Two things I would like to mention, but not particularly to the OP and more of a general observation:
One, always read review with a grain of salt. Even where there are a great number of so called rave reviews, it doesn't mean a particular IEM will be what you are looking for. I have yet to see one IEM that can does-it-all - individual IEM is often valued for a particular set of strength more than anything else. A neutral and analytical IEM won't appeal to a musical listener, vise versa. Like I always tell others, you will be better off with something that fits your taste than something that is considered good by others.
Two, do remember that RE0 is a 2 years old model (and most of the reviews are fairly old too). Though I can't say in certainty what the actual number is, the majority (like > 85%) of all the very active IEM discussions in forum now are IEM that are less than 1 year old since released. The one thing I often find people lose track of when reading reviews is the perspective of time. Back when RE0 was first released, the three universal IEM top-tier were TF10, SE530, and ER4S. Now? The number is pretty much tripled, if not more. If you read back the old ER4S review in 2001 / 2002 when Head-fi was born, people actually were comparing ER4S to top-of-the-line full sized cans because that was the only IEM in the market at that time. How many people will still compare ER4S to full sized in their review these days? The point is, when you are reading a review, it is not just a person's opinion regarding a certain object, but really it is a person's perspective of that object in a particular time and space. If you ignore the perspective of any review, you will never be able to read any review correctly.