- A bunch of seperate stories that somehow tie together throughout the story.

9] SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION - Very smart with great acting from Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. I really miss these kind of movies. Very highly recommended for anybody.

10] SEVEN - Good performances from Kevin Spacey, Brad Pitt, and Morgan Freeman , and some pretty sick murders make this movie a winner. More creepy than scary, it really is a cool movie, but not for kids cuz of the gore.

I hope you guys maybe check out a few of these movies, and that you agree with me.

PS. PLEASE see MEMENTO, you will NOT be disappointed
Have a good time at those theatres!
Jul 16, 2001 at 12:09 AM Post #2 of 49
here are two reccomendations from me:

Il Postino: a movie about my internet namesake, Pablo Neruda. A postman meets him and learns about the beauty of poetry, among other things. One of my absolute favorites. Nothing more to say, except that I implore you to see it, especially if you want to learn a bit more about why I love Pablo Neruda's work so much.

GlenGarry GlenRoss: in memory if Jack Lemmon. A great movie about realtors. A lot like 12 angry men in terms of characterization. You will never see a movie filled with more desperation than this one
. I'm telling you, these are the most awful, desperate characters that were ever portrayed on the big screen. It also has a truly killer cast: Jack Lemmon, Al pacino, Kevin Spacey and Ed Harris, to name a few.
Jul 16, 2001 at 12:10 AM Post #3 of 49
I second the suggestion for Momento. It was a refreshing change in direction.

Neruda: Did you ever see Lemmon in "Save the Tiger"?

He wanted the part for this low budget flick so badly, he worked for less than scale. Great movie.
Jul 16, 2001 at 1:19 AM Post #5 of 49


True, good movie. However, one of the scenes in the beginning of the movie was so awful that I had nightmares for weeks... seriously. The sheer brutality of it was so disturbing that it made me sick -- and that doesn't usually happen to me.
Jul 16, 2001 at 1:47 AM Post #6 of 49

True, good movie. However, one of the scenes in the beginning of the movie was so awful that I had nightmares for weeks... seriously. The sheer brutality of it was so disturbing that it made me sick -- and that doesn't usually happen to me.

Was that when Edward Norton shot the 3 kids ? That was freakin brutal, my jaw just dropped. Some powerful stuff right there.
Jul 16, 2001 at 2:16 AM Post #8 of 49
FARGO is one of my favorites.... absolutely delightful oddball movie with good laughs.

I also love CHARLIE MOPIC, interestingly filmed in 3rd person, very, very fascinating, poingnant, and violent Vietnam flick.

I rarely see movies more than once, but I've seen both of these 6 or 7 times each, and I don't hesitate to recommend them.
Jul 16, 2001 at 2:17 AM Post #9 of 49
cuz in the movie, it's at the beginning, ed norton plays a skinhead, and there are 3 black kids outside his house, f---in up his car to get back at him, and he runs out of the house and shoots them all like 3 times each, and i think 1 of them gets away. and ed norton is all smiling and stuff, cuz hes racist in that film

yeah, fargo is a cool movie too! funny as hell

oh, i also really thought that A SIMPLE PLAN was a pretty cool movie; it shows you how just 'a simple plan' can turn into hell and mess ur lives up for good
Jul 16, 2001 at 2:51 AM Post #10 of 49
Some of my favorite movies:

Blade Runner - sci fi defined by Ridley Scott

American graffiti - Reminiscing about the 40's-50's by George lucas

Toy Story - "Mommy my toy's are alive I swear!" by Pixar

Alien - Sigourney weaver makes toast and wields a blow torch as no woman should. by Ridley Scott

Spartacus - Thanks Stan for making sense earlier in your career. by Stanley Kubrick.

Apocalypse Now - Probably the most powerfull movie on the vietnam war ever made. by Francis Ford Coppola.

Raising Arizona - Should have stuck to comedy Nick. by Joel Coen

Back to the Future - Michael J. Fox and that mad scientist should team up regularly. by Robert Zemeckis

Ferris Beullers Day Off - Nobody I know dislikes this one. by John Hughes

2001 - It's great because you can take naps during all the space scences and not miss a thing. by Stanley Kubrick

Dr. Strangelove - Thanks again Stan. by Stanley Kubrick

The Seven Samurai / Kagemusha / Kurosawa's dreams - I can watch a movie, be entertained and think simultaneously?? Interesting. all 3 by Akira Kurosawa

quick list:

Liar Liar
Ben Hur
Star Treck wrath of Khan
Dune - the one by David Lynch
All star wars movies except episode one.
The Godfather
Mr. Hollands Opus
Jurassic Park 1

OH I almost forgot... Most Bill Murray Movies especially groundhog day and The Man Who Knew Too Little.


BUT, amongst them all there is one that stands taller!!

Star Wars Episode 5 - the Empire Strikes Back - "Luke... Luke, it's your dad, wanna play catch or something??" by George Lucas
Jul 16, 2001 at 3:23 AM Post #11 of 49
Here's a few good ones I've seen recently:

Pitch Black - good sci-fi flick, very well done IMHO

The Big Lebowski - very funny coen brothers movie w/ Jeff Bridges, John Goodman

...These I just saw in the past week, so I'll try to think of more...
Jul 16, 2001 at 3:48 AM Post #12 of 49

cuz in the movie, it's at the beginning, ed norton plays a skinhead, and there are 3 black kids outside his house, f---in up his car to get back at him, and he runs out of the house and shoots them all like 3 times each, and i think 1 of them gets away. and ed norton is all smiling and stuff, cuz hes racist in that film

No, he catches the third one, and it's what he does to that guy that to this day (I watched it two years ago) makes me shudder in horror.
Jul 16, 2001 at 4:23 AM Post #14 of 49

No, he catches the third one, and it's what he does to that guy that to this day (I watched it two years ago) makes me shudder in horror.

Ohhh, yeah, that's gotta be one of the most horrific sounds I've ever heard.

Well personally, I like movies like that, about messed up people, they show you things that you would never think of , which is better than all of that boring stuff.

Vin Diesel is the man in Pitch Black, my brother just got that on DVD.

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