Rate the video games you're currently playing
Oct 5, 2005 at 9:35 PM Post #31 of 6,977
Battlefield 2 - 9.5/10

One of the most playable multiplayer FPS games ever in my opinion. Yes it has a few problems here and there but nothing that will spoil the experience.

Doom 3 & Ressurection Of Evil - 9/10

Contrary to what some people say, you do need a fast PC to truly appreciate the game. Anything below the "High" detail setting severely cripples the graphical beauty of the game and if your CPU isn't upto scratch the enemy firefights can become a bit annoying (i.e. lack of fluidity). I actually upgraded my system recently and replayed through the original game and its expansion pack and found it alot more enjoyable. I can see why people would hate this game but I think id software did what they said they would and did it very well. Its very simple and linear but thats what I like about.

Half-Life 2 - 9.9/10

These guys should get an oscar for this.

Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 - 7/10

I can understand what they were trying to do with this game but it didn't work too well for me; too scripted and planned out for.

The Chroicles of Riddick: Escape from Butchers Bay - 8.5/10

Fantastic game. Some parts a bit sketchy but otherwise excellent and very enjoyable.
Oct 5, 2005 at 9:40 PM Post #32 of 6,977
Well believe it or not the only game I've most recently played is a veeeery old one: Supaplex. Over the years I keep copying it to any computer I use. Still trying to finish all the levels. This is a 2D game, I play it with background music off listening to some other music. Some of the puzzles are rather hard, particularly the timing required for certain movements. There are programs available online that show you demos of all the solutions, but even knowing the way to finish a level, it might be still extremely difficult to finish it. I am at level 91 (out of a total of 111) did check the online guidelines for the last couple, but I haven't done levels 85, 86, and 87. Have seen how to finish them, but haven't been able to complete them using my laptop. I've noticed with the keyboard on a laptop you might find it much harder to do some things than with a standard keyboard.
Supaplex: Score: 7/10

Games on the PS2 I've played most recently:
Grand Theft Auto Vice city: 9/10
Grand Theft Auto III: 10/10
Twisted Metal Black: 10/10
Jack III: 8/10
Jack II: 8/10
Jack & Dexter I: 9/10
Ico: 8/10
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance: 8/10 (<- Beautiful water and ice graphics!)

Have GTA San Andreas but haven't played it yet.
Oct 5, 2005 at 10:05 PM Post #33 of 6,977
since there are so many gamers here. Im giving away my DOOM 3 copy which I bought the moment it went on sale for $54 dollars. I never really finished the game, I think I was only on 2nd stage when I stopped playing and uninstalled yet. I found the game being to repeatitive
. my only condition is you pay for shipping and thats it
. first person to pm me gets it!
Oct 5, 2005 at 10:19 PM Post #34 of 6,977

Originally Posted by squall2072
Yeah good old hero's and holy wars! Maybe try it without the lionheart and leveled up properly...oh dear that was hard work!


I got the Lionheart on Disc Two from playing some guy who gave me Elnyole cards, which I refined into energy crystals, then pulse ammo, etc. Laguna card = 100 heroes when refined.

I'm feirce about playing games like that without cheats.
Trust me, I spent 2/3s of the game leveling up my characters to perfection.
Oct 5, 2005 at 10:36 PM Post #36 of 6,977
oh I forgot
Indigo Prophecy , truly good movie experience , I enjoyed it as film really .

-shiver me timbers!- strategy is at its best with Warhammer 40k Dawn Of War , hey starcraft lover try this !

and Return to Castle Wolfenstein , nice single player game as someone other noted

strangely Half Life 2 didn't grab me so much - but I'm assuming I'm the only one.
Oct 6, 2005 at 12:31 AM Post #37 of 6,977

Originally Posted by squall2072
Well... I've gone back to basics lately...

Metal Gear Solid on the PS one!
What a Classic!! If you haven't played this you haven't played at all! Metal gear Solid is brilliant stuff. Of course graphics are better now but the plot was incredable. I've never seem a better storyline in a game. Oh lets not forget what happens when you die.... "SNAAAAAAAAAAKEE!?"

I love MGS and I'll always give it a perfect score. 10/10

Same here. I can wait until the PS3 comes out, followed by the release of MGS4: Guns Of The Patriots!!!
The preview I saw was crazy, to put it lightly.

Originally Posted by fante7

Hehe, thanks!

Originally Posted by squall2072
Yeah good old hero's and holy wars! Maybe try it without the lionheart and leveled up properly...oh dear that was hard work!

I've always wondered about the end too...I waited about once...not for long though...I enjoyed squalls Limit breaks too much!

Jeez, all I had to do was use Aura on everyone with Triple, get Rinoa to use her invincibility limit break(don't remember what it's called) and then be lucky enough to get a good random shot at using Selphie's The End and wiping Omega Weapon off the map
I've never used a Hero or Holy War to get the job done. Also, is there anyone else at HeadFi that's both an FF8 fan and a PocketStation owner? Because I've got one, and yes, it does make FF8 quite fun when you've done everything else there is to do

Beyond that, I have to give all the Ridge Racer games for PS1 and PS2 big props due to the NegCon and JogCon controllers. They too make games as fun or moreso to play than their arcade counterparts.

Oct 6, 2005 at 12:34 AM Post #38 of 6,977

Originally Posted by Bleed
since there are so many gamers here. Im giving away my DOOM 3 copy which I bought the moment it went on sale for $54 dollars. I never really finished the game, I think I was only on 2nd stage when I stopped playing and uninstalled yet. I found the game being to repeatitive

That's what happened to me . . started playing it, and a few hours in I got dead bored. Maybe I'll continue to play it one of these days.
Oct 7, 2005 at 2:21 AM Post #41 of 6,977
I have been playing Far Cry for the last couple of weeks, and this game is this shiz. It does a nice job of balancing tactics with action. In fact, I have enjoyed it more than HL II or Doom III.


Here's hoping that Fear or Stalker are good enough to warrant a pc upgrade.
Oct 7, 2005 at 2:58 AM Post #42 of 6,977
Dungeon Keeper II. 9/10. Third best game ever.
Planescape Torment. 11/10. Second best game ever. Okay, I'm not playing it, but I'm desparately hunting for the CD so I *can* play it again.
Civilization, I, II, & III. 10/10. Best game ever.
Leather Goddesses of Phobos. 10/10. 0th best game. Dig the scratch & sniff.
Railroad Tycoon II. 1/10. I still play this silly game way too much.
Wolfenstein 3D. 7/10. Why plunk down 50 bucks to return to the castle?
Age of Empires I, II. 9/10. My favorite scenario is the lost elven archers & the priest, and I don't know why. It's so damned easy.
Solitaire. -10/10. This game sucks, but I doubt I could get away with installing Thief at work.
Oct 7, 2005 at 3:05 AM Post #43 of 6,977

Originally Posted by SiBurning
Civilization, I, II, & III. 10/10. Best game ever.

Ditto. By the way, I wonder if the author of the Civilization series, Sid Meier, is by any chance family of Dr. Meier of Meier audio.
Oct 7, 2005 at 3:10 AM Post #44 of 6,977
World of Warcraft... low rating because they FINALLY got the battlegrounds concept right after my addiction to the game ended. I've got my account renewed now and I stop in for some quick PvP action a couple times a week. Satisfying but I have to question whether paying 15 bucks a month is worth it. Even if the concept of real-time RPG large scale battles is freakin awesome.
Oct 7, 2005 at 4:26 PM Post #45 of 6,977
Ok ok... I did it in one go...(omega) but it didn't seem as much fun as Ultima....Although i think getting all the cards was more work!!
from the card queen on disk 4. Ditto on the love for FF8 and MSG4 looks .... amazing!! And more!! I look forward to that one!!

I got the lionheart on disk one before. Getting all the cards i could ect... but it took most of the fun out of the game (bosses ect)....

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