recommendation for a wide-spectrum gamer/music listener? (Grado S60, ATH M30, ???)
Oct 25, 2010 at 6:04 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Oct 25, 2010
I love to listen to a lot of jazz, a wide range of Christian music (from pop-style songs to rock and hip-hop), some classical, and the odd rap/electronic/pop song. I also do a lot of gaming. I'm by no means an audiophile, though I do appreciate good quality headphones. I'm on a budget and can't afford anything over 80 or 90 bucks, and am considering the Grado S60is or the Audio Technica ATH-M30s. I'd love to hear which I should choose, or if there are any other hits that I missed and are in my price range.
Oct 25, 2010 at 11:09 AM Post #2 of 10
SR60's are hard to beat for the money, but i recommend spending 10 bucks more and going for the Alessandro MS1. They are a little more neutral and thus more of an allrounder than the SR60. The MS1 is also supposed to sound better overall as it's basically an SR125.
Oct 25, 2010 at 11:55 AM Post #3 of 10
Yep. For an extra $10 you can either get the MS-1 or AD700.  AD700 would be superior for classical and gaming but the MS-1 will be superior for most other types of music.
Oct 25, 2010 at 12:42 PM Post #4 of 10
I have the ATH-M30 and SR-80. M30 is good, but very boring. Probably one of the most boring headphones i've ever owned, but I like it a lot. It's nice listening to something like that once in awhile. It's VERY neutral, even more then the SRH-840 which is really a fun headphone to me and nowhere near boring.
For the best sound quality you can get under $90 that's good for almost everything, i'd suggest the AKG k240 Studio. They're $99 new. but it's easy to find them for $90. I got mine as an open box for $70! Best deal ever.
They would also be far better then the SR-60 and M30 for gaming due to it's good soundstage and semi-open design.
My SR-80 isn't bad, but I never liked them that much until I modded them. Despite sounding so good after the mod, I still don't like to wear them at all.
k240 is also by far the most comfortable headphone there is for under $100. Even more comfortable then the HD-555! For me, k240 seems to do everything well. It's especially good for classical music.
BTW I think any Grado would be horrible for gaming.
Oct 25, 2010 at 8:41 PM Post #6 of 10
I have a Turtle Beach Riviera card in my computer that i use for about 95% of my music and all of my gaming. I also have an iPod Touch 2g that i use now and then. Probably wouldn't go with used headphones though.
A small note: i'd prefer circumaural headphones (which unfortunately removes the Grados and the Alessandros from the running). The K240s look nice, but how's the sound leakage? I'm also in a situation where i need minimal to no sound leakage.
So my revised consideration list is:
 * Audio Technica ATH-M30s
 * AKG K240 Studio
 * Audio Techica ATH-AD700 (probably drop these because they look like they'll leak a lot of sound)
Thanks for the suggestions so far, keep em coming!
Oct 25, 2010 at 10:19 PM Post #7 of 10
If you're dropping the AD700 because of sound leakage, you probably shouldn't consider the other open headphones either. All open headphones (and the K240, since it's semiopen), are going to leak sound. See if you can find a Creative Aurvana Live or Denon D1001 - they are closed, comfortable, and within your price range.
I have a Turtle Beach Riviera card in my computer that i use for about 95% of my music and all of my gaming. I also have an iPod Touch 2g that i use now and then. Probably wouldn't go with used headphones though.
A small note: i'd prefer circumaural headphones (which unfortunately removes the Grados and the Alessandros from the running). The K240s look nice, but how's the sound leakage? I'm also in a situation where i need minimal to no sound leakage.
So my revised consideration list is:
 * Audio Technica ATH-M30s
 * AKG K240 Studio
 * Audio Techica ATH-AD700 (probably drop these because they look like they'll leak a lot of sound)
Thanks for the suggestions so far, keep em coming!

Oct 26, 2010 at 4:23 AM Post #9 of 10

If you're dropping the AD700 because of sound leakage, you probably shouldn't consider the other open headphones either. All open headphones (and the K240, since it's semiopen), are going to leak sound. See if you can find a Creative Aurvana Live or Denon D1001 - they are closed, comfortable, and within your price range.

+1 for the CAL!. Amazing value for money if comfort is a priority. They don't provide much isolation but they don't leak, either. Way more fun than the ATH-M30 though arguably less proficient technically. Comfier, too.
Oct 26, 2010 at 8:14 AM Post #10 of 10
The venerable Sony MDR-V6 is always worth a look. They can usually be had for $60-$70 online. Isolation is okay but not spectacular, and the cups are a bit small for circumaural. They're efficient and easy to power unamped. They're a bright-leaning headphone, though, and their soundstage isn't anything to write home about, so bear that in mind. For that matter, Grados are bright and lack soundstage, too. They're fun, though. 


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