RE-0 or DBA02 or q-jays!!!?!
Aug 24, 2010 at 10:54 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


New Head-Fier
Aug 24, 2010
I've been lurking on here a while and thought I'd jump in with my first thread question.
I'm interested in these three IEM's as they all seem to be pretty good for their $ and they all get good reviews (I can get a good price on the q-jays which makes them a bit more appealing).
I'm after a vibrant and clear sound with just a hint of warmth and a decent soundstage. I like to be immersed in the sound. I don't really want something too analytical or cold. I don't mind a little character in the sound and I listen to a wide range of music. These will go into my iphone 4 and ipod to start unamped but I might get a CMOY amp down the track.
I know this is pretty random but if anyone has had a bit of experience with one or all of these your opinion would be much appreciated :)
Aug 24, 2010 at 11:02 AM Post #2 of 8
I have not heard the Q-jays, so I cannot comment, but I own both the RE0s and the RE-ZEROs, and I have heard the DBA-02s a few times (my brother just bought a pair).  The RE0s I think are probably not the IEM for you; they are a very neutral, some would say analytical sound, a little tight on the soundstage and not particularly warm...they also benefit GREATLY from proper amping.  The DBA-02s on the other hand sound absolutely perfect for you; big, rich, warm sound, wide soundstage, especially for an IEM but they don't compromise on detail at all (fairly neutral phone overall, but they have more richness than the RE0s).  Definitely think you can't go wrong there.
Aug 24, 2010 at 11:21 AM Post #3 of 8
You've described the sound of the q-jays quite well.  I've listened to the jays and the RE0 but not the other.  I'm assuming price isn't a big consideration because the difference between the jays and RE0 is well over a $100.
A couple of caveats with the jays.  They are tiny and to work well must be stuck pretty deep in the ear.  This creates a nice effect but the filters can clog up if you have a lot of earwax.  They also can be a bit difficult to extract, especially with gloves on.
That being said, I have listened almost exclusively to the RE0 for the last year of so and put my jays away.  Recently, I pulled them out to try with the Studio and was pleasantly surprised at the nice sound. 
Aug 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM Post #4 of 8
Are you in a hurry? The reason I am asking is because DBA-02 are sold out all throughout the globe as far as I understand and no one seem to know when they will arrive.
May I suggest you Radius DDM?
If not familiar with, this are first ever Dual Dynamic Matrix in-ear headphones.
Have not been as popular as DBA-02 but in my opinion Radius could be what you are looking for..
Check this review below, its quite well written.
Aug 24, 2010 at 12:45 PM Post #5 of 8
Hi yello131, I am interest in the ddm too but was concerned about the microphonics and the fit.  What are you opinions on those problems? Can you really wear them over the ear?
Aug 24, 2010 at 1:50 PM Post #6 of 8
Get the DBAs and be patient. They are worth the wait. Your description is perfect re the DBA sound signature. I have the Touch 3G and using HP out, amazing sound. I would not get the DDMs mainly because of their design, not very "on the go" friendly. Have not heard them, but it seems to be the major knock. Also, the DBAs give excellent iso and also scale up amazingly well with an amp (though no real weakness unamped). If you want balance, the DBAs provide it. If you want a bassy IEM, look elsewhere. Read LFF review if you haven't already, and Joker's too.
I've been lurking on here a while and thought I'd jump in with my first thread question.
I'm interested in these three IEM's as they all seem to be pretty good for their $ and they all get good reviews (I can get a good price on the q-jays which makes them a bit more appealing).
I'm after a vibrant and clear sound with just a hint of warmth and a decent soundstage. I like to be immersed in the sound. I don't really want something too analytical or cold. I don't mind a little character in the sound and I listen to a wide range of music. These will go into my iphone 4 and ipod to start unamped but I might get a CMOY amp down the track.
I know this is pretty random but if anyone has had a bit of experience with one or all of these your opinion would be much appreciated :)

Aug 24, 2010 at 11:40 PM Post #8 of 8
Hi yello131, I am interest in the ddm too but was concerned about the microphonics and the fit.  What are you opinions on those problems? Can you really wear them over the ear?


As you may already be aware of the fact that fit is a major concern with most of the earphones out there not only with DDM. Yet, DDM may look like the fit will cause  an issue for those who have smaller ears, and it will, specially if the individual want to use them the way they where intended by Radius engineers, which is fitting them inside the ear shell. I use them normal way, not over the ear.
Here are some pics inside my ear canal.
Microphonics is  not a problem if you use a clip to attache the cable to your shirt while on the go.
Again, it is all about personal preference: what you want to compromise and how much money you want to spare. Also how long you want to wait (referring  to Slaters7000 post).
Which driver BA vs Dynamic, all this will affect my decision, and shall it yours too...

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