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Jan 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM Post #4,036 of 6,977
The old GT Legends has the best handling, IMO and it still looks and plays brilliantly now.

I've just ordered a 2560x1440 monitor with a Radeon R9 290 4GB card. They should be with me in the next week or so. Quite an upgrade from my present HD5850 1 GB running at 1080p. Given that I've got a core i7 3820 and 16GB of RAM, I can't wait! Apparently this monitor overclocks to 120mhz refresh rate as well! It's gonna be tough trying to juggle my work/gigs/girlfriend/gaming duties me thinks..

Oh goodness xD, I will say multiple monitors I think are better than ONE big one. I can game, and chat with u newbs at the same time... with dual screens ;3 
Jan 5, 2014 at 8:25 AM Post #4,038 of 6,977

There's goes $30 >.> I've got like $140 for the next two weeks now xD no bills but I just got some Groceries >.> time to start pinching my pennies again! 
And I'm down to 50gb on my HDD :/ getting time for my to install my 1tb Internal <.< 
Jan 5, 2014 at 10:35 AM Post #4,040 of 6,977
Recently been playing oodles of Gran Turismo 6. I have kind of mixed feelings about it, though right now they're generally positive. It's quite a bit harder that GT5, which I'm actually really enjoying, but on the other hand, it throws me a race that I have a very hard time beating. Like the kart races. They're really not even fun. I am digging the limits on PP and tires, though. I thought there was no way I'd be able to get gold on races on here since I was used to using slicks on all my cars on GT5, but I'm actually managing very well. Oh, I also hate that you have to complete the license tests to move up in the "story".
I'm also really loving the new physics on the cars. I've been reading a lot of people saying that GT6 feels like a small improvement over GT5, but to me, because of the new physics, it really feels like a generational leap. A neat little detail that I never really noticed on on GT5 is that when you're flooring it, and your tires are failing to find traction, your back end waggles rapidly. Seemed like on GT5 when you'd fail to get traction, your back end would just sit still.
Payouts are nice, prize cars are great, and all the new premium model cars, and cleaned up standard model cars, are all really nice additions. Also, I'm looking forward to all the Vision GT cars. Some of the teasers for them look ridiculous.
So... So far, I'd probably give it an 8/10.
Jan 5, 2014 at 9:29 PM Post #4,041 of 6,977
You are way to generous.
As for GT 6 first of all yes I do have fun in some cars. Hotlapping green hell never goes old and this version is of good standards. Can´t wait for the laser scanned version in Assetto Corsa but that is autumn 2014.
As for the physics it´s a very mixed bag. Some cars drive like they always do. I tried the G35 on GT5 and GT 6 and in a blind test dunno who could feel the difference! The body roll make the replays look just that bit better though. GT 6 is still a simcade title and way to easy but you could put on sport tires and pretend it´s racing tires so some can be fixed with a bit of will.
But this is not the biggest con. The problem is that it has really not developed much since GT 5. We still have a lot of standard cars! I don´t believe why they opted to increase the number of poo cars instead of make sure every car is fully modelled? The career is as broken as ever with the worst possible AI ever. I was racing on a wheel and there was never a challenge to be found anywhere due to the bad AI and rubber band effect.I golded all the license tests without much effort too.
Another big gripe is the economy and how they lock content  to push you to buy more CR for real money. In arcade menu you only have access to some handfuls of courtesy cars. The rest you have to buy through the career you can´t test drive or anything. Car you bought you sell for a third of the cost and they add maintenance fees! for the cars not only the cost of tuning!
Even with the 100 % login bonus the economy is destroyed so you have to grind in all eternity to test all cars. And since you can´t test drive some of the cars you buy you regret heavilly because the mixed quality.
So overall after a completed career gold in all super I can´t give it more then a 5/10. But if you enjoy racing and have a wheel if you have a PS 3 I think you will find some fun with it though if you just want to take a car and hot lap the Green hell, bathurst or whatever you may find things quite frustrating.
There just hasn´t been much of a progress over GT 5. They should have called it GT 5.2 epilogue or something.
Jan 5, 2014 at 10:30 PM Post #4,042 of 6,977
Do you play with Traction Control on? Because that's the only way I could see someone thinking the two games' physics feel the same. With it off, they are completely different. (Or, rather, as different as they can be while still being based off real cars). I put absurd amounts of time on GT5. Easily in the hundreds of hours, and immediately I noticed a difference in the handling.
The bit about locking out content to force you to buy credits with real money is nonsense. There's not a single thing locked out that would require you to pony up real cash. Cars cost the same amount of money as they did on GT5, and pay outs are similar (though, there aren't the BIG money seasonal events that GT5 had, yet. The Mario Andretti challenge is still worth absurd amounts of credits in it's own right, though.)
I, too, wish that more of the standard cars got turned to premium models, but it's completely understandable that they didn't painstakingly remodel all 1000+ cars in high detail. And if they just got rid of them outright, it would cause more outrage. Everyone would claim the series is going backward by removing cars. They really did the only sensible thing they could do: clean up some of the poorer, more popular models.
I will say that, yes, the AI sucks. But I never really had much issue with rubberbanding when cars were behind me. It's actually kind of funny, they usually fall back with the rest of the pack, and only gain speed when they're ahead of me. But the AI really falls in line with what I expect from the series: I've never really seen it as a game for racing fans, it always seemed more like a game for car enthusiasts. Relying more on pretty graphics and convincing cars, than on breakneck speed and the ultimate challenge. The AI cars, to me, don't seem like they're meant to provide a challenge, they're more like moving obstacles.
Jan 6, 2014 at 8:51 AM Post #4,044 of 6,977
... Played some Sonic 3 today.... super total RETRO Gasmic awesomeness! Though I kinda suck... I've forgotten like half the little secrects I knew. Although I am better at the Emerald Challenges than I used to b 
Jan 6, 2014 at 8:58 AM Post #4,045 of 6,977
It's the suspension modelling that is updated. I always run without aids as I am faster without anyway. Sometimes abs because one of many bugs is that the race brakes is bugged on some cars In gt6. Try the g35 and come back with your findings.
Jan 6, 2014 at 9:00 AM Post #4,046 of 6,977
Currently playing ni no kuni and i would give it an 9.5/10. Really enjoyable jprg
Jan 6, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #4,049 of 6,977
The old GT Legends has the best handling, IMO and it still looks and plays brilliantly now.

I've just ordered a 2560x1440 monitor with a Radeon R9 290 4GB card. They should be with me in the next week or so. Quite an upgrade from my present HD5850 1 GB running at 1080p. Given that I've got a core i7 3820 and 16GB of RAM, I can't wait! Apparently this monitor overclocks to 120mhz refresh rate as well! It's gonna be tough trying to juggle my work/gigs/girlfriend/gaming duties me thinks..

Oh goodness xD, I will say multiple monitors I think are better than ONE big one. I can game, and chat with u newbs at the same time... with dual screens ;3 

I presently use dual monitors - I have a 1440x900 alongside my 1920x1080.  This set up is indispensible when you get used to it.  I will probably pass on the 1440x900 to my bro when I get my new screen, so I can run the 2560x1440 alongside the 1920x1080.  I don't need three screens and I don't think eyefinity works with different resolutions like that.  In any case, I get motion sickness with some games, do would probably be puking out trying to game with an eyefinity set up!

Dual monitors also works great for music production/scoring, as you can stretch the program right across and use the full dual screen estate for plugins/long scores etc.  It's all good!
Jan 6, 2014 at 12:25 PM Post #4,050 of 6,977
  I presently use dual monitors - I have a 1440x900 alongside my 1920x1080.  This set up is indispensible when you get used to it.  I will probably pass on the 1440x900 to my bro when I get my new screen, so I can run the 2560x1440 alongside the 1920x1080.  I don't need three screens and I don't think eyefinity works with different resolutions like that.  In any case, I get motion sickness with some games, do would probably be puking out trying to game with an eyefinity set up!

Dual monitors also works great for music production/scoring, as you can stretch the program right across and use the full dual screen estate for plugins/long scores etc.  It's all good!

Exactly, yea I wouldn't do Eyefinety on different resultions, it shouldn't work anyways
But dual screens is great for a lot of non gaming applications! 

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