Rate the video games you're currently playing
Nov 30, 2009 at 8:00 PM Post #766 of 6,977
oh I've also been playing a game on Steam called "Red Orchestra." It has the best ballistics/ironsights system I've ever seen in a game, but there's like almost nobody playing it.

I wonder if anybody is still playing BF1942, I used to play that all the time...
Nov 30, 2009 at 9:32 PM Post #767 of 6,977

Originally Posted by Gamerphile /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW almost went thought the batman game before the old PC went down a few weeks ago and I'd rate that 9/10 and highly recommend atleast 10 hours of trying it

That's the time it takes to finish the game though...

I recommend people rent the game for a few days, that's enough to finish at a few hours per night. It is a great game, it's just short.
Nov 30, 2009 at 11:52 PM Post #768 of 6,977
I've been playing MW2 and MGS4. I've had a ridiculous amount of fun playing MW2 Special Ops with my friends, and the multiplayer is great as expected.

I'm a little late to the party with MGS4, but wow! What a game! Everything about it is fantastic. My brother and I are currently preparing for a Big Boss run, but somehow I don't think it's going to go over all too well :p

And for those who've played both, would you recommend playing Uncharted before Uncharted 2? I'm definitely going to get UC2 very soon (it's $40 on Amazon).

Edit: Nevermind, in the process of checking out on Amazon they jacked the price back up to $60. Sigh...
Dec 10, 2009 at 4:52 AM Post #771 of 6,977
Left 4 Dead 2 is fantastic: 9.25/10.
I know it's meant to be played as a multiplayer game, but I like going through the campaign in single player first in order to scope everything out and have a continuous, immersive experience without anyone chatting. Doing so was a true test of my patience. The bot AI is some of the worst I've seen in the last five to ten years in videogames. The only other complaints I have are that the server matchmaking often puts you onto some 300+ ping servers, and the hit detection as a Special Infected can be quite hit-or-miss.
Team Fortress 2: 9.5/10.
This game came out in 2007. I'm still playing it. Enough said.
Call of Duty 4: 9.5/10.
See my review on Team Fortress 2.
Ben There, Dan That!: Still Pending.
Just started playing this cute little 2D indie adventure game. The dialog is very idiomatically British and funny. The puzzles are also clever and funny. The graphics have a ton of aliasing, and it only renders at 800x600, but it came in a two-pack on Steam for $5, so I wasn't expecting Crysis level graphics.
Dec 10, 2009 at 7:29 AM Post #773 of 6,977
call of juarez bound in blood: 7.5/10
its a good game, sure. but it's too short and too frustrating at times. while the dueling boss fights are a good idea, its overused. oh, and it pisses me off how easily you can exchange your good, expensive weapon in the middle of a heated gunfight and not even know until the chapter is over and you have buy the good gun all over again. but the levels are very pretty and its still very satisfying to shoot guys in the face.

jericho: 6/10
its not a terrible game as many people say but that could be i just haven't played enough bad games. the gameplay mechanic is pretty interesting; you have a squad of 6 people and you have the ability to take control of whichever one you want at any time. you also have the ability to heal downed teammates. the gameplay is nothing to write home about as usually goes as follows:
enemies spawn, you and your team start firing, more enemies spawn. when all the enemies are dead, you go to next corner and lather, rise, repeat.
oh, and the whole game is brown, black, gray, and red.
with all this criticism said, i'm gonna go back to playing jericho
Dec 10, 2009 at 3:25 PM Post #778 of 6,977
Dragon Age: Origins - 9.2/10
This was truly a return to form for Bioware and they showed that they still have what it takes to make a compelling medieval fantasy RPG. The combat is extremely tactical and difficult on the hard difficulty settings, but that only makes victory all the sweeter.

Assassin's Creed 2 - 8.5/10
Ubisoft took the good stuff from AC1 and fixed nearly all of the bad stuff - the sequel is much more interesting and has a better narrative than the first. The levels look lovely and the combat's more varied than spamming the counter button.
Dec 10, 2009 at 4:14 PM Post #779 of 6,977
Battlefield Heroes: 8/10: GREAT fun, but you need the right players that wants to play as a team. Maps are great. And free.. so I cant complain.

Trackmania forever 9/10: Simply the best racing game I've ever played. I got it for 7 months now and its still great. And also free!

Soldiers of fortune 2 10/10. Simple and basic, in the good way. Everyone is the same and its fast gameplay and you need skill and has everything that I want in a good fps.

Tactical ops 9/10: This game is a 15/10 with mods. Without its like Soldiers of fortune 2 but less fast/skillful. WITH mods its plain awesome!
Dec 10, 2009 at 4:23 PM Post #780 of 6,977
cod: mw2, 9/10, 1 point deducted for the short campaign but to those complaining about the story, what are games for? if it were a super serious game it wouldnt have have been as fun and I had a BLAST playing this one!

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