Recommend some Sci-Fi series
Jan 26, 2007 at 10:28 PM Post #16 of 46

Originally Posted by zotjen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
U.F.O. and Space:1999 although I don't know if NetFlix carries them.

Gerry Anderson lives !, my christmas present for Christmas 2005/6 was the DVD set of the new Captain Scarlet (series 1) , pretty sad for a 47 year old but harmless...
Jan 26, 2007 at 10:33 PM Post #17 of 46
I bought The Complete U.F.O. Mega-Set recently. Really fun and not at all like I remember. I wouldn't use "great" to describe it though.
Still it had one of the coolest TV intros ever.

Too bad Space: 1999 has somewhat fallen by the wayside. There use to be wars over if it or Star Trek was better.
Jan 26, 2007 at 10:48 PM Post #18 of 46

Originally Posted by zotjen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
U.F.O. and Space:1999 although I don't know if NetFlix carries them.

Yes -- I forgot about Space: 1999. A very under-rated sci-fi show, IMO. Is that even out yet on DVD?

Along the lines of TZ (original series) and Outer LImits, there was also an early 60's black-and-white show called, "One Step Beyond". It was the weakest of the three, but still fun. I also think "Lost in Space" is kind of fun, but definitely more of a goof.
Jan 26, 2007 at 10:50 PM Post #19 of 46

Originally Posted by blessingx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Too bad Space: 1999 has somewhat fallen by the wayside. There use to be wars over if it or Star Trek was better.

I used to love watching Space: 1999. It had a stark realism that Trek never could have (although Enterprise had a bit of it).

In some ways, the acting was better than Trek -- Landau was great.
Jan 26, 2007 at 11:01 PM Post #20 of 46
Oh, yeah, I forgot about BSG. I've definitely seen that, and I eagerly await more. Top-notch television, that one. IMO, it's on par with Lost (another of my faves) for best writing on television.

On that note, I've also watched Alias and Dark Angel, I just forgot to mention them before. This isn't sci-fi, but I watched the first two seasons of MI-5 not too long ago. It takes a couple of episodes to get into it, but it was very good!

I'll look into Space:1999 and Twilight Zone. I don't know why I didn't think of TZ before.

When I was in college, I watched the first season of Babylon 5 when it originally aired and wasn't impressed - it just didn't seem to go anywhere . Did it get better after Season 1?

Jan 26, 2007 at 11:07 PM Post #22 of 46
Not Sci-Fi but fantasy is the new Dresden Files on Sci-Fi Channel on Sunday nights. The book series by Jim Butcher is a winner. I have high hopes for the series. We will see. The first one was on last Sunday night.
Jan 26, 2007 at 11:11 PM Post #23 of 46
If you like the 4400, you may like one that I'm sure will be boo-hissed at here, and that's the mini-series Taken. It's kinda slow at first, but it does pick up, and it stars the investigator guy from the 4400, and the girl from Blair Witch is his granddaughter, and she is teh awesome in this. As is Matt Frewer. Oh yeah, and Dakota Fanning, who squeezes and pulls and begs decent reactions out of the woman playing her mom.
Jan 26, 2007 at 11:16 PM Post #24 of 46
The Outer Limits! That remains my favorite series to this day. I went and rented the first season of the 90s run last year when it came out so I could re-live the memories. 'Twas as awesome as I remembered it. The 60s series was also pretty good.

And the 90s run of Twilight Zone was cool stuff too. Forest Whitaker ftw!
Jan 27, 2007 at 1:56 AM Post #26 of 46

Originally Posted by camille /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the newer Doctor Who series? those aren't campy. the series from the 60s-80s were.

Actually, I think the new Dr Who is campier then the old.....because they act like it's not campy. Yet it's still a low budget series. The old Dr Who, especially Tom Baker years, were so tongue and check....that it was extremely more entertaining. Unfortunately, the BBC hasn't released them by season on DVD....but rather by some "themes".

I was a Star Trek fan growing up.....but stopped watching when Voyager started up (the franchise was burning up quick). Well I gave it another chance with Enterprise....and the first few episodes I saw were so bad that I stopped with sci-fi series. Well I had heard that the 4th season of Enterprise was much improved (their ratings were so bad that they decided to change writers....but unfortunately too late to turn the ship around). Highly recommend season 4 rental on Netflix.
Jan 27, 2007 at 2:08 AM Post #27 of 46
For the most un-sci-fi sci-fi, the first two seasons of the new Battlestar Galactica were great. The third season has been so-so so far.
Jan 27, 2007 at 2:19 AM Post #28 of 46
I'm in that .1% of people who prefer Voyager to DS9. That's right. There's no way like the Janeway.
It should have been given more of a chance to grow. Certainly the actors were capable of it.

But apparently all of Enterprise was a holodeck simulation.
Jan 27, 2007 at 2:39 AM Post #29 of 46
The best most complex Sci-Fi series of all time is IMHO Babylon 5. 110 episodes over a 5 year period all integrated in one long arc like a great novel. You can rent it on netflix by season 1-5. You can read about it at the Lurker's Guide.
Jan 27, 2007 at 2:41 AM Post #30 of 46
A. Voyager was better.
B. If you liked Firefly, have you tried Joss' other offerings....Angel and Buffy? Have you seen Serenity, the movie based on the TV show?
c. The Costco Warehouse near me had the Joss Whedon TV DVD seasons for 16.99 apiece. Finished my Angel collection that day.

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